I'm not disagreeing with you... let me offer an admittedly imperfect analogy and see if it helps...So it's okay to have a fake class and give everyone an "A" but not okay to have a coach ask a professor if a student can do some extra credit to improve their grade. Which is worse?
Sam and Joe are CPA's. Sam is caught intentionally falsifying financial statements. Joe is caught killing his wife in a crime of passion having nothing to do with his profession.
Whose crime is worse? We'd all agree on Joe.
Who loses his CPA license? Clearly, Sam would. But maybe not Joe. Maybe the licensing agency decides that Joe's crime is outside the scope of their authority, and they'll let him practice accounting in prison like Andy Dufresne.
To bring it back to point - what UNC did is clearly worse than what RU did. However, what UNC did MAY not have been within the purview of NCAA enforcement. At least UNC appears to be willing to bet its athletic life that it isn't. Whereas what RU did clearly fell within the NCAA purview.