OT: UNC Scandal "Judgment Day" is Friday the 13th

This is why RU will never be a big time athletic school. You have to cheat to win, and if you get caught you have to defend yourself. UNC and PSU circled the wagons when they got caught and eventually the NCAA folded.
But you know what, we do run a clean program. We go to sleep at night with a clear conscience.
Essentially the NCAA concluded that is was ok for the UNC athletes to cheat because some non-athletes were also allowed to cheat as well. Amazing.
But you know what, we do run a clean program. We go to sleep at night with a clear conscience.

Not according to the official record. Rutgers has been punished several times, UNC was not. PSU was initially punished but the NCAA eventually had to back off that as well. Officially RU is worse than UNC and PSU combined.
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Just stunned.

The NCAA has basically condoned cheating with this decision.
To bad Kyle Flood didn't help a non football player with a paper. We'd be golden.
I made this point publicly at a function the year he got suspended. It was an overreaction by a college president and Institution who doesn't understand the nuances of Big Time athletics. What Flood did regarding that paper was a school infraction not an NCAA infraction. It totally derailed the entire season and made a mockery of the football program. The end result is a well disciplined football program that cannot win more than 2 games per year.
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Not according to the official record. Rutgers has been punished several times, UNC was not. PSU was initially punished but the NCAA eventually had to back off that as well. Officially RU is worse than UNC and PSU combined.
Yes and no. Would you meet me half way and agree that our punishment is nothing more than window dressing.
Ok so we need to create a fake department staffed with political patrons, and admit our athletes and an equal number of otherwise non-qualifiers who belong in trade school. We can do this.
Since the NCAA didn’t come out against UNC, I guess I’ll tell my Rutgers storyabout a similar circumstance.

A friend of mine was on the verge of failing out of a school after his freshman year. He wasn’t a good student & he needed to take some courses to keep him afloat. So, he had a friend on the basketball team suggest that he take some courses with him to get that GPA boosted.

Anyway, my friend took the courses with his b-ball friend and he got As & managed to stay in school. He told me the courses he took were a joke & the easiest he ever had in his life.

So, since it’s legal, I have no qualms stating that Rutgers has its own stash of easy courses for athletes. While I doubt they were as easy as the courses UNC athletes took, they still existed. They also utilized the same UNC playbook to keep them legal as well (Hey look! Non-athletes take them as well.)

Do I know if these classes still exist? No, I do not. I suspect they still do, and if they don’t, there is no reason not to revive them now.
Yes and no. Would you meet me half way and agree that our punishment is nothing more than window dressing.

No, disagree. When RU got punished I heard from several friends and coworkers that were surprised RU was cheating. I attempted to explain what happened a couple times but could tell people's eyes were glazing over, so gave up. The general perception was simply that RU cheated and still sucked.

People will hear that UNC's championship level program was not punished. They are winners that don't cheat.

The vast majority of people are not plugged in to the particulars.
Ok so we need to create a fake department staffed with political patrons, and admit our athletes and an equal number of otherwise non-qualifiers who belong in trade school. We can do this.

We would never do this because we care about academics at least i would hope.
We would never do this because we care about academics at least i would hope.
As if UNC does not care about academics. Do you realize that they are ranked 30th in the country and we are ranked 70th and that's after we raided the Medical School!! We would be closer to 90th if it were not for the Medical School. UNC is an elite institution who understands and values athletics.
Let's be fair and accurate. UNC cares deeply about academics. Really they do. And their academics are strong. It's just that their MBB program is the priority, above all. Even above academics, in that regard.

Correct! The difference here at Rutgers is that academics will always come 1st.

This ruling sends a strong message that the NCAA doesn't give a damn about academics, and they care more about the one sport that makes them the most money MBB, because they still run the tournament, unlike football.
We would never do this because we care about academics at least i would hope.

Let's be fair and accurate. UNC cares deeply about academics. Really they do. And their academics are strong. It's just that their MBB program is the priority, above all. Even above academics, in that regard.

That's fair.

I should have said because Rutgers cares about academics above all else..which is what a University should..they would never do that.
We would never do this because we care about academics at least i would hope.
As if UNC does not care about academics. Do you realize that they are ranked 30th in the country and we are ranked 70th and that's after we raided the Medical School!! We would be closer to 90th if it were not for the Medical School. UNC is an elite institution who understands the value of athletics.

True. I corrected my statement below.
No. NCAA doesn't allow recruits to get paid. That's a violation.
It's also a violation for a school to cheat to keep an athlete academically eligible, but that was ignored here because of the "other students benefited" standard they invented.
Let's be fair and accurate. UNC cares deeply about academics. Really they do. And their academics are strong. It's just that their MBB program is the priority, above all. Even above academics, in that regard.
Just curious did you do your graduate work at UNC?
As if UNC does not care about academics. Do you realize that they are ranked 30th in the country and we are ranked 70th? That's after we raided the Medical School!! You're talking about an elite institution who understands the value of athletics.

Penn State is ranked #52
It's also a violation for a school to cheat to keep an athlete academically eligible, but that was ignored here because of the "other students benefited" standard they invented.
Good point...their athletes maintained eligibility by being enrolled in classes that the NCAA seems to even acknowledge were bogus. Forgetting whether that is a special benefit for athletes relative to other students who could take the same bogus classes, it still provided an athletic advantage by keeping those kids eligible and not wasting their time that could be better spent practicing by having them actually have to go to classes or do homework.

As Trump would say: "SAD!"
We would never do this because we care about academics at least i would hope.
We're seriously still going to debate this? The NCAA just gave universities carte blanche to eff academics for student athletes. Why self-impose sanctions like that?
Let's be fair and admit that every school from the Ivies to the on competative schools have their so-called "gut" classes that we know are available to anyone. But it is apparent to all except the phony hypocrites at the NCAA that there was more involved at UNC. The is the NCAA either ran scared or did a miserable job in presenting its case and apparently didn't spend the money to prove it. Who does the other schools fire for a poor unaccountable job. I would love to hear Bobby Knight's take on this as he knows how hypocritical the NCAA is. Next up will be a full story on 60 Minutes which I hope exposes the NCAA and how it dropped the ball here.
Let's be fair and admit that every school from the Ivies to the on competative schools have their so-called "gut" classes that we know are available to anyone. But it is apparent to all except the phony hypocrites at the NCAA that there was more involved at UNC. The is the NCAA either ran scared or did a miserable job in presenting its case and apparently didn't spend the money to prove it. Who does the other schools fire for a poor unaccountable job. I would love to hear Bobby Knight's take on this as he knows how hypocritical the NCAA is. Next up will be a full story on 60 Minutes which I hope exposes the NCAA and how it dropped the ball here.

- The NCAA would have had to have "threaded the needle" here pretty precisely - and the firepower of the respective institution would have weighed on their mind - the transgressions that the NCAA could have pursued would have had to have been attributable to the athletic program - NCAA has no jurisdiction over the courses offered by the University - even if they were of a nature that could cost a University its academic accreditation - the University can offer a course called "The Philosophy of inhaling and exhaling with eyes closed" and the NCAA does not have the authority to pronounce that to be outside of an acceptable curriculum for athletes.
ANOTHER NCAA Championship banner is going up TONIGHT in the Dean Dome! Suck it!!!

Food for thought... how many players at elite BB institutions have been rules academically ineligible over the past 20 years? Can you name 3? They didn't need these fake classes. People will find ways. Duke is a hard school, yet basketball success rate is above the students with 1500 on their SAT's? How does that happen?
This conversation needs one critical reminder, lest we get too carried away with our own academic wonderfulness.

Remember: "Ray Rice don't do exams."
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ANOTHER NCAA Championship banner is going up TONIGHT in the Dean Dome! Suck it!!!

Food for thought... how many players at elite BB institutions have been rules academically ineligible over the past 20 years? Can you name 3? They didn't need these fake classes. People will find ways. Duke is a hard school, yet basketball success rate is above the students with 1500 on their SAT's? How does that happen?
It's fake?
Let's be fair and admit that every school from the Ivies to the on competative schools have their so-called "gut" classes that we know are available to anyone. But it is apparent to all except the phony hypocrites at the NCAA that there was more involved at UNC. The is the NCAA either ran scared or did a miserable job in presenting its case and apparently didn't spend the money to prove it. Who does the other schools fire for a poor unaccountable job. I would love to hear Bobby Knight's take on this as he knows how hypocritical the NCAA is. Next up will be a full story on 60 Minutes which I hope exposes the NCAA and how it dropped the ball here.

There is a different between an easy but legitimate degree and this BS. This was a 100$ scam and they got away with it.

Rutgers doesn't have fake classes nor does it offer the dumb jock degree aka General Studies.
we are ranked 70th and that's after we raided the Medical School!! We would be closer to 90th if it were not for the Medical School

I know you're hung up on the med school thing but there's no truth to the statement above. There is nothing to suggest that the med school has helped keep the Rutgers-NB undergraduate ranking from falling down to the 90-range, which hasn't happened. The ranking has more or less hovered in the same general ballpark pre- and post-merger.