OT: Was your spouse/significant other a Rutgers fan before you met them?


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Jun 28, 2001
My wife hated all sports. She taught in the high school I went to many moons ago. Got her into sports by going to see her student’s football games. After my dad passed she was the one who said we should start a family tradition and we ordered season tickets. First game daughter in a stroller, now 23 years of season tickets later…..daughter also a teacher. God Blessed me let’s face it I married up😉
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My wife went to Monmouth and attended zero football games in her time there. She did attend many tailgates, but never went inside. She had no interest in football, college or pro.
She now tolerates Rutgers and dresses our boys in a lot of RU gear. She has several Eagles jerseys, plays fantasy football and survivor pools, and usually watches the Eagles game with me.
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My wife went to Monmouth and attended zero football games in her time there. She did attend many tailgates, but never went inside. She had no interest in football, college or pro.
She now tolerates Rutgers and dresses our boys in a lot of RU gear. She has several Eagles jerseys, plays fantasy football and survivor pools, and usually watches the Eagles game with me.
My wife went to Washington College (Maryland) and had zero interest in any sport, let alone Rutgers. She is rather unhappy that between September and April my leisure time is almost entirely devoted to RU sports. After almost 40 years she should know better!
Wife went to Seton Hall and has adopted RU as her college (football) team. She came from a football loving family and was a cheerleader at SWMHS so has no issues with the whole football season thing for fans. My oldest son is a sophomore at RU so that makes her even more interested. We've been going to games as a family since my oldest son was 2 years old (he's 19). Although the frequency has dropped off a bit (she now goes to perhaps 2-3 games a year max) she still likes both tailgating and going into the games. Doesn't watch the RU Games on TV unless we're at a home tailgating type event with friends.
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I demanded my bride give up the delusion that is Seton Hall basketball. And to the surprise of many family and friends, she did. 29 years later, she looks forward to basketball almost as much as my son and I do.
It's 3 against one for RU vs Seton Hall in our house, but my wife won't budge on basketball rooting interest.
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Wife not a fan although I have dragged her to a few games over the years.
Will go to the grand kids games - soccer basketball and volleyball but doesn’t really know that much about them (admittedly I know almost nothing about soccer, except to cheer when kids teams get a goal)
Met wife at Rutgers, she(and her BF at the time) went to most home games and a few away games(they were at the win at PSU 88). She went to more games that I did as a student. We usually when to a game a year until 2007 when our youngest was old enough to go to games and we got season tickets (I am a bigger fan than she is these days).
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My wife is/was a big league nerd and went to TCNJ. She now loves going to basketball games but there is no way in hell she’s watching them on TV. I’ve also brought her around to hating SHU.
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The Mrs. was not an undergrad student, though her good friend was. They both made the Targum front page photo from the RU - BC game in Boston if that counts, LOL. She since received her Masters at RU too.
No, she wasn't, which is kind of funny because she is a Rutgers grad. Just didn't care about that aspect of Rutgers, one way or another and still does not. She's been to four Rutgers football games in her life, all in her 30s (2006 , '07, and '12), and 40s (2018?) and never once to basketball game. Hates the sport (which you can imagine was disappointing to me). She only cares when they play Seton Hall because she likes to rub my nose in it if Rutgers wins, but it's not because she actually cares about RUBB.

The 2007 football game was the big Thursday night game against USF, so if that didn't get under her skin, it's not going to happen, I guess. I don't care about the Rutgers part of it; it's just that my life would be a little easier on Saturday afternoons in the fall if she warmed to the sport at all.
My wife is a Jersey girl that went to Johnson & Wales - a school with no D1 sports - so it was an easy conversion

It also helped that we started dating right as Schiano 1.0 started taking shape in 2003.

She ran on the field with me at the Louisville game, has attended multiple bowl games, basketball....she's a keeper
My wife is a Jersey girl that went to Johnson & Wales - a school with no D1 sports - so it was an easy conversion

It also helped that we started dating right as Schiano 1.0 started taking shape in 2003.

She ran on the field with me at the Louisville game, has attended multiple bowl games, basketball....she's a keeper
Some guys have all the luck!!
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Met my wife in 1987 at the Melody Bar in NB (she was living in HP and a Stockton grad, not an RU grad) and she was never much of a sports fan, although she enjoyed Homecoming back then. She would come to a couple of games per year when our son was a growing up and when I only had 2 tix (pre-Schiano), so she'd kind of keep him occupied until he was old enough to want to go on his own as a fan. Since then, she'll typically come to 1 or 2 games each year, mostly to be sociable, since our crew went from 4 to 12-14 in 2006. She likes modern "technology," i.e., Uber, which allows her to leave after halftime, lol. She likes hoops more, as the games are shorter and inside, where the weather is perfect - she'll come to 1-2 hoops games per year (and might go to more if I had more tix). On the plus side, she rarely gives me grief for spending most of 6-7 Saturdays in fall at RU tailgates/games.
Met my wife freshmen year on Campbell (floor 2) Shes a big RU fan and goes to a few games (mostly bball) a year She does liker to travel to away football games which is a plus.
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Thanks to my wife’s father and brothers she’s a pretty big pro sports fan. While she’s not an avid RU fan she enjoys going to FB games and watching MBB on TV.
Mine went to Fordham. Don't think she went to many games there?

One of the last games we went to together at home, just dating then, was a rainy homecoming game. BCU was the opponent.

She was a cheerleading coach at the HS she taught at, so I thought we were both checking them out and watching their routines.

Unbeknownst to me she had gone down the aisle to help out an older gent who was yelling at some younger drunk fans to calm down. It got really heated. So much so I got involved. I remember there were about five of them and I thought they were going the fight the older guy. Think they pushed him? Can't really remember. One of them had a big plastic vuvuzela horn. I grab it and tossed it away.

They then proceeded to jump me. All five of them. Luckily because they were so wasted there wasn't much behind each punch. Haymakers, but all body shots. Yellow Jackets showed up and broke it up. They got tossed.

After the game we went to dinner at the old Rutgers Club on College Ave. In my car before we went in, I said, "DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!" Nice evening and dinner.

Not sure if she went to any other home games after that? She did get very emotional after the Louisville game when watching the replay that night on TV with me.

She did go to a few bowl games with me (Texas, International, 1st Pinstripe).
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No, my wife was not a sports fan. Still doesn't quite understand why I love Sports & RU so much. But, she loves me & will make sure I have my snacks or subs during game times & wears RU gear to show support.

She's even learned when big games are and will ask me about the upcoming games etc. She's awesome:)
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Wife is from Northeast Philly and had no interest in college sports.

She now loves attending/watching Rutgers basketball.

Doesn’t care much for football (I’ve taken her to a couple brutal games) but does enjoy going to the games/tailgating when it’s nice out.
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Wife is from Northeast Philly and had no interest in college sports. She now loves attending/watching Rutgers basketball.

Doesn’t care much for football (I’ve taken her to a couple brutal games) but does enjoy going to the games/tailgating when it’s nice out.

It's gonna be really nice on Saturday, you should bring her around.
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No but her Dad was a tremendous football player and her brother started at middle linebacker as a sophomore at a high profile school at the time so she grew up with football and adopted RU pretty quick. She’s a diehard Yankee fan and loves RU basketball games. I think the first game I took her to was Alabama. She’s been hooked ever since although she’s not a psycho like me.
My wife was not interested in sports, but as a wedding present brought me RU season tickets for the 1st time, had them ever since.
We met at RU (party at Alpha Sig) and she was in the marching band. She is not a big sports fan per se but she’s the mom of two boys and has learned to humor the three of us. She does love going to RU games for the event and atmosphere but a loss doesn’t ruin her week like it does mine.
Well, my wife is a UConn alum (I'll pause here and wait for your boos and obscenities). But, she didn't know / care / tolerate / enjoy football, whatsoever. She was a basketball fan. She still refers to the time between Labor Day and the early Spring as her being a "Football widow", as I'm solely focused on either attending the games or watching them on tv. When we were in the Big East, we made it our tradition to watch the RU-UConn game every year, her dressed in her UConn regalia and me in my RU shirt, hat, etc. That was a fun and competitive time. But, outside of that, she still came to the games (and tailgates) with me and had a blast.

Nowadays, we'll invite friends over to watch the RU game. She'll be wearing her Rutgers shirt or hat and watch the game for a bit. She'll either make or buy food and drinks and occasionally ask me how UConn is doing (badly). Then she'll tell me "just wait until basketball season!"
Yes. Met my eventual wife in September of '08 at a pregame we had at our house on Guilden prior to going out. Like me, she was at every football game. The first one we watched together on tv was the '08 road game at Navy (Mike Teel/Glen Lee punch) and I did my best to keep my cool with the way that one ended. The first game we attended together was that 12-10 barn burner vs. UConn. We bought season tickets the year I graduated in '09, and we didn't miss a game until the night of our rehearsal dinner (home opener vs. Washington in '17). She's dealt with a lot of my post-game moods and miserable walks out of the stadium, but she loves RU Football. Tailgating with friends has become of a part of the Fall that we looked forward to every year. Those same people we raged with at our '09-12 tailgates all have kids now, us included. There's just something about sharing RU Football with her that is awesome.

We relocated to Florida last April, but we don't miss a game on tv. We make make a point to get up to NJ at least once every Fall to do a tailgate. We've got the "R" garden flag and the "R" magnets on both cars. We're doing our best to pass along the RU fandom to our young daughters in the heart of Gator country.
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Should add my wife taking my daughter to Taylor Swift movie 10:30PM tonight. I figured late night+bad weather I would be alone tomorrow. Nope! Wife and daughter still want to go. Beauty Brains and a dedicated RU fan. Who needs Powerball when I already hit the jackpot😉
Yes. Met my eventual wife in September of '08 at a pregame we had at our house on Guilden prior to going out. Like me, she was at every football game. The first one we watched together on tv was the '08 road game at Navy (Mike Teel/Glen Lee punch) and I did my best to keep my cool with the way that one ended. The first game we attended together was that 12-10 barn burner vs. UConn. We bought season tickets the year I graduated in '09, and we didn't miss a game until the night of our rehearsal dinner (home opener vs. Washington in '17). She's dealt with a lot of my post-game moods and miserable walks out of the stadium, but she loves RU Football. Tailgating with friends has become of a part of the Fall that we looked forward to every year. Those same people we raged with at our '09-12 tailgates all have kids now, us included. There's just something about sharing RU Football with her that is awesome.

We relocated to Florida last April, but we don't miss a game on tv. We make make a point to get up to NJ at least once every Fall to do a tailgate. We've got the "R" garden flag and the "R" magnets on both cars. We're doing our best to pass along the RU fandom to our young daughters in the heart of Gator country.
Go figure- my wife couldn't stand football and hand no idea about the game itself. Only cared if it seemed her son got hurt or not. Being that her son was pretty decent at the game- she did attend most of his HS games.
When he got to Rutgers- she became a student of the game and could recognize holding, could see plays developing and never missed a game. I remember when she picked up on that when the QB lifted his foot pre snap- that it put someone in motion.
She stayed a football fan for the next 4 years and now- won't even watch a longer has any interest in the game...
But, she does know that game time is my time.
Go figure- my wife couldn't stand football and hand no idea about the game itself. Only cared if it seemed her son got hurt or not. Being that her son was pretty decent at the game- she did attend most of his HS games.
When he got to Rutgers- she became a student of the game and could recognize holding, could see plays developing and never missed a game. I remember when she picked up on that when the QB lifted his foot pre snap- that it put someone in motion.
She stayed a football fan for the next 4 years and now- won't even watch a longer has any interest in the game...
But, she does know that game time is my time.
Recognize holding? She must have went crazy watching Wisconsin last week😎
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My spouse is from the southern coast of NC and is a UNC Business School grad. She's exclusively all-UNC (and loathes Duke, with a crazed passion). Rutgers is non-existent to her, except it being my school. She understands my fanaticism for all things RU, though. We are able to root for App State, since we're living in Boone.
My wife (not a RU alum) came to a few football games when we were dating when my dad couldn't use his ticket due to illness. That morphed into her own season ticket when we moved in together. Then, season tix for bball both men's and women's. We've been together 33 years (married 31) and neither of us misses games, ever.

Our wedding colors were scarlet, black and white!

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