
Oct 23, 2013
PENN STATE (-38½) over Georgia State: Thus concludes Penn State’s intramural portion of the schedule. Correction: the Nittany Lions play host to Rutgers on Nov. 11.

From todays: NY POST
PENN STATE (-38½) over Georgia State: Thus concludes Penn State’s intramural portion of the schedule. Correction: the Nittany Lions play host to Rutgers on Nov. 11.

From todays: NY POST
Thanks for sharing. We already established that Howie Kussoy is a Maryland grad douche who is using his job as a platform to put down Rutgers. Just look at him:

Talking about a game 2 months out in PSUs schedule to review their game this week. Yeah that's relevant...Talk about agenda...
If PSU is undefeated in that game I think the outcome is going to be devastating, potentially worse than Michigan. In order to get style points and a top seed they will have no choice but to crack that whip hard.
I don't know about you, but I am really ticked off that in 2 years, we went from being on an even playing field with them with a chance to beat them at home to being their whipping boy again.

I'm ticked off that every other top team seems to be playing other top teams out of conference (Bama-FSU, OSU-OK, Michigan-Florida, Clemson-Auburn, etc) and PSU is playing the Little Sisters of the Poor every week...
I'm ticked off that every other top team seems to be playing other top teams out of conference (Bama-FSU, OSU-OK, Michigan-Florida, Clemson-Auburn, etc) and PSU is playing the Little Sisters of the Poor every week...
Why don't you research it a little before you expose yourself as clueless.

PSU played Pitt which is a power 5 school who beat the NC last year on their home field.

In conference, PSU plays probably the 2nd, 3rd and 4th best West conference teams in Iowa, NW and Nebraska.

In the east, PSU plays OSU, Michigan, Michigan State, Indiana and Maryland, all of which will be potential losses on a bad day.

PSU has a very representative schedule overall.
I don't know about you, but I am really ticked off that in 2 years, we went from being on an even playing field with them with a chance to beat them at home to being their whipping boy again.
Yes you are correct. The institution made a clear and decisive error in firing Coach Flood strictly both from a monetary and W/L perspective. Think about it, they could have kept Kyle flight until his contract ran out which I believe would have been this year. At that point in time they would've had between 2.2 million and $3 million per year to spend on a head coach. Is the program from a win and loss prospective any better off today than it was three years ago? Well, any logical person would say no. Last year Kyle flood running the pro-set would have beaten Iowa, Indiana, Minnesota and potentially Illinois. That sir is 6 wins. This move to hire Ash was strictly to clean up the program. However to that extent coach Ash has done a magnificent job and deserves tremendous credit.
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Why don't you research it a little before you expose yourself as clueless.

PSU played Pitt which is a power 5 school who beat the NC last year on their home field.

In conference, PSU plays probably the 2nd, 3rd and 4th best West conference teams in Iowa, NW and Nebraska.

In the east, PSU plays OSU, Michigan, Michigan State, Indiana and Maryland, all of which will be potential losses on a bad day.

PSU has a very representative schedule overall.

Pitt would destroy us
Yes you are correct. The institution made an clear and decisive error in firing Coach Flood strictly both from a monetary and W/L perspective. Think about it, they could have kept Kyle flight until his contract ran out which I believe would have been this year. At that point in time they would've had between 2.2 million and $3 million per year to spend on a head coach. Is the program from a win and loss prospective any better off today than it was three years ago? Well, any logical person would say no. Last year Kyle flood running the pro-set would have beaten Iowa, Indiana, Minnesota and potentially Illinois. That sir is 6 wins. This move to hire Ash was strictly to clean up the program. However to that extent coach Ash has done a magnificent job and deserves tremendous credit.

People don't want to admit that. Flood never lost 78-0. Laviano was better with Flood.
Follow the money trail. Those who forget that money makes a difference in college football are forgetting the oil in the engine. You can only run so well without oil. Every other team in the conference has greater means by far than we do. When Ash was hired after the Flood regime, it was going to be at least two years of suffering before there were legitimate signs of hope emerging, even if we somehow avoid getting the shit kicked out of us by the big 3 in our conference. The UW game gave us hope, and maybe we'll surprise a team or two this year, but Purdue, Maryland, and Indiana all have about $30mm/year more to work with than we do. We are going to be playing catch-up for a long time.

As much as it feels like a slow death being a Rutgers fan, the alternative was to permanently die on the vine in the AAC or elsewhere. There is little doubt in my mind that, had we stayed in the previous conference, the administration would have gone the route Chicago did a long time ago and pulled the plug on football. So we must endure.
Ever listen to John Mulaney's take on the Post?
"It's like someone read a better paper and is giving you the gist of what they read".
Thanks for sharing. We already established that Howie Kussoy is a Maryland grad douche who is using his job as a platform to put down Rutgers.
While I have no doubt you're right about Howie Kussoy (whoever the hell that is), I really wish OP and others wouldn't share stuff like this. We're 0-2 coming off of a 2-10 year so yeah, people are going to take shots at us. There is no need to post every snarky comment which inevitably just starts up a new round of b!tching and moaning. I swear some people want to be miserable and seek this stuff out.
Follow the money trail. Those who forget that money makes a difference in college football are forgetting the oil in the engine. You can only run so well without oil. Every other team in the conference has greater means by far than we do. When Ash was hired after the Flood regime, it was going to be at least two years of suffering before there were legitimate signs of hope emerging, even if we somehow avoid getting the shit kicked out of us by the big 3 in our conference. The UW game gave us hope, and maybe we'll surprise a team or two this year, but Purdue, Maryland, and Indiana all have about $30mm/year more to work with than we do. We are going to be playing catch-up for a long time.

As much as it feels like a slow death being a Rutgers fan, the alternative was to permanently die on the vine in the AAC or elsewhere. There is little doubt in my mind that, had we stayed in the previous conference, the administration would have gone the route Chicago did a long time ago and pulled the plug on football. So we must endure.
Then why would the institution pursue such a reckless course of action!! They could have smacked Kyle's hand, replaced the AD for window dressing and moved on like 99% of other schools. Flood and his assistants would have won at least 5 games last year, potentially six games. They were also working on a shoestring budget which is dear to the institutions heart!!
Follow the money trail. Those who forget that money makes a difference in college football are forgetting the oil in the engine. You can only run so well without oil. Every other team in the conference has greater means by far than we do. When Ash was hired after the Flood regime, it was going to be at least two years of suffering before there were legitimate signs of hope emerging, even if we somehow avoid getting the shit kicked out of us by the big 3 in our conference. The UW game gave us hope, and maybe we'll surprise a team or two this year, but Purdue, Maryland, and Indiana all have about $30mm/year more to work with than we do. We are going to be playing catch-up for a long time.

As much as it feels like a slow death being a Rutgers fan, the alternative was to permanently die on the vine in the AAC or elsewhere. There is little doubt in my mind that, had we stayed in the previous conference, the administration would have gone the route Chicago did a long time ago and pulled the plug on football. So we must endure.
endure to what time period and what cost??. Posters here have detailed the cuts in each season ticket account,long time backers state they dont attend all games,stadium will become empty and recruits will all start to decommit if two win seasons continue for three straight years and NO B10 wins under Ash.
Some RU fans are just conditioned I guess to accept mediocre effort by the RU administration in what then could be just called a clear 'money grab' to gain B10 revenue and not have a plan to re invest into the football program long term.
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endure to what time period and what cost??. Posters here have detailed the cuts in each season ticket account,long time backers state they dont attend all games,stadium will become empty and recruits will all start to decommit if two win seasons continue for three straight years and NO B10 wins under Ash.
Some RU fans are just conditioned I guess to accept mediocre effort by the RU administration in what then could be just called a clear 'money grab' to gain B10 revenue and not have a plan to re invest into the football program long term.
Very true and sad. I always felt that as full members we will see a fraction of that money. A money grab is accurate.
Why don't you research it a little before you expose yourself as clueless.

PSU played Pitt which is a power 5 school who beat the NC last year on their home field.

In conference, PSU plays probably the 2nd, 3rd and 4th best West conference teams in Iowa, NW and Nebraska.

In the east, PSU plays OSU, Michigan, Michigan State, Indiana and Maryland, all of which will be potential losses on a bad day.

PSU has a very representative schedule overall.

Pitt is indeed a Power 5 team, but is not in the same league as many leading teams "difficult" non-conference game. Oklahoma for Ohio State. Florida for Michigan. FSU for Alabama. Hell, even Washington for Rutgers.
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so true. He knows we are in a fertile recruiting area and wants everyone to know we are their bitch. He will run it up against us w/ no remorse.
If he does run up the score on us, I personally give our students permission to continue to chant F Penn State.
PSU 87 RU 0

PSU wants to turn us into the Temple of the B1G.

Franklin wants there to be no question who owns the east coast.

How soon some people forget what the defense the week before. And that Washington team put up 63 against Montana last weekend.

Tell you what. Let's make a friendly wager. I'll take Rutgers and 87. If I win you make a $100 contribution to the 501(c)(3) charity of my choice. PSU covers and I will write a $100. check to the 501(c)(3) charity of your choice.

OK KT88..other than Fleck, the name du juour here, who would you have recommended? A coach like Golden who couldn't cut it at Miami? Rhule maybe? How is he doing down at Baylor? People are ready to run Ash out of town because he isn't a "real" coach. I can see where people are frustrated with the play calling on the field, but name a coach at Rutgers who has changed the landscape of Rutgers football the way Ash has. By landscape, I am talking about the improvements made around HPSS and in the program. New weight room, new practice fields, improved recruiting, etc. High profile donors are buying into the program like never before (at least from what we hear). He has a work ethic seemingly comparable to very few. It's a flyer to take a chance on an assistant, but Ash is a work horse it seems. He has recruits buying into the program who could be playing on much more storied fields. The foundation is being set, the house is being rebuilt from Hurricane Kyle, and many are ready to tear it right back down to the ground. On field coaching can be fixed much easier than rebuilding a program which has been leveled by a former coach. Rome wasn't built in a day and Rutgers Football won't be rebuilt in a year and half. Not from what was left over.
How soon some people forget what the defense the week before. And that Washington team put up 63 against Montana last weekend.

Tell you what. Let's make a friendly wager. I'll take Rutgers and 87. If I win you make a $100 contribution to the 501(c)(3) charity of my choice. PSU covers and I will write a $100. check to the 501(c)(3) charity of your choice.


Check Spanky's prediction posts. He will always take RU and lay 89!!! [banana]
Yes you are correct. The institution made a clear and decisive error in firing Coach Flood strictly both from a monetary and W/L perspective. Think about it, they could have kept Kyle flight until his contract ran out which I believe would have been this year. At that point in time they would've had between 2.2 million and $3 million per year to spend on a head coach. Is the program from a win and loss prospective any better off today than it was three years ago? Well, any logical person would say no. Last year Kyle flood running the pro-set would have beaten Iowa, Indiana, Minnesota and potentially Illinois. That sir is 6 wins. This move to hire Ash was strictly to clean up the program. However to that extent coach Ash has done a magnificent job and deserves tremendous credit.
Are you high? Keep a guy who had 25 of 75 recruits transfer or get arrested and kicked off the team? Keep a guy whose idea of a strength and conditioning program was crossfit? Keep a guy who couldn't develop a single player in his four years as head coach? Laviano in his entire time on the Banks never developed beyond the freshman "stare down your primary target" method. Keep a guy who even now is facing a show cause order? A guy losing recruiting battles to Temple and U-Conn? That's who you suggest we should have kept?

Last year Kyle Flood would have gone 2-10 too. Only difference is we would have had the #80 class in the nation for 2017 and none of the 4* guys Coach Ash recruited for this class and our QB would be a completely green Rescigno, because he would never have seen the field last year.
Yes you are correct. The institution made a clear and decisive error in firing Coach Flood strictly both from a monetary and W/L perspective. Think about it, they could have kept Kyle flight until his contract ran out which I believe would have been this year. At that point in time they would've had between 2.2 million and $3 million per year to spend on a head coach. Is the program from a win and loss prospective any better off today than it was three years ago? Well, any logical person would say no. Last year Kyle flood running the pro-set would have beaten Iowa, Indiana, Minnesota and potentially Illinois. That sir is 6 wins. This move to hire Ash was strictly to clean up the program. However to that extent coach Ash has done a magnificent job and deserves tremendous credit.

You usually make very valid points. But no way should have flood been retained after 2 years, let alone 4. He was a bad hire from jump and needed to go. The problem is rutgers following a bad hire with what is looking like a worse hire.
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People don't want to admit that. Flood never lost 78-0. Laviano was better with Flood.
You only think Laviano was better because he had Carroo to stare down under Flood. So Carroo gets open, throw it to him. Hopefully it's not picked, and if he's not open we're probably going to take a sack. Last year, Grant was gone after game 4, and that's when Lav's stats tanked. In fairness, the injury did coincide with the the games against OSU and Mich, which doesn't help one bit.
One last though, I'm pretty sure we played a tougher schedule in 16 than 15, swapping out Wazzou for Washington, Penn State was waaay better in 16 than 15, and Meechigan was much better in 16 as well, and 9 conference games instead of 8...
Are you high? Keep a guy who had 25 of 75 recruits transfer or get arrested and kicked off the team? Keep a guy whose idea of a strength and conditioning program was crossfit? Keep a guy who couldn't develop a single player in his four years as head coach? Laviano in his entire time on the Banks never developed beyond the freshman "stare down your primary target" method. Keep a guy who even now is facing a show cause order? A guy losing recruiting battles to Temple and U-Conn? That's who you suggest we should have kept?

Last year Kyle Flood would have gone 2-10 too. Only difference is we would have had the #80 class in the nation for 2017 and none of the 4* guys Coach Ash recruited for this class and our QB would be a completely green Rescigno, because he would never have seen the field last year.
No way CZ. People are not buying that line anymore. Yes, Coach Ash is a better recruiter, no point discussing Kyle flood and recruiting. However, to say that coach flood would not have beaten Iowa, Indiana and Minnesota is not accurate. First and foremost he would have run the pro set offense, an offense kids were familiar playing. You asked me if I'm high? If you refuse to criticize a head coach who runs the power spread without a single player in that locker room familiar with that type of offense there is no point in continuing the conversation. By the way, take a look at the execution of plays, look at how long the plays take to materialize and how easy defensive coordinators dial-up easy but effective blitz packages. I'm no fan of Kyle flood but to say he was not a better head coach than Chris Ash is being disingenuous.
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You usually make very valid points. But no way should have flood been retained after 2 years, let alone 4. He was a bad hire from jump and needed to go. The problem is rutgers following a bad hire with what is looking like a worse hire.
Plum: I too think you're a terrific poster. However, I think you're missing my point regarding Kyle flood. If the institution felt that Flood had to go then it should have pursued a more successful football coach, correct? What I'm saying is that If Chris Ash was the answer I would have much preferred they kept Kyle Flood on a short leash while searching for a better head coach. Set your feelings aside and tell me with a straight face that Flood was not a better head coach than Chris Ash? There is no doubt in my mind that coach Flood would have beaten Iowa, Indiana or Minnesota? Were are you at the Illinois game? If not, let me fill you in. It was a cluster @&$) of mistakes, the team was in complete disarray with players out of position all game long. There is no way Flood would have allowed that to happen. If anyone on this board believes that Chris Ash at this point in time is a better game day head coach than Flood speak up. He was brought in to clean up the program the rest was unimportant to the Institution.
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PSU is not going to crush us. And here's why -- we are doing a really good job of burning clock.
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Coach Flood? he started out with a group of kids that had 5 players drafted. The players that Greg recruited. 4 years later 0 players drafted. That is Kyle Flood.
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Yes you are correct. The institution made a clear and decisive error in firing Coach Flood strictly both from a monetary and W/L perspective. Think about it, they could have kept Kyle flight until his contract ran out which I believe would have been this year. At that point in time they would've had between 2.2 million and $3 million per year to spend on a head coach. Is the program from a win and loss prospective any better off today than it was three years ago? Well, any logical person would say no. Last year Kyle flood running the pro-set would have beaten Iowa, Indiana, Minnesota and potentially Illinois. That sir is 6 wins. This move to hire Ash was strictly to clean up the program. However to that extent coach Ash has done a magnificent job and deserves tremendous credit.

We probably would have dropped the football by now if Flood was still the coach. The program was spinning out of cotntrol.