Pacific Pro Football Development League, could it be a problem for big time college football?

How are they going to pay for it? Particularly during the first few years where an unproven product like this won't generate diddly in attendance.
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If this takes off it will be good for the really dumb guys who are world class athletes but are forced to take fake classes or major in general studies to just skip school and go for it.

It is not like they will get a degree or a degree that can lead to a job of any kind.

the SEC might be a big trouble if this becomes a hit, however. Vandy might become the powerhouse in their conference, LOL.
This league will never take off. There's simply too much money, exposure, and history in college football. This has been tried before with other minor leagues. Once you sign that contract, all of your eligibility is gone.
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NCAA basketball is still around despite there being the D-league and overseas. However, NCAA basketball is ridiculous with all of the good teams being full of one and done players.
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Having a minor league to the NFL would be nothing but positive for college football. College football is supposed to be an athletic competition by college students. Even if this meant less revenue for universities, that would still be a net positive (it would force expenses to come down).

People who watch college sports do so mainly out of the entertainment that comes from schools competing. They don't do so, in my view, because these are the best players who aren't pro.

The main argument that weighs in favor of college football players getting paid is that they are "forced" to play college football (because they can't enter the NFL until out of high school for three years and there isn't another viable option). But the problem really isn't with college football; it is because the NFL has ensured there is no other viable option for young players.
If this takes off it will be good for the really dumb guys who are world class athletes but are forced to take fake classes or major in general studies to just skip school and go for it.

It is not like they will get a degree or a degree that can lead to a job of any kind.

the SEC might be a big trouble if this becomes a hit, however. Vandy might become the powerhouse in their conference, LOL.

But who will play for North Carolina then?
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However, NCAA basketball is ridiculous with all of the good teams being full of one and done players.

That is a recent occurrence brought on by an NBA minimum age requirement. Like the NFL rule, it would probably be found improper if challenged.

Also, it is worth noting that having all of the one and done players has not affected the popularity of college basketball.
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You know this already exists right...PAFL?

Of course you don't.

This is a good idea.

Hopefully it grows to 8 teams and allows players up to age 23 or 24 instead of the 4 years after HS.

Many kids just don't want to be in college and are only on campus for football. The school has to find a way to keep them eligible when they don't want to go to class.

I heard there may be an official NFL minor league too. If that happens this league will be like single A in baseball while that one will be the triple A level.
Maybe the members of KISS will try their luck at football again.

I wouldn't walk across the street to watch it.
I'd rather see my local high school team. Although I have to admit I had season tickets for the Generals in the USFL. But they had some big stars.
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This league will never take off. There's simply too much money, exposure, and history in college football. This has been tried before with other minor leagues. Once you sign that contract, all of your eligibility is gone.
1,000 times this. No one cares for, grew up rooting for or has any ties to the San Bernadino Express or whatever they are gonna call themselves. Yet plenty of people care about USC. No branding, no $, no league.
I still feel that baseball is.the only major sport that has it right.. go to a 4yr school must wait 3yrs or be eligible... want to go pro right away,there is the minor leagues to develop players.
There are real reasons why many of these kids are not academically qualified for college. Substandard living conditions, violent neighborhoods (murder, drugs, prostitution, illnesses) and in many cases a failed public school system. A well managed minor league football conference may be the only out for some of these kids. I don’t see a problem with as long as they are properly supported by the NFL as well as limited support by the Federal government.
The day that the NFL creates a minor league that in any way competes with college football is the day that Congress starts looking into the anti-trust exemption that allows the NFL to negotiate TV deals as a league.
My suggestion:
Modify the rookie contract and allow for an extra year on a rookie contract, but only if the player doesn't play a single snap the first year.

In effect, the player gets a "redshirt" year to prepare.

This takes the pressure off GMs who feel the need to play rookies right away while they are on that "cheap" rookie contract.

As a nod to the players union, I'd limit the number of redshirts to one player per year and it would only be applicable to the upcoming season immediately following that player's draft.

The redshirted play would not count against the team's roster.
You know this already exists right...PAFL?

I thought PAFL was just a semi pro league and this new one will be set up to be developmental only? Anyway, this one seems better funded just based on the salaries and benefits they say they will be offering. In theory it's a good concept, I have no idea if the business model will work.
Remember Vince McMahon's XFL? There was a guy in the league that named himself "He Hate Me." lol

His name was Rod Smart and ended up playing in the NFL for a handful of teams one of which was the Panthers. He was on their Super Bowl team the played the Pats.
This semi-pro league will never make.

Colleges for 4yrs year, feed, house, "educate" or condition if you will, and provide WORLD CLASS training LIKE NO OTHER. College kids are ready for the NFL.

This league won't do that. The last thing the NFL needs are more immature kids coming in.

The idiots will sign, lose eligibility, and this new league will fold inside 5yrs.

Who is going to watch this unpolished product? NO ONE. The NFL won't fund it. Colleges do it for them for free.
saining is far different than football training- unless this league spends millions to train these untested kids it will be doomed to failure. I have difficulty imagining any VC will actually see any ROI for their investment unless as a tax loss.