If this takes off it will be good for the really dumb guys who are world class athletes but are forced to take fake classes or major in general studies to just skip school and go for it.
It is not like they will get a degree or a degree that can lead to a job of any kind.
the SEC might be a big trouble if this becomes a hit, however. Vandy might become the powerhouse in their conference, LOL.
However, NCAA basketball is ridiculous with all of the good teams being full of one and done players.
But who will play for North Carolina then?
1,000 times this. No one cares for, grew up rooting for or has any ties to the San Bernadino Express or whatever they are gonna call themselves. Yet plenty of people care about USC. No branding, no $, no league.This league will never take off. There's simply too much money, exposure, and history in college football. This has been tried before with other minor leagues. Once you sign that contract, all of your eligibility is gone.
You know this already exists right...PAFL?
I thought PAFL was just a semi pro league and this new one will be set up to be developmental only? Anyway, this one seems better funded just based on the salaries and benefits they say they will be offering. In theory it's a good concept, I have no idea if the business model will work.
Remember Vince McMahon's XFL? There was a guy in the league that named himself "He Hate Me." lol