Paul Mulcahy - high school stats


All American
Gold Member
Oct 28, 2007
Hillsborough, NJ
The kid averaged 18 points 10 rebounds and 10 assists. Anyone know how many NJ hs players averaged a triple double for the season? It just seems very rare.
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not saying he did or he didn't, but I coach at the high school level and its easy to pad stats because you enter it into the system and no one is really going to challenge you on it. I know coaches that add at least 3 or 4 rebounds and assists to the box score..Points is hard to fake because each team has the book and it needs to add up, but half the teams don't even keep assists and rebounds on like our team. The difference for Paul is a lot of his games were covered by so the writers would be able to challenge or do their own box score so its probably legit or at least close to legit.
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If everyone pads stats, then it's still just as impressive a feat because it's ultra rare and better than all the other kids with padded stats.
Maybe even more impressive if stats are actually padded regularly. Why do we see almost no one averaging a triple double?
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Because very few teams, if any, keep rebound and assist numbers.

If "few teams, if any" do this, it's amazing that there's enough statistical information out there to get a Top 20 for both categories (with few schools appearing on both lists):

You can claim that schools inflate those numbers - I don't know anything about the quality control - but you can't say the numbers aren't kept.
Which is per Gill St. Bernard

You are entitled to say anything and write anything that you want, but I am starting to hope that maybe you should stop going to the Rutgers games and commenting on Mulcahy and Rutgers. We all have opinions, but your anti-Mulcahy bias is almost too much to take and he has not even started playing for us yet!

Unless Paul becomes a 1st team All-American, you will be constantly knocking his game, every game throughout his Rutgers career. One time you will knock his defense. You will say he is too slow for the Big Ten. The next time you will mention how he is not a great shooter.

All I know from watching Mulcahy play in person against Ranney, the kid has phenomenal court awareness and skills and was able to beat a team that had TWO All-State players on it. While he might not be a great shooter(yet)or the fastest kid, he will be able to play good enough defense for us and will make everyone on the team better because of his passing skills and court awareness. He also is a kid that has a chip on his shoulder because people seem to doubt his game even though he has shown he can play with all the best players.

I beg you to stop bashing Mulcahy. You are a good fan in always going to the games, but while you don't have to speak glowingly about him, please at least wait until midway through next year's Big Ten season to start knocking him, if warranted.

Best of Luck,
When have I knocked him or bashed him?

I have not said any where he wasnt a B1G player. I have not said anywhere that we shouldn't have recruited him. I have not said anywhere that I am unhappy he is here.
A very low percentage of schools keep them.

Apparently you can keep clicking "load more" to get more names to show up. Looking at the 675 players who reportedly averaged 3.5 rebounds or more a game, there were 219 schools represented. While that's nowhere near a complete accounting of high school programs in NJ, it's not insignificant.

The claim that "few, if any" do it is just incorrect. If you want to argue the validity of the reporting, that's another story.
Apparently you can keep clicking "load more" to get more names to show up. Looking at the 675 players who reportedly averaged 3.5 rebounds or more a game, there were 219 schools represented. While that's nowhere near a complete accounting of high school programs in NJ, it's not insignificant.

The claim that "few, if any" do it is just incorrect. If you want to argue the validity of the reporting, that's another story.

"few, if any" is wrong. Did an informal search and saw about half of schools entered assist and rebound numbers for their players.

I can tell you there is no way Jaren sina averaged 9 assists per game. If he averaged 9 then Paul averaged 15.
"few, if any" is wrong. Did an informal search and saw about half of schools entered assist and rebound numbers for their players.

I can tell you there is no way Jaren sina averaged 9 assists per game. If he averaged 9 then Paul averaged 15.

Are you saying that if one kid in that state has questionable stats then Paul does also? Weak argument.
When have I knocked him or bashed him?

I have not said any where he wasnt a B1G player. I have not said anywhere that we shouldn't have recruited him. I have not said anywhere that I am unhappy he is here.

If Mulcahy was a sure thing at point guard he would have been recruited as a PG by other schools AND he would have played it on his AAU team.

Based on the incomplete data I have the addition of Mulcahy and Young doesn't move the needle. I wouldn't expect B1G coaches or whoever votes on preseason polls to view our incoming class as a positive, might be a negative.

There is a reason Paul Mulcahy landed at Rutgers. There is a reason why his stock dropped prior to coming to Rutgers.

...he needs to knock down open 3s and defend to be a net positive as a "3".

I will maintain my view that Mulcahy may be a future starter and a B1G caliber guard OR an end of the rotation guy. I think it is really difficult to see how his game translates to the B1G. How does he fit with Mathis, a wing, and 2 bigs on the court? Who does he defend in our game tomorrow against Purdue or last week vs. OSU?

Mulcahy may be ready for the keys to the offense on Day 1 OR he may never be that guy on a primary basis.

I’d be lying if I didn’t say I am not worried about the programs future

It is nuts that so many people are putting such high expectations on him. This is not Kenny Anderson

I'll admit all the comments are not completely negative, but you do worry a lot. [winking]
High School has no shot clock, 32 minute games, and in many cases GSB had big leads and Paul sat.

How does one average 10 rebounds and 10 assists in 26ish minutes per game. We are talking like 45 possessions at most.
High School has no shot clock, 32 minute games, and in many cases GSB had big leads and Paul sat.

How does one average 10 rebounds and 10 assists in 26ish minutes per game. We are talking like 45 possessions at most.
he's always creating and getting his guys open layups and open shots. He also plays the big man role on foul shots and gets rebs there regularly plus as a pg he's usually still on of the biggest kids on the court at the HS level. I don't think these stats are padded. If you ever actually watched him play you'd agree.
The kids Pikiell recruits are so easy to root for. Paul Mulcahy is one of the most mature kids I have seen at his age. He has so much going for him outside of basketball.

Some stats are hard to track as someone has mentioned. Seeing what Mulcahy post though, and the kind of person he is, I doubt he would let someone publish it if it wasn't true. He is just a high integrity kid. You rarely see kids like him.

On top of that, every team will not be a top team. Games where you score 20pts, 14 rebounds, and 10 assist can happen, and will help sway that average. It's not unthinkable that he did when looked at from a math perspective.
Thank you Greene for derailing the conversion with your negativity... So back to the original discussion. Can anyone find how many other NJ high school players have averaged a triple double? It seems like a rare accomplishment.
When have I knocked him or bashed him?

I have not said any where he wasnt a B1G player. I have not said anywhere that we shouldn't have recruited him. I have not said anywhere that I am unhappy he is here.
Pathetic poster..just pathetic. We don't need you here so feel free to deactivate. You will not be missed. You wouldn't know talent if it hit you square in the face.

What are your credentials to judge this kid better than basically every publication in the state, besides being dead weight on your couch? You are a nobody. I can guarantee youve never once seen him play live. Again, this is our best recruit in years. If you can't see that, you're mentally challenged and I hope you get the help you need In your twilight years.
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I believe I read yesterday that no one I think in 40 or 50 years averaged a triple double in NJ. I think it was on but I might be wrong. I don't know why GRF has been knocking Paul since we started recruiting him. I have seen Paul play 12 times in high school over the last 3 years and he is amazing. I can say that in those games he has usually gotten a triple double. GRF doesn't live that far from Gill St. Bernard. Maybe he should have seen him play before knocking him. We don't need fans who are constantly putting down our players.
Sure some coaches pad stats but someone as visable as Paul was with the media there and fan interest it would seem unlikely they could just make up stats all season long without anyone noticing

The sad part is just going out of your way to try to diminish an amazing accomplishment from our star commit... Just why?
I found the comment, it is on the video of Paul which was recently posted. It says he was the only player in NJ to average a triple double and probably the first one in decades. I guess that made me think back many years ago.
I can see maybe padding assists by one or two per game, if you assume every made basket was accompanied by an assist. But how do you pad rebounds? There are a set number of missed shots and those rebounds, from both teams, have to add up. To pad someone’s rebounds you would have to take rebounds away from someone else on your own team. I just don’t see that happening.

Besides all that, two things stand out:
1 - even with some padding the guy had to be in the ballpark of averaging a triple double anyway
2 - if no one else in the state has done it in decades, clearly Paul put up some special numbers to have been statistically credited with averaging a triple double
I have NEVER EVER seen PM play, only clips. But he’s got guys around him who can shoot and who can finish—that’ll sure help assist #s.