Penn state students - calling RU players N-word

it is assault with words.
No it's not, because there is no such thing. Either you're for free speech or you're not. It is just a word. We give it way to much power . I'd like to think you could call me it all day and all night and not provoke me (but I know I have days when my tolerance is low so don't press it). Used to be that if someone called you an MF, it was time to swing but now that is a common greeting and you'd be swinging like a windmill if you reacted to it every time.

Special recognition of Cam who was a true ally and teammate. Love to you and the mother that raised you.
Probably because that’s an insanely slippery slope and it’s not even an illegal act?

Or would that only be a rule for white people? Or only for a specific context? Or is rap music going to be banned from college campuses as well?

“Assault with words” lol
This is correct. We can't start making speech illegal or banning it on college campuses of public universities.

Racism and bigotry does test my tolerance of that principle, though. I sometimes think it would be nice if we could have a legal hunting season for white supremacists and Nazis, just like we have for other animals.

Of course, that would make protecting their free speech even that much more important. Because it's their hateful speech that makes it possible to locate them. 🙂
Of course some of the behavior described in that memo is disgusting and unacceptable. But I'm going to go a different direction and give the Penn State organization (not exactly sure what it is) a salute for pointing it out rather than sweeping it under the rug or simply letting it go. Not everybody would do that...
Of course some of the behavior described in that memo is disgusting and unacceptable. But I'm going to go a different direction and give the Penn State organization (not exactly sure what it is) a salute for pointing it out rather than sweeping it under the rug or simply letting it go. Not everybody would do that...
I'm not entirely sure that the PSU admin was involved. The tweet appears to not be someone in the admin (I thought it was, but now I'm not so sure). I think it might be more of a student group or advisor or council kind of thing.

So I don't yet know, for sure, that the PSU admin has issued a statement about it.
Forget free speech and the rest , the truth of the matter is PSU is not nearly as diverse as RU and it has a poor history when it comes to diversity. I had an administrative assistant, maybe 10 years ago, who went there and told me stories about minority students who were warned where not to go on campus and some may remember that incident at a psu football game where a mixed race couple were abused. There are in fact some people who love that it's Pentucky.
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I have left the RAC embarrassed by our fans yelling at visiting opponents unprovoked as they leave. As a whole our fans are great. Individually we may have a few bad apples.
Could also be some alcohol involved now.
On both sides
Some of you who are saying "if" are missing what was said in the announcement .

"Furthermore , the Police have issued a warning to Athletics ...."

This shows to me that the Police went to athletics to report this and heard it. The word "alleged" needs to be used for legal reasons.

One last thing , ask most parents and students of NJ PSU students why they went to PSU, they might not say it out loud but no doubt part of it would be "RU is to diverse".
not to mention an object as also apparently thrown at a player.
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This is correct. We can't start making speech illegal or banning it on college campuses of public universities.

Racism and bigotry does test my tolerance of that principle, though. I sometimes think it would be nice if we could have a legal hunting season for white supremacists and Nazis, just like we have for other animals.

Of course, that would make protecting their free speech even that much more important. Because it's their hateful speech that makes it possible to locate them. 🙂
Interesting concept. I'd sign up for a license. I'm retired. Have some free time. And some skills. What's the bag limit and range territory?

I kid... I kid....
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No it's not, because there is no such thing. Either you're for free speech or you're not. It is just a word. We give it way to much power . I'd like to think you could call me it all day and all night and not provoke me (but I know I have days when my tolerance is low so don't press it). Used to be that if someone called you an MF, it was time to swing but now that is a common greeting and you'd be swinging like a windmill if you reacted to it every time.

Special recognition of Cam who was a true ally and teammate. Love to you and the mother that raised you.
Will disagree here
The word is particularly offensive and should not be spoken
You could give a 1000 word speech, and if you used the word once, it stands out by itself and is offensive

Not every slur is this way, but this is
Did you notice that after the game the PSU coach came over to the RU bench to say something to our players. I thought he was going out of his way to praise Caleb but maybe he was apologizing? Listen to PIkes presser he was ask about the post game but said he had no idea what happened.
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It's not just the students!!!
Look at this old woman holding the hand of her kid and showing him how to be a douche from a young age.
This thing is a a isn't a cult you say?

It's not just the students!!!
Look at this old woman holding the hand of her kid and showing him how to be a douche from a young age.
This thing is a a isn't a cult you say?

My theory on this particular part and only this…thinking she is mad at Cam for how and where he tossed the ball at the end of the game.

Or maybe he let out a celebratory yell that included some words she didn’t like or wanted her kid to hear.

The bald guy on other side of the same still has the same expression. Guessing it’s for the same reason…ball or words.
Exactly. A still photo is often pretty uninformative. In this case, we don't know what those fans are saying. We don't know what our players might have said or done prior to the photo.

Also, one could likely find an identical image from any game.

She could be yelling "Keep your heads up, Nittany Lions!"
Exactly. A still photo is often pretty uninformative. In this case, we don't know what those fans are saying. We don't know what our players might have said or done prior to the photo.


Also, one could likely find an identical image from any game.

She could be yelling "Keep your heads up, Nittany Lions!"
I gave my theory above about this but I am fairly confident it was not the bold from her or the bald guy on the other side of the pic.

Come on, guys.

Btw, I saw it live and in no way was it was directed at their own team.

Also, one could likely find an identical image from any game.

She could be yelling "Keep your heads up, Nittany Lions!"
yeah but she's not looking at the Nittany so for the old guy on the right :)
They're ire was directed ath Spencer and McConnell.
I could be totally off...they could be congratulating Cam and Caleb for job well done
By invoking freedom of speech, it could be inferred that you believe a government entity infringed upon someone's 1A right to say something, including the n-word, which doesn't appear to be the case. Of course it's not illegal to say it.
Well I suppose I’d agree that a state funded university kicking someone out of school for using a bad word would indeed be that.

Maybe that’s another discussion though.
I gave my theory above about this but I am fairly confident it was not the bold from her or the bald guy on the other side.

Come on, guys.
I have no good reason to be sure about any of it. I wasn't there and I know from experience how unreliable people, even with the very best of intentions, can be as witnesses.

It seems pretty clear that some people at the PSU game behaved like assholes. This is not exactly unheard of in any fanbase from any state. Beyond that, it's all speculation at this point.

And I see no value in us fans who weren't there to be manufacturing additional outrage about it by posting speculative stuff intended to inflame. I figure the world is already ugly enough in very obvious ways without me having to go around seeking out more ugliness to be outraged about.

For those who enjoy that sort of thing, have at it. Far be it from me to infect others with my mildness. 🙂
Lol saw that live, the lady looks like a complete PSU trash bag.
Maybe Cam or Caleb shouted some curses back at some fans using the n-word and she heard the curses but didn't hear the PSU fans being racist. So she was pissed (along with the guy down the row a bit).

For all we know, she's a nun that spends most of her time coordinating charitable donations for kids with cancer, and the kid there with her is one such kid. Aren't we supposed to not judge books by their cover? Especially when all we know is from a still photo?
Painting an entire state as racist, the way that poster did, is stupid and ignorant for the same reasons racism is stupid and ignorant.

It's definitely not fair to paint a state that way.

But there are definitely cultural gulfs between NJ and PA and the two schools.

And it's definitely true that some NJ parents opposed the culture of diversity of NJ prefer to send their kids there for that reason.

And the reverse is also very true- I knew kids at RU from PA and I know people from PA that moved to NJ for similar reasons. And you will definitely run into PA folks who chose Pitt over the Cult for that reason.

We are blessed to be part of the RU and NJ communities. Too few people realize that.
It's not just the students!!!
Look at this old woman holding the hand of her kid and showing him how to be a douche from a young age.
This thing is a a isn't a cult you say?

Who the hell yells at players like this ? That is embarrassing for PSU.
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