Penn state students - calling RU players N-word

It's definitely not fair to paint a state that way.

But there are definitely cultural gulfs between NJ and PA and the two schools.

And it's definitely true that some NJ parents opposed the culture of diversity of NJ prefer to send their kids there for that reason.

And the reverse is also very true- I knew kids at RU from PA and I know people from PA that moved to NJ for similar reasons. And you will definitely run into PA folks who chose Pitt over the Cult for that reason.

We are blessed to be part of the RU and NJ communities. Too few people realize that.
"Some" is a fine word. It's the use of "most" to which I objected.

I have no real interest in comparing or judging the two schools, TBH. I'm not in competition with any school. And, as I mentioned, all the people I know personally (at least those I know well enough to form an opinion) who attended PSU are really good people.

But yeah, I am one who greatly values diversity. I'm of the opinion that cultural, ethnic, religious, and most other forms of diversity make a society stronger. It's one of the things I like about much of the Northeast.
I have no good reason to be sure about any of it. I wasn't there and I know from experience how unreliable people, even with the very best of intentions, can be as witnesses.

It seems pretty clear that some people at the PSU game behaved like assholes. This is not exactly unheard of in any fanbase from any state. Beyond that, it's all speculation at this point.

And I see no value in us fans who weren't there to be manufacturing additional outrage about it by posting speculative stuff intended to inflame. I figure the world is already ugly enough in very obvious ways without me having to go around seeking out more ugliness to be outraged about.

For those who enjoy that sort of thing, have at it. Far be it from me to infect others with my mildness. 🙂
Again, I gave my thoughts on this particular matter. I bet one of the ideas I put forward is what happened.

And none of them could be construed as inflaming the conversation that’s going on.

The video of this still shot from Twitter shows her yelling at our player(s). What she said doesn’t matter, who cares. But she was addressing someone in a red uniform not one in white.

That is not manufacturing anything. It happened as we saw it.
Ped State. Elitist snobs who always expect to win and are bad sports when they don’t Would expect an apology from the university but don’t hold your breath.
Hate speech is not necessarily protected under the 1st Amendment.
I'm pretty sure all speech is protected by the first amendment, hateful or not. Where I think people get confused is by thinking that the first amendment applies in all cases, or all situations.

For example, people think that a social media company shouldn't be allowed to filter anything because they think it's a violation of the first amendment. But the first amendment doesn't apply in that context (unless the social media company is owned/run by the government, at least). They are free to censor if they want, and people are free to not use it, if they want.

It's more complex than that, of course, and there have been some rulings that confuse the issue (i.e. the ruling on the bakery that didn't want to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple).

But I think that's where people get the idea that hate speech is not protected by the first amendment. It is, but context matters.
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Maybe Cam or Caleb shouted some curses back at some fans using the n-word and she heard the curses but didn't hear the PSU fans being racist. So she was pissed (along with the guy down the row a bit).

For all we know, she's a nun that spends most of her time coordinating charitable donations for kids with cancer, and the kid there with her is one such kid. Aren't we supposed to not judge books by their cover? Especially when all we know is from a still photo?
well i'm sure she does things for kids with cancer, lots of PSU people do.

Definitely not a nun though, that lady has Karen written all over her
It most definitely is. You might think it shouldn't be, but it is. Courts have already ruled on this.
It depends on the environment for limited free speech. It is like how free speech is limited in public high schools. I am not sure how that precedent follows to public universities.
Exactly. A still photo is often pretty uninformative. In this case, we don't know what those fans are saying. We don't know what our players might have said or done prior to the photo.
Exactly. Looks to me that she's looking for an auto for her grandkids.
I'm pretty sure all speech is protected by the first amendment, hateful or not. Where I think people get confused is by thinking that the first amendment applies in all cases, or all situations.

For example, people think that a social media company shouldn't be allowed to filter anything because they think it's a violation of the first amendment. But the first amendment doesn't apply in that context (unless the social media company is owned/run by the government, at least). They are free to censor if they want, and people are free to not use it, if they want.

It's more complex than that, of course, and there have been some rulings that confuse the issue (i.e. the ruling on the bakery that didn't want to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple).

But I think that's where people get the idea that hate speech is not protected by the first amendment. It is, but context matters.
There can be limitations/laws placed on on obscenity, threats, fighting words, and incitement. I am sure using hate speech can fall into those categories potentially.

Like you said it is a complex deep issue with many layers.
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It's not just the students!!!
Look at this old woman holding the hand of her kid and showing him how to be a douche from a young age.
This thing is a a isn't a cult you say?

She was telling them to not miss the handshake line. 🤣

But seriously, you have no idea who else is outside the frame of the pic.

Plenty of RU fans are yelling things at the opposing team after games too. Lets not act like it only happens in Happy Valley.
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Lol police are not involved because students said a bad word

We have freedom of speech.

Just call these students pieces of shit and mo

"Some" is a fine word. It's the use of "most" to which I objected.

I have no real interest in comparing or judging the two schools, TBH. I'm not in competition with any school. And, as I mentioned, all the people I know personally (at least those I know well enough to form an opinion) who attended PSU are really good people.

But yeah, I am one who greatly values diversity. I'm of the opinion that cultural, ethnic, religious, and most other forms of diversity make a society stronger. It's one of the things I like about much of the Northeast.
I was wrong for using the word "most". I should have said "most of the people I know who sent their kids there" . They come from High Scholls that are some what the same as PSU 5% black or less and when they see RU diversity of all different groups they get scared off.

FYI both my son (SOE) and daughter ( School of Management and Labor Relations) came from a very non diverse parochial HS . When college choice was discussed with parents these parents thought for some reason that PSU was a better school then RU and was too diverse for their kids.
She was telling them to not miss the handshake line. 🤣

But seriously, you have no idea who else is outside the frame of the pic.

Plenty of RU fans are yelling things at the opposing team after games too. Lets not act like it only happens in Happy Valley.
I think E5FDNY and others might be correct in their assumptions about that scene. But I am a great believer in critical thinking, which precludes me from claiming to "know" what is going on to the point of accepting it as fact. There's no point in discussing/debating anything otherwise, at least for me...

ETA: I had no problem with E5FDNY's comment, actually. It was presented clearly as "it looks to me like..." I realize that nobody cares what I think, but I wanted to correct the record on what I was trying to say, especially when it is indirectly about one of my favorite posters here.
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It's definitely not fair to paint a state that way.

But there are definitely cultural gulfs between NJ and PA and the two schools.

And it's definitely true that some NJ parents opposed the culture of diversity of NJ prefer to send their kids there for that reason.

And the reverse is also very true- I knew kids at RU from PA and I know people from PA that moved to NJ for similar reasons. And you will definitely run into PA folks who chose Pitt over the Cult for that reason.

We are blessed to be part of the RU and NJ communities. Too few people realize that.
Both of my kids went to Pitt having grown up in Bucks County PA. Both had the same experience on their Penn State tours- Random shouts from one side of campus of "We Are" with the response of "Penn State" from the other. During each tour my kids both came away with the feeling that the school was to "cult-like" for them.
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Reposting this from the other thread as I didn't see this one:

Pike was asked about an issue during the hand shake line, in his presser. I gues it was about this. Student sections behind the opposing team's bench is a poor idea and invites trouble. Non-student, season ticket holders can be bad enough. But these days, it seems kids are more and more brazen as they test the boundaries and get free passes by those with authority. If this is true, it's even one more reason to add to the pile in order to cement the Cultists as d'bags. One hopes PSU admin finds these pricks and comes down hard on them.
Sports at all levels is getting out of hand in terms of the fans and their ugly behavior .
Yeah, it seems that way. Who knows, maybe it was always that way and we didn't see it. I don't think so, though. I went to tons of Maryland games as a kid (it was just a few miles away) and never saw much bad behavior, except for taunting the other team by playing/singing "Amen" in the final seconds (which was a great tradition and acceptable in my opinion). Nowadays, behavior there is much less civil, sadly.

Speaking of Illinois fans upthread, they were upset about vulgar chants by our students (and pretzels thrown on the court) when they visited College Park in December. I don't like those things either, honestly...
Almost Jack Palance would have already issued an apology to State Penn for Rutgers players being too ethnically diverse for Pennsyltucky sensibilities and promised to do better as a new member.
Penn State should carry out an investigation in the form of BYU's investigation of alleged racist language used by fans at a BYU-Duke volleyball game last summer. Here is BYU's statement describing the investigation and its results. is running with this headline about the situation:

Rutgers targeted by Penn State fans’ vulgar, racist language during comeback win​

Unfortunately, in the article, writes about the BYU-Duke volleyball game: "[R]acial slurs and threats were directed at a Black player on Duke’s team during a match in Utah on Aug. 26." The BYU investigation revealed these slurs and threats did not occur. Yet reported today as if the initial allegations - now debunked - were true.
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Just rewatched the game, and behind our coaches, there looks like a Security Guard or Police Officer is posted up behind Pike. I’m sure it wasn’t the first incident of this happening there and probably won’t be the last.
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Just rewatched the game, and behind our coaches, there looks like a Security Guard or Police Officer is posted up behind Pike. I’m sure it wasn’t the first incident of this happening there and probably won’t be the last.

They have douchey fans

What’s that charity their students do , panhandling in the streets of NJ
Both of my kids went to Pitt having grown up in Bucks County PA. Both had the same experience on their Penn State tours- Random shouts from one side of campus of "We Are" with the response of "Penn State" from the other. During each tour my kids both came away with the feeling that the school was to "cult-like" for them.
My daughter also hated the student “We are” shouts during our tour.
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My daughter also hated the student “We are” shouts during our tour.

Can’t stand that
When they try that here around my seats we just assume the “ARE!” Is actually an “Rrrrrrr!” so naturally we just reply with a loud “Uuuuuu” when the try the second part.

They don’t like it. 🤷‍♂️
yeah but she's not looking at the Nittany so for the old guy on the right :)
They're ire was directed ath Spencer and McConnell.
I could be totally off...they could be congratulating Cam and Caleb for job well done
geez just watch the end of the game and unless you want to defend some PSU fan its obvious who she was yelling at.
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I was wrong for using the word "most". I should have said "most of the people I know who sent their kids there" . They come from High Scholls that are some what the same as PSU 5% black or less and when they see RU diversity of all different groups they get scared off.

FYI both my son (SOE) and daughter ( School of Management and Labor Relations) came from a very non diverse parochial HS . When college choice was discussed with parents these parents thought for some reason that PSU was a better school then RU and was too diverse for their kids.
One spring day while visiting my grandchild at PSU my wife and I sat on a bench and were amazed that as hundreds of students passed by not one was a minority . And kids and parents from well to do NJ suburbs absolutely feel that the diversity at RU is not a good thing. As if they can live in their bubble forever.
One spring day while visiting my grandchild at PSU my wife and I sat on a bench and were amazed that as hundreds of students passed by not one was a minority . And kids and parents from well to do NJ suburbs absolutely feel that the diversity at RU is not a good thing. As if they can live in their bubble forever.
It all starts at home!!
Penn State should carry out an investigation in the form of BYU's investigation of alleged racist language used by fans at a BYU-Duke volleyball game last summer. Here is BYU's statement describing the investigation and its results. is running with this headline about the situation:

Rutgers targeted by Penn State fans’ vulgar, racist language during comeback win​

Unfortunately, in the article, writes about the BYU-Duke volleyball game: "[R]acial slurs and threats were directed at a Black player on Duke’s team during a match in Utah on Aug. 26." The BYU investigation revealed these slurs and threats did not occur. Yet reported today as if the initial allegations - now debunked - were true.

exactly..everyone better be careful here because that investigation at BYU did not find a evidence slurs were used, yet the media ran with it and once again NJ media parroting the old fabricated story...even SC coach cancelled a game before she knew the facts

tread lightly