ADVERTISEMENT Michigan more of a basketball school than football?

Yes,(just because it'll piss them off) and anytime those dipshit's come on here to boast. I will reply to them with,
"Why are you here talking football? Aren't you guys a basketball school?"
We visited their bookstore about four years ago, after they had a very successful basketball season. The store was ALL about football, and basketball apparel was relegated to the second floor.

-Scarlet Jerry
We visited their bookstore about four years ago, after they had a very successful basketball season. The store was ALL about football, and basketball apparel was relegated to the second floor.

-Scarlet Jerry
I guess the point I was trying to make is despite how they see themselves the results say otherwise.
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Despite all the Harbaugh hype their basketball program has been much more successful.
They've won a championship, they've had the FAB 5, doesn't matter it's still a football school IMO and will always be just like Alabama, OSU etc...many others regardless of the current success of the basketball program.

If you want a better comparison their rival MSU would be a better one to debate.
Final Four in basketball, final four in hockey, so UM must not be a football program (sarcasm meter now on).