Questions about Friday


Dec 11, 2005
Help. Which parking lots will be open?
What gates will be used for entrance to the stadium ?
Will we be able to sit anywhere? If not, where?
As handicapped seniors, we have
to have this info.
Can't walk too far, ca GO RUn't climb stairs.
Thank you.
Spring game is the most underrated event on the college football calendar but it has gotten more popular each year. We always draw a respectable crowd but I expect it to trend up in the B1G. There are few things like hearing the pads pop and grilling after a long winter and it costs next to nothing. Can`t often say that nowadays.
Originally posted by newell138:

Originally posted by RutgersROB:
They dont charge for parkin and you can sit where u there should be no problems for handicap seniors...

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Able bodied seniors will be stripped search though.
Ohhhh, I wasn't going but maybe I will now.

When you get up in age you take your thrills where you can find them.
Originally posted by jreinsdorf:
Spring game is the most underrated event on the college football calendar but it has gotten more popular each year. We always draw a respectable crowd but I expect it to trend up in the B1G. There are few things like hearing the pads pop and grilling after a long winter and it costs next to nothing. Can`t often say that nowadays.
I sense a change in attitude about the spring game......last year several posters were talking about attendance and then others chimed in that the spring game is a waste of time and effort, and a regular practice for the team is better use of time for the team

this year, it seems all are on board....for me, I always loved going to the spring game so I could have a halfway to the next season tailgate..........unfortunately I have a Friday wedding I must attend...

I hope many show up....even if one recruit we want shows up, it cannot hurt to have a decent crowd.......some might think it is meaningless, but ya never know.

I know coach Flood looks forward to this day, and if he thinks it is worthwhile, we should also.