OK, so yesterday a nice package arrived in the mail from Rutgers athletics.
It has a nice glossy full-color fold out with pictures of student athletes from many sports, A message thanking us for our support from Julie, a nice calendar, a magnet with the football schedule, and some car stickers. Nice stuff. However, there is also this card in here, an R fund "membership card" with a code and my name on the back .
For as nice as this package is, they really failed to explain what in the world this card is for and what they expect me to do with it. If I'm supposed to be able to use it at some store or something, could've been a little more clear.
Anyone else have the same questions?
It has a nice glossy full-color fold out with pictures of student athletes from many sports, A message thanking us for our support from Julie, a nice calendar, a magnet with the football schedule, and some car stickers. Nice stuff. However, there is also this card in here, an R fund "membership card" with a code and my name on the back .
For as nice as this package is, they really failed to explain what in the world this card is for and what they expect me to do with it. If I'm supposed to be able to use it at some store or something, could've been a little more clear.
Anyone else have the same questions?