***RB Jon Lovett commits to Rutgers***

Is this the second coming of the "A" Team as in ASH TEAM !!!
You both just couldn't wait to post these responses, could you? ;)

Nicely done and, oh yeah, welcome to the Banks Jonathan! (even if I didn't think of anything clever)

Actually mine was spontaneous. John and Bobby both announced this a minute apart. I responded to John's (since deleted thread) "Lovett" saw this one an thought "Lovett 2x" the rest was whitty message board B Level humor history
^Looks like he has really good vision, hits hole pretty hard as well. Has some good patience and then burst when hole develops. Probably will need to learn to run lower at the next level. Has good speed and cuts well.
Running style reminds me of Robert Martin. Very smooth, seems almost effortless.
Keeping our recent commits near the top of the page because they all deserve their individual moment which should not be lost in the tidal wave this week has become