See guys, once again I write something offering an opinion and making suggestions. I have done it before. Then, without exception, the brain trust of Leonard and SCNJ show up and attempt to discredit me by calling me someone else and a Penn State fan. If you have any question why I doubt their intelligence, think about this... I'm making suggestions to improve Rutgers wrestling and they think I'm a Penn State fan. That's really special logic.
How many times has either of them offered a thoughtful rebuttal of what I have said, using sentences and punctuation to convey an intelligent argument to what I have proposed? I think the number is roughly zero. SCNJ suggests others should put me on ignore or have the admin delete my logon. Sounds much like the discourse we see widely today in society when childish social warriors are offended by opinions that differ from their own. Boys, find the nearest safe room to hide and calm down.
I do answer questions asked of me, even when they're stupid questions from stupid people. Evidence of systemic problems? Try this... when the same thing happens every year when the team is faced with real competition; when wrestler after wrestler can't escape from bottom; when wrestlers do better their first two years; when next year will always be better; when highly rated wrestlers don't "pan out"; and an assortment of other repeated problems, that's an indication of something systemic. How obvious do things need to be, even for those challenged to understand? Remember when it was money until we found out it isn't? Then the weather. Then the campus.
Rutgers cannot attract the top wrestlers from NJ in a consistent enough manner. Rutgers could not attract any of the targeted assistant coach candidates. Wrestlers come to the RTC, collect money for a while, then bail out.
Here's another challenge for the big mouth brain trust. How confident are you that I'm Matter, Crackers, a Penn State fan - or for that matter, a fan of any other than Rutgers? I'll put up $5,000 if each of you will put up the same amount. Bill holds the money and I make full disclosure to Bill. The loser's money goes to the SKWC. Do you trust Bill? Do you have the balls to back up your mouths?
Oh, before I forget. Leonard: You say you laugh. I'm pretty sure it sounds like giggling.