Basketball Rider Game PPD

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Don’t kid yourself. We know all the circumstances. Kids who are fully gvaccinated who have a .000000001 chance of dying of covid or severe illness because of covid with or without the vaccine caught Covid(something we were told was a very small chance) are are being told they can’t play a game they played all of last year because people to make themselves feel important.

Politicians see this as a power play so they can maintain all the power that they get during in emergency. Not to mention mail in voting is must for a certain party to maintain the house and senate in 2022.

so al we get is a bunch of people screaming fire in a crowded space so we can cause as much panic as possible.

Cases are sky rocketing while deaths and severe illness are staying low. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT WE NEED TO HAPPEN TO GET THROUGH THE PANDEMIC!!!! Unfortunately politicians think they know better so they want to prolong the issue.

For all the people who say get vaccinated it works, they are certainly not acting like it works.
What a load of shit.
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For those complaining here, your complaints only mean something if you drop your tickets. If you don't drop your tickets your argument is dumb and pointless, because it just means you like to hear yourself talk. You complainers won't drop your tickets though, you do this every time.

Talk is cheap. Take action not words.

I am glad Rutgers is being responsible and PPD the game.
The worst were the ones that said if rutgers sports ever got political they would be out . Then schiano goes on BTN and tells the nation his football team is making a political statement. Those fans are still here
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For those complaining here, your complaints only mean something if you drop your tickets. If you don't drop your tickets your argument is dumb and pointless, because it just means you like to hear yourself talk. You complainers won't drop your tickets though, you do this every time.

Talk is cheap. Take action not words.

I am glad Rutgers is being responsible and PPD the game.
To be perfectly fair the season has a great chance of being cancelled entirely and for me that’s ok . I gave up those MBB season tix 8 years ago. If you continue to follow the same “ not working” policy you will live the rest of your lives moaning on a sports board. Change emits from the Top all the way down the totem pole. Much of this now is from seasonal flu virus along with Omicron and Delta . When is Pfizer doing a redo for the children under 6 vaccine? How is that going to be sold now to the American parents? I ‘ll leave that for our health experts on the board.
Now @Pancho1939 shouldnt have brought it up in this thread however he aint wrong. The new push from the white house the past week is voting and onviously the dems want unsolicited mail in voting rather than requested absentee ballots. The way institutions (all lead by left leaning people) push this is by claiming its a health risk for even 5 year olds to leave home. Sad but true. All these people care about is power and if it means wrecking society to maintain power, so be it.

if youre confused at this madness the tough truth no one wants to hear all does stem from the above
We better not cancel any of those remaining OOC games… we need 3 wins there if we have any snowballs chance to see post season.

I hope the protocols change similar to NFL. You can start testing again the day after testing positive. Test negative twice (even same day) and you're in the clear. Since everyone is vaccinated they should almost certainly test negative by next Thursday
21 months into this and we havent learned a damn thing

And last night people here were trying to moralize the people who do and don't get covid

Guess what the vaccines are ineffective and we are living with protocols from the start of the pandemic
All I know is I have meetings with about 4 or 5 people per day in different industries mostly finance and law. the small talk is always around covid. 99% of the people say at this point we just need to live with it and they are done with the shutdowns, masking and forced vaccinations and boosters. All have done what was “right.” Most are 30-40 year olds but some in 20s and 50s. I would say all the people who got covid have been vaxxed or at least tell me they are vaxxed. And multple people are boosted.

the point of above is most people are done with the bs and most people you meet everyday are vaxxed and getting covid. But for some reason the panic is still alive and well. We know omicron is less deadly. This is a good thing. Look up Spanish flu.

I saw the nypost headline that United ceo got covid after down playing masks meanwhile any person who can read a graph knows masks are negligible in stopping the spread. Anyone who disagrees should wait until January 15th when Hochul extends her mask or vaccine mandates because cases are through the roof yet they were all required to mask or be vaccined to do anything other than be at home or on the street.

the question needs to be asked if Florida takes a “do what you want approach” and NY takes and “mask or vaccine or you are fired approach” but both end up in the same spot why would we not take Florida’s “do what you want approach”? Knowing that these measures are having a dramatic effect on kids.

At a certain point we need to shift the conversation protecting kids from unintended consequences of the mandate approach.
For those complaining here, your complaints only mean something if you drop your tickets. If you don't drop your tickets your argument is dumb and pointless, because it just means you like to hear yourself talk. You complainers won't drop your tickets though, you do this every time.

Talk is cheap. Take action not words.

I am glad Rutgers is being responsible and PPD the game.
Yes, everyone please drop your tickets if you’re in the 100 level and reply to this post with seat locations once you do. Still looking to upgrade
And the real possibility of no fans in tge stands for those first 2 big 10 home games
read this morning that the fans and students of Seton Hall will get credited for the cancelled game....if not rescheduled
This is dumb, they should just stop testing these people unless they are truly sick and just play the ****ing games.

That said it is amazing @bac2therac can string two sentences together as he simultaneously tells us that vaccines do not matter and also that we should not "live in fear" because "almost all vaccinated". I guess you use all your brain energy for the year on NCAA tournament analysis because you are just not very smart.

Also, shout out to @Pancho1939 who believes cancelling the Rutgers/Rider game is a conspiracy by Democrats to steal the midterms, I look forward to seeing you at the capitol in early 2023.
Why is that a conspiracy theory? There is no denying democrats want massive mail in balloting. They talk about it all the time. They literally talk about it all the time.

There is no denying that democrats everywhere pushed the pandemic as an excuse for mail in balloting in 2020. Time magazine literally wrote an article about how they did it.
Why is that a conspiracy theory? There is no denying democrats want massive mail in balloting. They talk about it all the time. They literally talk about it all the time.

There is no denying that democrats everywhere pushed the pandemic as an excuse for mail in balloting in 2020. Time magazine literally wrote an article about how they did it.
Uh, if you can't see why the jump from "Democrats support mail-in voting" to "Democrats are trying to shut down the country until late 2022 in order to get more mail-in voting" is, at best, conspiracy theorizing then I can only hope COVID doesn't shut down whatever special needs school it is that you are logging on from.
Every option is gonna be on the table now . The first one to worry about is no fans.
The secong option is that Rutgers goes virtual for the second semester if covid gets worse in January.The cold winter months of January and February makes it difficult to predict future basketball games.Everybody is frustrated but there is no solution in sight.
Funny how we all laughed at that guy the other day.

I wonder if he’ll end up being right after all.
Don’t kid yourself. We know all the circumstances. Kids who are fully gvaccinated who have a .000000001 chance of dying of covid or severe illness because of covid with or without the vaccine caught Covid(something we were told was a very small chance) are are being told they can’t play a game they played all of last year because people to make themselves feel important.

Politicians see this as a power play so they can maintain all the power that they get during in emergency. Not to mention mail in voting is must for a certain party to maintain the house and senate in 2022.

so al we get is a bunch of people screaming fire in a crowded space so we can cause as much panic as possible.

Cases are sky rocketing while deaths and severe illness are staying low. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT WE NEED TO HAPPEN TO GET THROUGH THE PANDEMIC!!!! Unfortunately politicians think they know better so they want to prolong the issue.

For all the people who say get vaccinated it works, they are certainly not acting like it works.

People who make the dumb "it's all about power" argument never explain what power it is that politicians want to hold on to. They can't, because it's an absurd argument on its face. Yeah Phil Murphy just loves being the Covid Emperor. I'm sure it's so much fun to shut things down, make up tons of annoying rules, have everyone yell at you and be pissed all the time, etc.

You guys are idiots. Every politician on earth wants this to go away as much as you do. Being in charge of covid response sucks balls.
Now @Pancho1939 shouldnt have brought it up in this thread however he aint wrong. The new push from the white house the past week is voting and onviously the dems want unsolicited mail in voting rather than requested absentee ballots. The way institutions (all lead by left leaning people) push this is by claiming its a health risk for even 5 year olds to leave home. Sad but true. All these people care about is power and if it means wrecking society to maintain power, so be it.

if youre confused at this madness the tough truth no one wants to hear all does stem from the above
A second load of shit.
Funny how we all laughed at that guy the other day.

I wonder if he’ll end up being right after all.

If you mean me in my Season is in Jeopardy thread, I take no pleasure in this believe me. had tickets to the game today. Have tickets for Hadestown and dinner at Hunt and Fish Club in NYC for Christmas Day. Game is cancelled. Hunt and Fish is "temporarily closed" again. Broadway probably next. If I even hear the words virtual school I'm gonna lose it.
A second load of shit.

Everytime Kyk, RuBob, etc. start posting I start hearing that Weird Al "Foil" song in my head.

"Oh by the way I've cracked the cooooode/I figured out these shadow organizations/and the Illuminati knoooooows/that they're primed for world domination...."
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well, the experts predict we won't hit the omicron numbers as in the UK until around the 2nd week of January and the UK isn't hitting it's peak till right after Christmas---so be prepared for more omicron "panic"--let's hope omicron replaces delta and causes the much less illness as seen so far in South Africa
For those complaining here, your complaints only mean something if you drop your tickets. If you don't drop your tickets your argument is dumb and pointless, because it just means you like to hear yourself talk. You complainers won't drop your tickets though, you do this every time.

Talk is cheap. Take action not words.

I am glad Rutgers is being responsible and PPD the game.
I did at the beginning of the season when masking requirement was announced. I'm not auguring in this thread so I guess I can't be label dumb but not a true Rutgers fan lol.
But in doing so I avoided all this stress over what Rutgers does or doesn't do. Gave up predicting where school stands on anything. So in that sense I win :)

BTW. this screws up the Papa Kante visit too.
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