RU 4th In Nation In Average Attendance in 2022-23


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Mar 11, 2013
Philadelphia, PA

Behind only Iowa, PSU, and ISU. 7th year in a row in the Top 5 in average attendance.
Another reason why we should be a consistent top 10 program. Everyone loves our head coach, He is a great guy, The fact is with all our advantages he has underperformed, The coach did a good job getting us to where we are a top 15 to 20 program. He has reached his peaked.

Many other college coaches have done a lot more with a lot less,

I may get booed and called names by fans who are blind loyalists and don’t look at the facts. That’s ok as everyone can have their own opinion on a forum,

They just can’t have their own facts. Posters on this forum have listed all our advantages (a top 5 fan base, top 5 in facilities, top 3 recruiting area, fully funded scholarships, top 5 funded RTC, great institutional support, in the best league for wrestling, etc)

Not expecting to be better than Penn State, Iowa, Ohio State, and a couple other programs. But there are a number of programs that have a worse fan base, worse facilities, less dollars in their RTC, in a worse league, and in a much weaker recruiting area that consistently outperform us.

If you disagree, what facts exist that indicate we shouldn’t be a top ten program?
Great fan support! Been to a few matches. Pretty good atmosphere. Let’s see how some of the transfers work out, and how the team develops. Looking like a step up this upcoming year. Question is … how big? I can see middle of the pack as being realistic. Have that potential hammer/closer at HWT!
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Another reason why we should be a consistent top 10 program. Everyone loves our head coach, He is a great guy, The fact is with all our advantages he has underperformed, The coach did a good job getting us to where we are a top 15 to 20 program. He has reached his peaked.

Many other college coaches have done a lot more with a lot less,

I may get booed and called names by fans who are blind loyalists and don’t look at the facts. That’s ok as everyone can have their own opinion on a forum,

They just can’t have their own facts. Posters on this forum have listed all our advantages (a top 5 fan base, top 5 in facilities, top 3 recruiting area, fully funded scholarships, top 5 funded RTC, great institutional support, in the best league for wrestling, etc)

Not expecting to be better than Penn State, Iowa, Ohio State, and a couple other programs. But there are a number of programs that have a worse fan base, worse facilities, less dollars in their RTC, in a worse league, and in a much weaker recruiting area that consistently outperform us.

If you disagree, what facts exist that indicate we shouldn’t be a top ten program?
Ha hahahahaha, you got giggled by Leonard. Well, at least you weren't called names (yet).
It seems Goodale is trying hard to get transfers and succeeded with Yaro-Slav, and he has landed one top recruit recently. I don't know what lit a fire under him - after all, forum posts don't bother him. We're still waiting to hear more. Barbosa looks to be about the caliber of our other guys and Butler may or may not be an improvement. We'll have to see when the dust settles. There was noise about big changes. The bigger question to me is if the kids we have now will be developed. That is measured by year-over-year performance. But yes, we have most of what is needed to be a top program.
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Another reason why we should be a consistent top 10 program. Everyone loves our head coach, He is a great guy, The fact is with all our advantages he has underperformed, The coach did a good job getting us to where we are a top 15 to 20 program. He has reached his peaked.

Many other college coaches have done a lot more with a lot less,

I may get booed and called names by fans who are blind loyalists and don’t look at the facts. That’s ok as everyone can have their own opinion on a forum,

They just can’t have their own facts. Posters on this forum have listed all our advantages (a top 5 fan base, top 5 in facilities, top 3 recruiting area, fully funded scholarships, top 5 funded RTC, great institutional support, in the best league for wrestling, etc)

Not expecting to be better than Penn State, Iowa, Ohio State, and a couple other programs. But there are a number of programs that have a worse fan base, worse facilities, less dollars in their RTC, in a worse league, and in a much weaker recruiting area that consistently outperform us.

If you disagree, what facts exist that indicate we shouldn’t be a top ten program
I agree we should be a top 5 program. It's not the lack of recruiting the top local wrestlers. It's the parents that won't let their kid wrestle at RU. Parents think their child should attend Stanford, Cornell, Princeton and etc.

So your question should be to the parents why not RU.

They have the top 5
Fan Base
Fully Funded
Great Institutional Support
Big 10
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I agree we should be a top 5 program. It's not the lack of recruiting the top local wrestlers. It's the parents that won't let their kid wrestle at RU. Parents think their child should attend Stanford, Cornell, Princeton and etc.

So your question should be to the parents why not RU.

They have the top 5
Fan Base
Fully Funded
Great Institutional Support
Big 10
Iowa, Penn State, Okie St, Ohio St, etc. are not Ivies. The parents are right for wanting Ivy education for their kids when their education and careers are considered more important than wrestling. I understand that and as a parent, I would advise my son to go Ivy if he had the qualifications. My kids didn't. Let's be honest. Only a relative few have that option. Need to attract the others and to do that, you need to understand why they don't come, then fix it. The Ivy excuse doesn't cut it.
I like Goody
Hs took the program to new heights and is a good guy

But I’ve also regulated myself to know with him at the helm, we’re a top 10-15 program at best

We lack money
And stain w the top recruits

If we want to continue climbing, barring a massive influx of cash, a change has to be made

It’s either Hahn or Burroughs
That brings in money, funding RTC & training partners

Which, coupled with a new coach, brings in better recruits, and allows us to better compete w psu and Iowa

Ill still support the program regardless

It’s just that, as of now, and where we are coupled w who we have in charge, I believe we’ve reached our peak
They have the top 5
Fan Base
Fully Funded
Great Institutional Support
Big 10
I know Goodale's not going any where and I'll probably watch him muddle through #7 to #9 B1G finishes for the next decade but that's his job to sell those advantages. That's part of why he gets paid to be a head coach.
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I like Goody
Hs took the program to new heights and is a good guy

But I’ve also regulated myself to know with him at the helm, we’re a top 10-15 program at best

We lack money
And stain w the top recruits

If we want to continue climbing, barring a massive influx of cash, a change has to be made

It’s either Hahn or Burroughs
That brings in money, funding RTC & training partners

Which, coupled with a new coach, brings in better recruits, and allows us to better compete w psu and Iowa

Ill still support the program regardless

It’s just that, as of now, and where we are coupled w who we have in charge, I believe we’ve reached our peak
Everyone likes Goody’s authenticity.. I just think he’s too content with winning duals against mid teams… it’s crazy to think he’s been head coach for 15+ years.. time goes by so fast..

I think getting no AA this year was a good wake up call for Goody.. he’s starting to realize building a team that can place higher at nationals is better then one that’s can win duals.. It’s been one of the best off seasons we had I can remember.. so I don’t believe we reached our peak..
The team has gone downhill since 2019. We don't have a good track record developing kids. Yes, Goody gets credit for developing Perrotti and Theobold. He was unable to develop Aragona, Mulligan, Correnti, Glasgow, Alvarez, Aguilar, and others.

We have done better with transfers such as Suriano and Rivera who brought their developed talents to Rutgers. Except for Ashnault, Suriano and Rivera have been the 2 best wrestlers under Goodale.

One poster, who is an insider, said parents won't let their kid wrestle at RU. Parents think their child should attend Stanford, Cornell, Princeton, etc. That may be true. But lesser academic schools such as N C State, Nebraska, Minnesota, Virginia Tech, Missouri, Iowa State, and even Pitt outperform us. Parents let their kids go to these schools.

Let's go after transfers from these schools. Plus, after kids have used their undergraduate eligibility at the Ivies, Stanford, and Northwestern let's get them to come to Rutgers.. Many are Jersey kids and may want to wrestle for a year or two in front of family and friends. This could be our winning formula. What Goody is currently doing isn't working and hasn't moved the needle.
The team has gone downhill since 2019. We don't have a good track record developing kids. Yes, Goody gets credit for developing Perrotti and Theobold. He was unable to develop Aragona, Mulligan, Correnti, Glasgow, Alvarez, Aguilar, and others.

We have done better with transfers such as Suriano and Rivera who brought their developed talents to Rutgers. Except for Ashnault, Suriano and Rivera have been the 2 best wrestlers under Goodale.

One poster, who is an insider, said parents won't let their kid wrestle at RU. Parents think their child should attend Stanford, Cornell, Princeton, etc. That may be true. But lesser academic schools such as N C State, Nebraska, Minnesota, Virginia Tech, Missouri, Iowa State, and even Pitt outperform us. Parents let their kids go to these schools.

Let's go after transfers from these schools. Plus, after kids have used their undergraduate eligibility at the Ivies, Stanford, and Northwestern let's get them to come to Rutgers.. Many are Jersey kids and may want to wrestle for a year or two in front of family and friends. This could be our winning formula. What Goody is currently doing isn't working and hasn't moved the needle.
No one was developing Aragona, mulligan, Glasgow etc.. doesn’t matter where they went they didn’t have the mindset needed to succeed.. the thing that stings is we recruited a lot of wrong kids.. gotta get better at identifying which elite recruit is legit or Rdy to party/quit.. we missed out on McFadden bc we didn’t wanna match VT bc we wanted to use those resources on other guys at the time… we also haven’t had a diamond in the rough type of recruit in awhile too… we gotta get better at evaluating talent.. I agree, we been doing way better in the portal bc they are.. proven..
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No one was developing Aragona, mulligan, Glasgow etc.. doesn’t matter where they went they didn’t have the mindset needed to succeed.. the thing that stings is we recruited a lot of wrong kids.. gotta get better at identifying which elite recruit is legit or Rdy to party/quit.. we missed out on McFadden bc we didn’t wanna match VT bc we wanted to use those resources on other guys at the time… we also haven’t had a diamond in the rough type of recruit in awhile too… we gotta get better at evaluating talent.. I agree, we been doing way better in the portal bc they are.. proven..

I agree. After 15 years, what makes one believe Goody will get better at developing talent? He is a good salesman and will likely have more success getting a proven transfer than identifying the right high school kid.
The team has gone downhill since 2019. We don't have a good track record developing kids. Yes, Goody gets credit for developing Perrotti and Theobold. He was unable to develop Aragona, Mulligan, Correnti, Glasgow, Alvarez, Aguilar, and others.
He only gets credit for developing two wrestlers.

Explain more how it was Goodale fault for not developing Aragona , Mulligan, Correnti, Glasgow, Alvarez, Aguilar, and others. Did you speak with these young men. Did they say it was Goodale fault. Were you in the room to see how they were being train.

We have done better with transfers such as Suriano and Rivera who brought their developed talents to Rutgers. Except for Ashnault, Suriano and Rivera have been the 2 best wrestlers under Goodale.
What about the other AA's.

One poster, who is an insider, said parents won't let their kid wrestle at RU. Parents think their child should attend Stanford, Cornell, Princeton, etc. That may be true. But lesser academic schools such as N C State, Nebraska, Minnesota, Virginia Tech, Missouri, Iowa State, and even Pitt outperform us. Parents let their kids go to these schools.
Our NJ private school blue chip recruits typically go to Stanford, Northwestern, UPenn, Cornell, Princeton and Lehigh to further their education.

Let's go after transfers from these schools. Plus, after kids have used their undergraduate eligibility at the Ivies, Stanford, and Northwestern let's get them to come to Rutgers.. Many are Jersey kids and may want to wrestle for a year or two in front of family and friends. This could be our winning formula. What Goody is currently doing isn't working and hasn't moved the needle..
What makes you believe that Goodale doesn't recruit the NJ wrestlers that are in the portal.
I know you hate Goodale and want him fired. Every chance you get you come on here to bash him and the team.
Did Goodale not recruit or develop your kid.
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He only gets credit for developing two wrestlers.

Explain more how it was Goodale fault for not developing Aragona , Mulligan, Correnti, Glasgow, Alvarez, Aguilar, and others. Did you speak with these young men. Did they say it was Goodale fault. Were you in the room to see how they were being train.

What about the other AA's.

Our NJ private school blue chip recruits typically go to Stanford, Northwestern, UPenn, Cornell, Princeton and Lehigh to further their education.

What makes you believe that Goodale doesn't recruit the NJ wrestlers that are in the portal.
I know you hate Goodale and want him fired. Every chance you get you come on here to bash him and the team.
Did Goodale not recruit or develop your kid.
Michael: The punctuation character "?" is used to end a question.

"I know you hate Goodale and want him fired"
I don't know that and have seen blue claim quite the opposite. Why would he lie? Is criticism alone your criterion to judge a person's motives?

I know that I don't hate Goodale. I don't even know him outside of what I observe in media, including this forum. I come from the real world, where professionals are judged on performance-based results. I know it's different in government and academia, where standards are lax, and employment is protected. I have not been in the room to observe, although I would find it interesting and helpful. I can only go by results. Results are not impressive, but they are measurable. In that real world that I speak of, performance measurements are paramount, and excuses aren't tolerated but for so long. If there are obstacles to better performance, the person is expected to conquer those obstacles, and that becomes a performance mandate. You just can't have the same excuses year after year.

I have never called for Goodale's dismissal. Personally, I would be sad to see that happen. However, there is a job to be done, and it has to be done better unless we all accept that we can't do it, stomp our feet, and accept mediocrity. Some here seem happy to do that rather than face uncomfortable thoughts and then just giggle about it or shoot the messenger. I'd like to see Goodale tackle the obstacles and hope he can get motivated and smarter in getting it done. I'm not certain he can or will. If we keep hearing "we have to get better" and similar statements at pressers, we will only know that he knows it but can't make it happen.

I'm not picking on Goodale. He's the guy in charge.
Thank you Pessimistically. You do good job explaining the facts. Having worked in a corporate setting, I was always held accountable. I remember my boss letting his good friend go who wasn't hitting his sales targets. It seems as some posters haven't worked in an accountability environment, are accustomed to making excuses, or are willing to accept mediocrity. I will continue to support Rutgers wrestling and hope that Goody can turn it around.

Getting Cannon will be a good omen for the future.
4 matches was enough to meet the minimum match requirement to be ranked for attendance?
5 … the match at the barn - which hurt our avg , but not enough to be in 4th is included

The are a few teams with 4 dates on the list as well as army with only 2

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