RU hires DL coach Shane Burnham

Then why is the new staff saying we need to build a wall around NJ?

This staff has no clue about NJ and has no ties. This is a SH#T hire. Pagnos was a young guy that recruited well and had NJ and FL ties.

Every one of you ASH clowns would have destroyed flood or Schiano for these hires but give the new guy a free pass after free pass.

Terry Shea II

Panagos was in his mid 40's and did not have Jersey ties when he started at RU, and he did well.
RU is in a different position now than the last time we entered a legit conference. Back then we didnt have the facilities and the recruiting game was different then. A staff with national or at least heavy B1G recruiting ties will be much better positioned to do well now. F NJ.... selling out of state kids on RU will be easier.
I'm definitely concerned about the overall lack of NJ ties but considering our last staff's major issues recruiting NJ I'm willing to give it a chance before I write Ash off as "Terry Shea II

Joe P.
Ata boy! Give it a try!
I'm definitely concerned about the overall lack of NJ ties but considering our last staff's major issues recruiting NJ I'm willing to give it a chance before I write Ash off as "Terry Shea II". We played the NJ HS politics with the last staff and the HS coaches wiped their rear-ends with us while gushing about the usual out-of-state subjects.

...this staff will live or die by two things:

-on-field response to coaching
-relationships they develop with NJ coaches and beyond

Joe P.
Well our NJ recruiting in unlikely to get much worse, so there is that. We'll see. Ash obviously has a plan for what he wants to do, what we don't know is how he'll adjust when certain parts don't work out as expected, and certain parts always don't work out.
Panagos was in his mid 40's and did not have Jersey ties when he started at RU, and he did well.
Panagos is a ball of enthusiasm and wants his players to play hard. This clown was micked up for 5 minutes and all he did was try to joke around. Maybe he is trying to be a comedian in his next gig! He certainly has no football communication skills.
Well our NJ recruiting in unlikely to get much worse, so there is that. We'll see. Ash obviously has a plan for what he wants to do, what we don't know is how he'll adjust when certain parts don't work out as expected, and certain parts always don't work out.

Definitely a lot of variables and we're taking some chances no doubt. I know it's much more exception rather than rule but what was Schellenberger's ties to Miami when he went there? What are James Franklin's ties to NJ?

Joe P.
Panagos is a ball of enthusiasm and wants his players to play hard. This clown was micked up for 5 minutes and all he did was try to joke around. Maybe he is trying to be a comedian in his next gig! He certainly has no football communication skills.

Do you work for the FBI or CIA? Considering you were able to deduce so much from one 5-minute clip...

Joe P.
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not a fan of this or yesterdays underwhelming D cord hire.hope I,m 100% wrong.but..this is Jersey not Ohio or Iowa or Illinios...

Yup because in those other states kids grow up wanting to play for the 'ol State U unlike NJ kids who are desperate to leave.
yup ,thats why Michigan and PSU are stocking up with NJ kids and playing below 500 in B10 last season,too many Jersey kids!
I get what you're trying to say but don't you think this is a bit silly. By the way Michigan was a very good team this year. Let's not go overboard and start acting like jersey players don't turn out good or we should just not recruit them. We still need to establish a strong recruiting base in our home state to become a successful program long term. This has become one of the new bandwagon ideas that makes little sense and makes our fan base seem petty because we aren't landing our top home state recruits. I am confident Ash will start getting some of these.
Definitely a lot of variables and we're taking some chances no doubt. I know it's much more exception rather than rule but what was Schellenberger's ties to Miami when he went there? What are James Franklin's ties to NJ?

Joe P.
Penn St and Miami are MUCH easier places to recruit at. Franklin is a dynamic recruiter and Penn St has decades of success always recruited NJ well. And any Coach with a pulse can recruit at Miami, Schnelly got the ball rolling, Tremendous coach.
Then why is the new staff saying we need to build a wall around NJ?

This staff has no clue about NJ and has no ties. This is a SH#T hire. Pagnos was a young guy that recruited well and had NJ and FL ties.

Every one of you ASH clowns would have destroyed flood or Schiano for these hires but give the new guy a free pass after free pass.

Terry Shea II

Sorry, I trust Ash, i don't trust you and your "expertise" in college football.
Panagos is a ball of enthusiasm and wants his players to play hard. This clown was micked up for 5 minutes and all he did was try to joke around. Maybe he is trying to be a comedian in his next gig! He certainly has no football communication skills.
must have missed the end. the guys is intense..doesn't mean shit though cause none of us are coaches or know anything about these guys. Trust in our HC.... he hasn't given you a single reason not to.
...also, what is/was Herman's major connection to Houston/ Texas (I know Applewhite)?

Joe P.
Penn St and Miami are MUCH easier places to recruit at. Franklin is a dynamic recruiter and Penn St has decades of success always recruited NJ well. And any Coach with a pulse can recruit at Miami, Schnelly got the ball rolling, Tremendous coach.

True, but when Schnellenberger went there it was an absolute wasteland with no history of winning.

Joe P.
Don't care if we win with a roster comprised of kids from Jersey, Florida, Iowa, Ohio, or Alaska.

As long as they win.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love for R kids to stay and protect R house. But if you think about it, our best team was headlined by kids from NY and FL.

not a fan of this or yesterdays underwhelming D cord hire.hope I,m 100% wrong.but..this is Jersey not Ohio or Iowa or Illinios...

Thanks Coach BlockR, I know you spent years coaching under Beitima and Urban Meyer....who is your "Overwhelming" DC Hire !
Doesn't Mich have 3 if you count S&C? And OSU has 4 if you count GAs. So RU is behind both right now no matter how you cut it, and Ash is not Meyer or Harbaugh, and he said most.
I did a quick search for b1G programs but all teams don't provide pics of coaches. I was looking at position coaches but if you count S&C coaches we are up to 2. Since we haven't hired GA's it's just another example of this board complaining about something before it even happens.
Next talking point, for sure. Lack of diversity at the most diverse university in U.S.
I did a quick search for b1G programs but all teams don't provide pics of coaches. I was looking at position coaches but if you count S&C coaches we are up to 2. Since we haven't hired GA's it's just another example of this board complaining about something before it even happens.
It has pretty much happened. Isn't only one position open? It's not necessarily a problem, but it is pretty obvious when you take a look at the staff. In a perfect world it wouldn't matter but I expect it matters some.

As I said I hope the GAs change things a bit.
There is no way some of you can care so much about every hire. I think some of you are just negative complainers but I truly believe we have a bunch of posters that do this with an agenda. Someone doesn't like RU or NJ or whatever so you just come on this board and make fools of yourselves. It's pathetic really.

I come here for news and to get pumped for next season only to find around 10 losers acting like idiots in every thread. You know who you are. What's best is some of you are dumb enough to now attack me for saying this which makes my point justified. Have at it losers.
Then why is the new staff saying we need to build a wall around NJ?

This staff has no clue about NJ and has no ties. This is a SH#T hire. Pagnos was a young guy that recruited well and had NJ and FL ties.

Every one of you ASH clowns would have destroyed flood or Schiano for these hires but give the new guy a free pass after free pass.

Terry Shea II

I don't get all the love for Panagos. As a recruiter he was above average but the D-line was probably the most underperforming unit on the team the last two years. No discipline caused too many open lanes and the tackling was atrocious.
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It has pretty much happened. Isn't only one position open? It's not necessarily a problem, but it is pretty obvious when you take a look at the staff. In a perfect world it wouldn't matter but I expect it matters some.

As I said I hope the GAs change things a bit.
No one position coach is left. You mentioned GA's whichever heave yet to hire. You pointed to entire staffs with 3 and 4 respectively. We have 2 with a position coach and entire support staff still to be hired.
Staff diversity is about as important as how many waterfalls are in the locker room to recruits.

Survey after survey, the most important factors to a recruit are 1.) can this staff get me to the NFL, 2.) does this team play against competition that will prepare me for the NFL & 3.) do the systems run adequately prepare me for the NFL.
A little research and I hope he does well for us but what exactly makes this a good hire? Iowa st ranked 87 in rush defense behind us at 86. Gave up 186.6 yards per game.
Then why is the new staff saying we need to build a wall around NJ?

This staff has no clue about NJ and has no ties. This is a SH#T hire. Pagnos was a young guy that recruited well and had NJ and FL ties.

Every one of you ASH clowns would have destroyed flood or Schiano for these hires but give the new guy a free pass after free pass.

Terry Shea II

Don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel. It isn't healthy to bottle up your feelings.
A little research and I hope he does well for us but what exactly makes this a good hire? Iowa st ranked 87 in rush defense behind us at 86. Gave up 186.6 yards per game.
Because you to look at the totality of a team. Our D sucked..doesn't that mean Panagos does? I'm still learning about this hire but Ash hired him for a reason. Did you guys think we were gonna hire a staff full of Broyles award winners and national recruiters of the year? One thing I will say. The national media seems to continuously comment on how good these hires are. That has NEVER happened in the past here.
I have mentioned in previous posts that we need a HC and staff that the HS coaches respect rather than like. We need a staff that puts pressure on the HS coaches rather than coddles them. Sometimes to get this effect you need to bring in outsiders - it's simple psychology, people often times treat the ones they know and the people that are nicest to them like shit, while they treat those that they do not know but are in positions of power like Gods.
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