RU hires DL coach Shane Burnham

Rutgers needs to defeat the following teams in the B1G East division,ie,Ohio State,Michigan,Michigan State, Penn State.
The only legit powerhouse Schiano ever beat was that '06 Cardinal team.

Kids just need tangible reasons to hope.
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Too bad some of the ones on here who are always bitching and moaning about everything they can regarding the new staff/hires can't get together and form a band. They could call themselves: "The Complainers".

Some of the songs they'd have on their first CD might be titled:

1.) My Love is Gone (A lament for KF)
2.) Nobody's Good Enough for Me
3.) This Stinks, That Stinks, EVERYTHING Stinks
4.) C'mon, Baby, Hope the New Staff's Fired
5.) Whine and Shout
6.) Born To Be Miserable

...Along with a few other "uplifting" ditties thrown in, as well.

And the CD would have the appropriate title: "The Broken Record".
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Panagos has family from NYC area which means he was familiar with NJ.

I've lived in NYC/NJ most of my life, have the vast majority of family/friends here, and would know how to travel almost anywhere just by memory. That doesn't automatically imply that I have college football recruiting ties and/or relationships with high school coaches (for the most part, I don't).

It's amazing what a little research, google maps, closing ability, and even a scarlet helicopter could do.
Too bad some of the ones on here who are always bitching and moaning about everything they can regarding the new staff/hires can't get together and form a band. They could call themselves: "The Complainers".

Some of the songs they'd have on their first CD might be titled:

1.) My Love is Gone (A lament for KF)
2.) Nobody's Good Enough for Me
3.) This Stinks, That Stinks, EVERYTHING Stinks
4.) C'mon, Baby, Hope the New Staff's Fired
5.) Whine and Shout
6.) Born To Be Miserable

...Along with a few other "uplifting" ditties thrown in, as well.

And the CD would have the appropriate title: "The Broken Record".
Would this band be preceded by the band called the 'double standard'? This band consists of people who wanted to have flood fired because he could not land any NJ top 10 recruits but give ASH a free pass by hiring a staff of all his former buddies with no NJ ties? These same people are now saying Ash doesn't need to recruit and get top NJ players, the players can come from Iowa, Nebraska etc.

Quick story about Sewercuse. When Scott Schaffer became head coach at SU he said that he hired most of his new staff because he knew them from the past. One day most of them were sitting at the coaches conference held annually and they said that if any of them ever became head coach that person would hire the others at the table as his staff. So Schaffer true to his word hired many assistants that were at that table at the coaches conference for his SU staff.

We all know how that turned out. The new SU OC never had any experience previously and was let go quickly.
I am not one of these acolytes that believes ASH cannot make a mistake. He said last week that he has not completed his staff because some of them were in bowl games or NFL games. Well who what that?