RU hires DL coach Shane Burnham

Because you to look at the totality of a team. Our D sucked..doesn't that mean Panagos does? I'm still learning about this hire but Ash hired him for a reason. Did you guys think we were gonna hire a staff full of Broyles award winners and national recruiters of the year? One thing I will say. The national media seems to continuously comment on how good these hires are. That has NEVER happened in the past here.
It's really, really hard to evaluate position coaches from the outside. They aren't putting in the schemes, they aren't in charge of recruiting and they are likely just following orders on what to teach and how to teach it. If the coach thinks he can get in line and do things the way he wants them done that is fine by me as far as evaluation goes.
Staff diversity is about as important as how many waterfalls are in the locker room to recruits.

Survey after survey, the most important factors to a recruit are 1.) can this staff get me to the NFL, 2.) does this team play against competition that will prepare me for the NFL & 3.) do the systems run adequately prepare me for the NFL.

I think you left out "can I play for a national championship here?"
As far as diversity, you guys are dismissing Kenny Parker who as an ASSISTANT strength coach at OSU was very verbal/active with recruiting, motivation, etc. he was featured prominently in Scarlet & Gray Days whereas never even saw Ash talk once. Parker has a great personality and presence. The kids will love him.
If highly talented prospects and their coaches are fully convinced that at Rutgers, they will be playing in a highly competitive program on the rise - that is coached by guys who have been on distinguished programs & are going to develop them to reach or exceed their potential ... they will embrace Rutgers. They will be as receptive, or more, to Coach Ash and his staff as they would be to any other major program.

If highly talented prospects and their coaches are positive that great things are going to happen at Rutgers, there isn't a single one who would say "oh, they don't have enough coaches with Jersey blood "

The harsh reality is that this level of conviction & confidence just was not sufficiently achieved in the past. Prospects and their coaches simply had too much concern that their talents might be squandered in a sea of mediocrity.
I have mentioned in previous posts that we need a HC and staff that the HS coaches respect rather than like. We need a staff that puts pressure on the HS coaches rather than coddles them. Sometimes to get this effect you need to bring in outsiders - it's simple psychology, people often times treat the ones they know and the people that are nicest to them like shit, while they treat those that they do not know but are in positions of power like Gods.

As I watched Houston game, I saw players (all flavors) dancing on the field and sidelines in 4th Q. They were hugging Herman like he was a relative after the game. Its obvious the players both like and trust Herman. They are having fun playing for him. Interesting to note he was at Iowa St before OSU. According to some his Iowa st job should disqualify him since RU beat Iowa St in the Pinstripe. Yes thats silly but I've read that about other Ash hires last week
As far as diversity, you guys are dismissing Kenny Parker who as an ASSISTANT strength coach at OSU was very verbal/active with recruiting, motivation, etc. he was featured prominently in Scarlet & Gray Days whereas never even saw Ash talk once. Parker has a great personality and presence. The kids will love him.
good point
Man, these guys better spend every waking moment getting to know the high schools in NJ.
Flood and many on his staff knew the hell out of NJ and its HS coaches. How'd that work out? They went to war in recruiting against lots of out of state HCs and assistants. How'd that work out too?

Good coaches and recruiters are what RU needs. If they get that, the rest will take care of itself. We won't know for a while.
It has pretty much happened. Isn't only one position open? It's not necessarily a problem, but it is pretty obvious when you take a look at the staff. In a perfect world it wouldn't matter but I expect it matters some.

As I said I hope the GAs change things a bit.

Makes sense. Let's bring in some GAs from the engineering Dept. to help round out the staff...
This thread sucks.
Makes sense. Let's bring in some GAs from the engineering Dept. to help round out the staff...
No Italian names on staff either. I can't image how he'll recruit much of Jersey. Lol...
Herman coached in Texas for ten years no?
Herman has had barely one recruiting class playing at Houston. He came in after the championship game last year. He's won with previous coaches players. His full class is this year and I think he's really upgraded their recruiting rank. They're going to get even better if you can believe it.
I didn't bother to read the three pages on another hire being controversial but Im assuming its the usual handwringing and chicken littles:weary:am I correct?

It gone from judging levels of experience to levels of melatonin.... I'm not sure we're making much progress...
Actually, that wasn't a top 3 factor. Kids seem to understand that the likelihood of winning a championship is small, especially if they expect to leave early for the draft.

True, but I say "play for a championship" meaning playing nationally meaningful games late in the season like we did in 2006. I know chances of winning the playoffs are extremely remote except for a handful of programs.

Oh by the way, Mehringer was in charge of Houston's recruiting for this 2016 class.
Penn St and Miami are MUCH easier places to recruit at. Franklin is a dynamic recruiter and Penn St has decades of success always recruited NJ well. And any Coach with a pulse can recruit at Miami, Schnelly got the ball rolling, Tremendous coach.
But yet many here wanted Al Golden, who apparently didn't have a pulse, lol.

There's more than one way to skin a cat, and it took Schiano how many years to finally get 1 or 2 top kids to go to Rutgers every season? Obviously it didn't happen with Flood. So let's see if Ash and his staff can do their thing. And if this does happen and NJ kids/coaches won't consider Rutgers, I think Ash won't freak out and just look elsewhere for kids who WANT to be at Rutgers.
But yet many here wanted Al Golden, who apparently didn't have a pulse, lol.

There's more than one way to skin a cat, and it took Schiano how many years to finally get 1 or 2 top kids to go to Rutgers every season? Obviously it didn't happen with Flood. So let's see if Ash and his staff can do their thing. And if this does happen and NJ kids/coaches won't consider Rutgers, I think Ash won't freak out and just look elsewhere for kids who WANT to be at Rutgers.

Even though Golden had little pulse, he recruited very well because it's Miami.
Until and if we ever see a significant number of NJ's top players coming to RU, this program needs good players to win games and that will mean finding them from other places. I could care less about Jersey ties! I just want to win games.
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Even though Golden had little pulse, he recruited very well because it's Miami.
Players from Miami didn't want to play for Miami and wound up in Gainesville, Tallahassee, Louisville, among other places. There's a reason why Miami went 4-1 or whatever with an unknown coach after he was fired.
Black Coaches Matter

Then Bama has a problem.

The high school kids today see thing much differently than those in their late 20s and beyond. Each year it gets more to a single color. I have seen no demonstrations about the lack of whites, Asians, or Spanish in the NBA or the NFL. People see things differently. I have to agree with the statement about getting to the NFL and not the color of the coaches.
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Panagos is a ball of enthusiasm and wants his players to play hard. This clown was micked up for 5 minutes and all he did was try to joke around. Maybe he is trying to be a comedian in his next gig! He certainly has no football communication skills.

So you are judging him on one short tape? Ironic.
I didn't bother to read the three pages on another hire being controversial but Im assuming its the usual handwringing and chicken littles:weary:am I correct?
Cliff's Notes version: if the rest of the staff is not black coaches from NJ, some people will be complaining.
NJ kids will come if Ash can show them that Rutgers can keep up with the big boys. He doesn't necessarily need to win -- just don't get embarrassed.
Rutgers needs to defeat the following teams in the B1G East division,ie,Ohio State,Michigan,Michigan State, Penn State.