Why is it an event that can't happen? there are hundreds of people in the Shop Rite I was just in, inside. The Super Bowl just had tens of thousands of fans in the stands. ARMY had graduation LAST May. Those that don't wish to participate don't have to, those that do, can. We have something like 3000+ people a day testing positive in NJ, they're in the herd. Hundreds of thousands more will be vaccinated by then. the transmission rate is dropping every day. We will never reach a zero chance, never. There will always be some risk. College aged population is at a statically zero risk of severe covid reaction. In either scenario, grandma probably stays home and stays safe ( her personal choice) but regardless, I'll wager grandma would like the ceremony to go on for her grandchild. Most parents would like to see the ceremony go on for their children and most college graduates would like to attend their ceremony.
At any university that allowed students to be on campus, they overwhelmingly showed up. That tells me the vast majority of families have no issue with their children being in an on campus setting, with thousands of other students in close proximity. Time for Rutgers to allow students and their families to make decisions for themselves. We are the customer, the paying customer and IMO, Rutgers has forgotten that.
Allowing grown adults to make a risk/reward decision for themselves isn't difficult. For those that fear the virus, stay home, stay sheltered, wear double masks. Any of the stupid, selfish folks that attend the graduation will be wearing a mask in any public setting that you might come across them? I simply don't understand the fear. Yes, people have died from covid. Roughly 6000 people die every month in NJ for any variety of reasons. If you check the nj.gov statistics, there HAVE NOT been any access deaths in NJ since May 2020. the same amount of people are dying in NJ as normally die, pre covid. The vast majority of covid deaths are elderly and those with multiple co-morbidities. those folks shouldn't go to a large graduation ceremony, but they should have the choice to regardless. It should be a personal choice....IMO