To me, breeding and raising dogs to fight and kill each other is right up there with the worst of the worst crimes.
For a human to be able to do that to dogs, you need to have severe, severe issues.
Personally, I would never want my child to be led by someone who has done what he has done.
I understand other people have different opinions, but again, personally, I would never be able to support a team or allow my child to play for him.
Here is a reminder:
The report also states in mid-April of 2007, Vick, Peace and Phillips hung approximately three dogs who did not perform well in a "rolling session," which indicates the readiness of a dog to fight. According to the report, the three men hung the dogs "by placing a nylon cord over a 2 X 4 that was nailed to two trees located next to the big shed. They also drowned approximately three dogs by putting the dogs' heads in a five gallon bucket of water."
Did he pay his time?
21 months in prison—-is not enough time in my opinion for what he did.
Is he remorseful?
Who knows.
Does he have a right to earn a living? Of course.