Coaching is a life choice profession, having the great gift of athleticism gets you the honor and privilege of a scholarship to go to and play in college.Not sure I understand.
Every person associated with college athletics has increased their direct compensation (including head coaches) excessively. Except players.
It's hard to cry poor ("AD can't afford to directly compensate players. Fans need to pay it") when the coaching staffs keep getting huge raises.
Imagine you are a free agent and are meeting with the Pirates.
Management: We really want you to be on a our team again next year. We have a good thing going and you are key part of it. But we can't offer you more money. There just isn't any money. We are breaking even at best and likely losing money.
You: But didn't you greatly increase revenue over the past years?
Management: Oh ya. We've making much more than we were just a couple years ago. And it should keep going up.
You: And didn't you just give the manager a raise? And the hitting coach a raise? And the pitching coach a raise? And yourself a raise?
Management: That we did.
You: But there isn't any money to pay me? Where is all this extra money going? If you are losing money - how are the coaches getting huge raises?
Management: Well we have all these other expenses. But don't worry. We're going to upgrade the weight room and practice facilities. We'll even get better snacks for the dugout.
If you choose to play professionally afterwards that’s your life choice.
If you’re good enough and have enough impact on the public to make some money in endorsements and appearances… great.
What a college pays a coach is none of your business, universities don’t pay players
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