Per Sarge:
Under the previous rules, it was up to the Athletics Director, in consultation with the football coach and the director of sports medicine, whether to suspend a football player for up to two weeks for a first violation. The suspension periods increased for second and third infractions, and a fourth violation resulted in a dismissal from the team.
The new policy covers all Rutgers teams, including football, and makes a clear distinction between performance-enhancing drugs and marijuana.
-- A first violation for a performance-enhancing drug (PED) or other hard-drug substance such as cocaine or heroin will result in the athlete receiving a suspension for between "0 to 10 percent'' of one season of competition. A first failed marijuana test won't result in a suspension.
-- A second PED or hard-drug violation will result in a suspension from approximately 10-to-25 percent of a season, while a second marijuana failed test will require a suspension from 0 to 10 percent of the current or upcoming season.
-- A third PED or hard-drug violation will result in a suspension from approximately 30 to 100 percent of the season, while a third marijuana violation will result in a 10-to-25-percent-of-the-season suspension.
-- A fourth PED or hard-drug violation will result in the dismissal from the team, while a fourth marijuana violation mandates the 30-to-100 percent game suspension.
-- A fifth violation for marijuana use will result in the dismissal from the team.
Under the previous rules, it was up to the Athletics Director, in consultation with the football coach and the director of sports medicine, whether to suspend a football player for up to two weeks for a first violation. The suspension periods increased for second and third infractions, and a fourth violation resulted in a dismissal from the team.
The new policy covers all Rutgers teams, including football, and makes a clear distinction between performance-enhancing drugs and marijuana.
-- A first violation for a performance-enhancing drug (PED) or other hard-drug substance such as cocaine or heroin will result in the athlete receiving a suspension for between "0 to 10 percent'' of one season of competition. A first failed marijuana test won't result in a suspension.
-- A second PED or hard-drug violation will result in a suspension from approximately 10-to-25 percent of a season, while a second marijuana failed test will require a suspension from 0 to 10 percent of the current or upcoming season.
-- A third PED or hard-drug violation will result in a suspension from approximately 30 to 100 percent of the season, while a third marijuana violation will result in a 10-to-25-percent-of-the-season suspension.
-- A fourth PED or hard-drug violation will result in the dismissal from the team, while a fourth marijuana violation mandates the 30-to-100 percent game suspension.
-- A fifth violation for marijuana use will result in the dismissal from the team.