Heard Rutgers is hiring SORA Security/Event Staff through Andy Frain Services (www.andyfrain.com). Don't have any more info.
Jeepers, that's pretty good money for a PT gig isn't it? I mean, I live in OH so I know it is all relevant to location but doesn't sound like a bad gig at all.
I've been asking the same thing re pay as I'm new to the field but I asked one of the girls who was applying with me (coincidentally she had worked with them). She said Frain paid more than any other agency she has worked
Its not the easiest of gigs for football. The 1st two games were HOT (especially game 1) and I don't know how most made it through (maybe that's why there R openings). At least in the stands you can drink as much water as possible, get into the shade and do whatever to stay cool.
RE SORA pay from what I know (inc ex-cop instructor who taught maybe 6 of 20 hours he should have) the top pay is if you have a gun permit/instruction. Don't know if the NRA classes suffice but ive seen them on groupon. ***From what my ex cop instructor told me basically it's the ex cops and contacts who get the plumb top SORA jobs. Lots of burnt out "older" type cops like SORA jobs because they are easy (piece of cake vs being a normal cop)with little stress.
Ash,If I had to guess, I would say yes. I wish I had more details for you and others. Just something I heard about. I am NOT sure if these would be the right people to call/email,but here are the people in facilities,Events, and Operations--http://www.scarletknights.com/school-bio/facilities-operations.html
My FIL just retired from COP for a large PA city and I know he used to pull OT doing concerts and such back when his girls were little. He wasn't making much and his wife was a stay-a-home so they needed it to make ends meet. He said if he gets bored he may actually go back to doing it again. His brother was also COP and the head of SWAT for the same city and does PI work so he could always do that as well if he gets bored.
Some R regular staff (i.e. work the top of the sections), some (blue I think) are managers, yada. Admittedly, hard to miss!Wow! What bugs me is that they all wear different colors. There are guys in orange, blue, yellow, wtf??