Pros you got mad talent, more than probably any other school in B1G within state
Pros you got a huge market to capitalize on if you do well
Pro your stadium is decent
Pro you will have a lot more money to spend
Pro marquee match ups with OSU, PSU, UM, MSU (Yes no one in NJ cares much when u play UMD and Indiana)
Pro lots of money to tap from fan base, if you could get it. (Maryland has same issue, rich cheap fansPro you are just getting into Big time athletics.
Con cold weather compared to southern schools
Con everyone comes in to NJ and recruits talent away
Con you got crap facilities
Con your history prior to last decade is horrific
Con Campus is spread out
Con Mike Rice fiascos
Con Flood/Herman fiascos
Con competing wirh pro teams
Con media scrutiny of
Con have to go up against Michigan, OSU, PSU, UM, and Maryland with Under Armour pumping stupid money into football
Con your cheerleaders
Con the smells driving up turnpike
Con other revenue sports are mostly embrassing.
Con your athletic department has a HUGE subsidy, and it will be a while until they are in the black which means huge financial improvements are still far away.
Con crappy fan support for small games