Sterling Gibbs


All Conference
Jan 19, 2013
Just speculating here, but would you take him if he becomes available as a graduate transfer? The better question might be would Sterling come here as a graduate transfer?

And how would Eddie Jordan run the team with both Gibbs and Sanders? Who would start among Williams, Daniels and Sanders?

Could we inch closer to 15 wins by adding Gibbs and a juco transfer like Freeman? Adding two seasoned players would help all of our young guards like Mike Williams, Ryan Johnson, Justin Goode and Corey Sanders.

Discuss :-)

This post was edited on 2/16 3:21 PM by Aggs
Gibbs would be better than any other Rutgers player so the answer would be yes 100 times over.Would he come to Rutgers is a different question and I think the answer is no because he probably wants to play on a team who has a very goof chance of making it to the NCAA Tournament.Florida might be the choice.Gibbs could replace Carter.
Originally posted by RU-JMM78:

Gibbs would be better than any other Rutgers player so the answer would be yes 100 times over.Would he come to Rutgers is a different question and I think the answer is no because he probably wants to play on a team who has a very goof chance of making it to the NCAA Tournament.Florida might be the choice.Gibbs could replace Carter.
Most players want to go to the NCAAs. I get that.

It's not like Florida is making the NCAAs this year, and would Donovan let him quarterback the offense? Also UNLV is under-500 which will mean Dave Rice is on the hot seat, and you have to wonder what will happen with Jerome Seagears.

This post was edited on 2/16 3:31 PM by Aggs
I would take Sterling in a minute. Sanders could play PG and Sterling could play the 2G and sub for Sanders at PG for a few minutes a game. Williams could still get minutes at 2G and would have 2 more years after next. Daniels I think would have a more difficult time under those circumstances.
Originally posted by knights1212:

I would take Sterling in a minute. Sanders could play PG and Sterling could play the 2G and sub for Sanders at PG for a few minutes a game. Williams could still get minutes at 2G and would have 2 more years after next. Daniels I think would have a more difficult time under those circumstances.
You get someone like Gibbs and add him to our returning guards it's not that much different than Seton Hall's guards: Gibbs, Sanders, Williams, Goode, and Ryan Johnson is decent.

As for our forwards, add Deshawn Freeman to Foreman, Diallo, Etou, Kejuan, Doorson and Lewis and there's depth and talent there.

It would give us a fighting chance in a brutal B1G and in an important year for Eddie.
This post was edited on 2/16 3:37 PM by Aggs
Rutgers offers a lot of majors but i just don't see it happening. If Gibbs was to leave he'd want to play somewhere where he could dance.
If Dave Rice gets fired that would be funny. Seagers would deserve it after Welsh said he was a disgrace to uniform.
Originally posted by higgins3:
Rutgers offers a lot of majors but i just don't see it happening. If Gibbs was to leave he'd want to play somewhere where he could dance.
To be fair, does any recruit high school junior or senior think we're dancing in four years?
I'd take him in a heartbeat. I've known him since he was little and he's a quality young man.

Unlike Sina, there is no baggage with his father either.
I just don't think it happens. Could very well be wrong. Recruits and players that are here know they can win games, but to get to the tournament takes something special.
Originally posted by knights1212:

I would take Sterling in a minute. Sanders could play PG and Sterling could play the 2G and sub for Sanders at PG for a few minutes a game. Williams could still get minutes at 2G and would have 2 more years after next. Daniels I think would have a more difficult time under those circumstances.
Yes you would and should if it comes to it. He's a super young man and has gotten better and better. He has been absolutely a joy to watch and root for.
Mike Williams is a better all-around player.

Jaren Sina averaged 7.0 points, 2.5 rebounds, 2.3 assists, 32.3 percent shooting in 32.2 minutes per game.

Mike Williams, as a freshman in the B1G, averages 6.4 points, 2.2 rebounds, 1.0 assist, 31.3 percent shooting in 23.2 minutes per game.

Williams has 19 steals to Sina's 10 steals

Williams has 14 blocks to Sina's 0 blocks.

This post was edited on 2/16 5:58 PM by Aggs
I can see Gibbs going to Maryland replacing Dez Wells...

That be said, I would love Gibbs to RU...kid's a gamer and a winner and a nice team player.....
A cheap shot that appeared to be delivered with intent. He should sit for a couple of games for that one.
looks like the implosion is not yet done

I wouldn't turn Gibbs away just because he threw this punch, seemed out of character for him, the frustration certainly has boiled over with him
Got to admit that's really disappointing. Maybe that atmosphere in east orange is more toxic than I thought.

Can you imagine if this was happening here? The news would be all over it

And the students would be protesting for days
I must admit that I was not aware of any cheap shot by Gibbs prior to my post.

Just read the SHU and Nova boards and they are both livid at Gibbs.

I have not seen the tape of this.
I saw the clip. Wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot pole. No place for that in society let alone the court. Complete punk move.
Wow, just saw the clip, I know Gibbs is frustrated, but wtf, you can't punch an opposing player on the ground in the head because of frustration. Two guys standing up and pushing each other, I get that, but this was bad.
Some of the Pirate Crew have decided that his hand glancing off of Ajou's head makes it much worse than he intended.

Many have rightly not drank the Kool Aid, but it's getting popular. Pretty incredible to witness.
Maybe it deflected, but what is he trying to do? Reach in to get a jumpball. Hit the kid with your fist?
This post was edited on 2/16 9:51 PM by shields
The Conference needs to shut him down for the rest of the season, including the BE tourney.

Epic collapse at SHU this season on Willard's watch. Wow.
Saw the Gibbs incident on TV and that was absolutely pathetic.

He should be suspended for the rest of the season and post season.

To hit a defenseless player with a clenched fist is borderline criminal and there is no justification for this at all whereby a classy player / kid like Arch could have been concussed or incurred broken nose; broken teeth; black eye; broken jaw etc.

Thug move that deserves a punishment to end his season.

And his apology is meaningless....
That was ugly and kid was lying on his back and didn't even see it coming or have a chance to defend himself.

This post was edited on 2/16 10:56 PM by ColonelRutgers