JimmyJack is the winner!!!! A little common sense. Why is this hard? RU did something good, for a change. THERE WAS NO PROBLEM at the UNM game. A bunch of kids had a ton of fun in a huge group. 4 citations were written. The area is quit large and they limit the parking to 25 cars so there's room for lots of people. The area goes back a couple hundred yards. It's RU being afraid of something that didn't happen. Maintain a visible police presence a clamp down on any problems. If 500 kids want to jump around to a loud DJ....SO WHAT, let them. No harm, no foul. REPEAT-TheAlley IS the solution. Several parents who had children there said The Alley was fine. Please don't comment if you didn't see there area or speak with people who were there. "Controlled fun" was comment I heard from a student there. Read the student comments on twitter, the students thank RU. Since the announcement tonight, there's already 1500 signatures on the petition from students.
No one remembers the night you went to bed early. You remember the time you got two hours of sleep and then hit TheAlley early. You remember a crazy fun mob dancing with 500 people. You remember the fun you had at YOUR college tailgate. You remember walking to the game with 100 others. You create memories. You create college football fans. You create alums that had fun and connected with their university. You create donors and contributing alums. It's more than just chugging a couple beers from a red cup. It's about enhancing the college experience. My freshman daughter is upset because she didn't get to the Alley last week.....and now can't. As a parent I want my daughter to experience that. Nothing wrong with responsible fun. The Alley IS the solution. #SaveThe Alley. Just do it, do it responsibly. Don't ruin it for the 99% of the kids having fun. Remove/arrest/ticket the 1% who MAY cause a problem.