The Alley Being Shut Down

That's actually the opposite of my point. I think it's a very bad idea to corralle thousand and thousands of students into 1 area to drink when a majority of them are underage.

You can't possibly police that many kids if something goes wrong. Imagine a giant brawl breaking out and being recorded and how bad it would look on RU.

Also the idea that there is a giant designated area is going to draw the masses out whereas if there were tailgates spread out you would probly have less overall kids attending.

And I am not promoting how it was done 2-3 + years ago in the Blue lot. I honestly don't know what the solution is.

The Alley was the solution and it can be controlled. Any fights/belligerent behavior and you get ticketed or arrested. That's it. Very very few problems would actually exist if supervised properly.
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has anyone considered that with the recent bombings this past week that the school may have reviewed security and logistics and perhaps found that this area grouping together so many people in one confined space might be a shitshow waiting to happen, not just talking remote chance of a bomb but a big brawl among students, as much as students say they behave we all know sometimes this can get violent.
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Not sure why people here are assuming that fights will break out, or the situation will become uncontrollable. It's easy enough to have a light police presence in the area, and have them step in as needed. (Fights, someone clearly intoxicated past the limit, etc..) Also if you're that worried then require every organization that is hosting a tailgate in the area to have a minimum of 2 sober moderators. They are responsible for keeping their tailgate in check, and if not then that organization receives a temporary(1 game for first offense) ban from the lot. If it happens a second time then perhaps they lose the right for the rest of the season to obtain a pass. That way there is incentive to keep things under control
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The Alley was the solution and it can be controlled. Any fights/belligerent behavior and you get ticketed or arrested. That's it. Very very few problems would actually exist if supervised properly.

JimmyJack is the winner!!!! A little common sense. Why is this hard? RU did something good, for a change. THERE WAS NO PROBLEM at the UNM game. A bunch of kids had a ton of fun in a huge group. 4 citations were written. The area is quit large and they limit the parking to 25 cars so there's room for lots of people. The area goes back a couple hundred yards. It's RU being afraid of something that didn't happen. Maintain a visible police presence a clamp down on any problems. If 500 kids want to jump around to a loud DJ....SO WHAT, let them. No harm, no foul. REPEAT-TheAlley IS the solution. Several parents who had children there said The Alley was fine. Please don't comment if you didn't see there area or speak with people who were there. "Controlled fun" was comment I heard from a student there. Read the student comments on twitter, the students thank RU. Since the announcement tonight, there's already 1500 signatures on the petition from students.

No one remembers the night you went to bed early. You remember the time you got two hours of sleep and then hit TheAlley early. You remember a crazy fun mob dancing with 500 people. You remember the fun you had at YOUR college tailgate. You remember walking to the game with 100 others. You create memories. You create college football fans. You create alums that had fun and connected with their university. You create donors and contributing alums. It's more than just chugging a couple beers from a red cup. It's about enhancing the college experience. My freshman daughter is upset because she didn't get to the Alley last week.....and now can't. As a parent I want my daughter to experience that. Nothing wrong with responsible fun. The Alley IS the solution. #SaveThe Alley. Just do it, do it responsibly. Don't ruin it for the 99% of the kids having fun. Remove/arrest/ticket the 1% who MAY cause a problem.
has anyone considered that with the recent bombings this past week that the school may have reviewed security and logistics and perhaps found that this area grouping together so many people in one confined space might be a shitshow waiting to happen, not just talking remote chance of a bomb but a big brawl among students, as much as students say they behave we all know sometimes this can get violent.

Using this mentality, we shouldn't even have football games. Too many people in too confined a space. Anyone could sneak a pipe bomb in. Anyone can start a fight with the guy behind. That's why there's security. They arrest/take out the problem so the rest of the 99% of us can enjoy the game
has anyone considered that with the recent bombings this past week that the school may have reviewed security and logistics and perhaps found that this area grouping together so many people in one confined space might be a shitshow waiting to happen, not just talking remote chance of a bomb but a big brawl among students, as much as students say they behave we all know sometimes this can get violent.

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BTW, the ESPN article is very informative and is written in a positive light.

This board is pushing the most negative angle out there. Only the board...
BTW, the ESPN article is very informative and is written in a positive light.

This board is pushing the most negative angle out there. Only the board...
This is true and from the articles I've read so far they even support Hobbs in taking the sip of beer. But people are jumping to conclusions here and thinking the worst.
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JimmyJack is the winner!!!! A little common sense. Why is this hard? RU did something good, for a change. THERE WAS NO PROBLEM at the UNM game. A bunch of kids had a ton of fun in a huge group. 4 citations were written. The area is quit large and they limit the parking to 25 cars so there's room for lots of people. The area goes back a couple hundred yards. It's RU being afraid of something that didn't happen. Maintain a visible police presence a clamp down on any problems. If 500 kids want to jump around to a loud DJ....SO WHAT, let them. No harm, no foul. REPEAT-TheAlley IS the solution. Several parents who had children there said The Alley was fine. Please don't comment if you didn't see there area or speak with people who were there. "Controlled fun" was comment I heard from a student there. Read the student comments on twitter, the students thank RU. Since the announcement tonight, there's already 1500 signatures on the petition from students.

No one remembers the night you went to bed early. You remember the time you got two hours of sleep and then hit TheAlley early. You remember a crazy fun mob dancing with 500 people. You remember the fun you had at YOUR college tailgate. You remember walking to the game with 100 others. You create memories. You create college football fans. You create alums that had fun and connected with their university. You create donors and contributing alums. It's more than just chugging a couple beers from a red cup. It's about enhancing the college experience. My freshman daughter is upset because she didn't get to the Alley last week.....and now can't. As a parent I want my daughter to experience that. Nothing wrong with responsible fun. The Alley IS the solution. #SaveThe Alley. Just do it, do it responsibly. Don't ruin it for the 99% of the kids having fun. Remove/arrest/ticket the 1% who MAY cause a problem.

Agree with a lot of this but I don't think the Alley was the solution. They went from 800 to 3000 kids over the course of 2 weeks for 12 o'clock games against crappy opponents.

What was going to happen when the night games start vs. marquee opponents? Or homecoming?

That number doubles easily.

That space was not safe for the demand of the students.

um yeah and even someone posted on round table that they heard that because of what happened last week with the bombings that they were reviewing all security on gameday...I think that makes sense and isnt far fetched.

the area is too small thats the issue and if you saw the video on the round table that someone posted you can see that there is "potential" for things to get out of hand

why do you think Hobbs was there in the Alley, someone probably radioed to him and they drove on the golf cart down..he even said himself it was getting out of hand and he needed to gain was out of control with 3k..what happens at 5k..maybe a split of where the students go would be better..some in the Alley and some behind Yurcak
um yeah and even someone posted on round table that they heard that because of what happened last week with the bombings that they were reviewing all security on gameday...I think that makes sense and isnt far fetched.

the area is too small thats the issue and if you saw the video on the round table that someone posted you can see that there is "potential" for things to get out of hand

why do you think Hobbs was there in the Alley, someone probably radioed to him and they drove on the golf cart down..he even said himself it was getting out of hand and he needed to gain was out of control with 3k..what happens at 5k..maybe a split of where the students go would be better..some in the Alley and some behind Yurcak

Is the area too small? Yes. That's the reason it is terminated. This doesn't have to do with the recent bombings - they're not considered in this action. I mean c'mon. A Rutgers student football tailgate.
If only we had a wide-open grassy space near the stadium that could contain 6000-8000 college students, like a golf course or something....

I kid...I kid...
The Alley was the solution and it can be controlled. Any fights/belligerent behavior and you get ticketed or arrested. That's it. Very very few problems would actually exist if supervised properly.

How can it be controlled when down the road you have 6,000 students roll up for a space that should probably only fit 1,000-2,000?

Also if 6,000 kids roll up to a space to "tailgate" what do you think is the appropriate number of police and EMS that should be monitoring the area? Probably at least a few dozen if not more.

The Alley turned out to be too big of a hit and it quickly turned into a logistical and safety issue that the school couldn't handle.

I don't find fault in them canceling it I just think they could have done a better job explaining why.
Did you even look at the diagram?

That space is big enough for 1600 cars. 5000 students could show up and pitch tents.

Now you are on to something. Create an RU version of "The Grove" for students there? Have Greeks & different student orgs pitch tents and then release spaces for tents for others on a first come, first served basis? Have both a picnic and activities area?

um yeah and even someone posted on round table that they heard that because of what happened last week with the bombings that they were reviewing all security on gameday...I think that makes sense and isnt far fetched.

the area is too small thats the issue and if you saw the video on the round table that someone posted you can see that there is "potential" for things to get out of hand

why do you think Hobbs was there in the Alley, someone probably radioed to him and they drove on the golf cart down..he even said himself it was getting out of hand and he needed to gain was out of control with 3k..what happens at 5k..maybe a split of where the students go would be better..some in the Alley and some behind Yurcak
I heard this as well. Also makes sense since it's not coming from the athletic department, and they seem not to want to address or discuss the underlying reasoning.
I didn't read this whole thread, but the real reason for the shutdown was because they didn't have enough security for 5,000 students that were planing to show up for Iowa. The end. There really isn't anything else to the story.

They may open back up later on.
That's actually the opposite of my point. I think it's a very bad idea to corralle thousand and thousands of students into 1 area to drink when a majority of them are underage.

You can't possibly police that many kids if something goes wrong. Imagine a giant brawl breaking out and being recorded and how bad it would look on RU.

Also the idea that there is a giant designated area is going to draw the masses out whereas if there were tailgates spread out you would probly have less overall kids attending.

And I am not promoting how it was done 2-3 + years ago in the Blue lot. I honestly don't know what the solution is.

You are totally right. Remember this is NY/NJ. This had the potential to become THE EVENT and not the game itself. In that scenario it would have attracted all sorts of knuckleheads and not even necessarily RU students. Remember how out of control Rutgersfest got?
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If they do find an alternative one thing they need to do is ban kids from standing on trucks/platforms. There's no need for this and it creates a concert like atmosphere instead of an actual tailgate.
You are totally right. Remember this is NY/NJ. This had the potential to become THE EVENT and not the game itself. In that scenario it would have attracted all sorts of knuckleheads and not even necessarily RU students. Remember how out of control Rutgersfest got?

Ding ding ding.

They should probly also ID kids to make sure they're students just like they do to get into a dining hall.

If they act up then they should face school discipline.

The problem with this is you are now overseeing and semi-controlling an area with thousands of underage kids.
we don't we do that???
Friends are texting me non stop this morning. They all think Hobbs is awesome and can't believe it's a story. One West Virginia grad accountant and one Michigan grad school grad. This is good pub
Friends are texting me non stop this morning. They all think Hobbs is awesome and can't believe it's a story. One West Virginia grad accountant and one Michigan grad school grad. This is good pub
A lot of my friends are PSU alum and even they think it's great.
I was buying tickets on the phone and mentioned this to the ticket agent. He said around 10 students got citations for various things and RUPD came down hard. RUAthletics tried really hard to keep The Alley open, but RUPD wouldn't allow it apparently
1.) I expect there to be a players editorial in the Targum asking them to support the team which has nothing do with this. Will help

2.) I expect the student turnout to be much better than this....people will go the games as it is still a thing to do. Those who don't never went in the first place

This will blow over fellas
I was buying tickets on the phone and mentioned this to the ticket agent. He said around 10 students got citations for various things and RUPD came down hard. RUAthletics tried really hard to keep The Alley open, but RUPD wouldn't allow it apparently
RUPD came out and said they only issued 4 citations I thought? Was there not an article posted about that yesterday?
Am hearing that the shut down has been pressured by Middlesex County Sheriffs dept.
If this is true it is so wrong on so many levels. The MCS should have absolutely no say on how Rutgers runs its operations. And if they do have that kind of influence, there are problems that are much deeper than them harassing tailgaters.
I disagree. When I was 18 the legal age in NJ was 21 and was 18 in NY. I made a few trips over the Outerbridge that very well could have ended in disaster on the return trip home. Let's keep the legal age at 21 to let these kids mature and are able to make better decisions. The laws are not to put the screws to these kids, they're there to keep them alive.
When I was at RU (class of '79) a student tried to jump from the stands, over the alley ve the players used to get from the lock room to the field, to the other side. Didn't make it. We finished our pregame show, remember seeing distraught students walking around. Much to be said about limiting/controlling your indulgence. Hope the student is ok
has anyone considered that with the recent bombings this past week that the school may have reviewed security and logistics and perhaps found that this area grouping together so many people in one confined space might be a shitshow waiting to happen, not just talking remote chance of a bomb but a big brawl among students, as much as students say they behave we all know sometimes this can get violent.
Everyone gets an anal probe...for safety.
has anyone considered that with the recent bombings this past week that the school may have reviewed security and logistics and perhaps found that this area grouping together so many people in one confined space might be a shitshow waiting to happen, not just talking remote chance of a bomb but a big brawl among students, as much as students say they behave we all know sometimes this can get violent.
It's not only the threat of terrorism, but you do make a good point. Sometimes there are just so many resources to stretch on gameday between police, EMS, etc. New Brunswick's population doubles when school starts. It increases by 50k on gamedays. Public safety agencies have to address that and still respond to calls in their service areas efficiently. If you can eliminate a drain on resources, then you have to do it.
what does OSU and Michigan do on game days?' have first responders run away and hide?
Bring back the beer trucks and general parking. Spread the beer trucks around the various lots thereby dispersing the students between them.