The myth of Eugene and Jay Young defense


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Jan 11, 2007
OK.....I keep seeing people regurgitate statements and theories but instead of pulling things out of the air, the best thing to do is look at the actual numbers....this way, we can have the theories explained on why the defense was (allegedly) so good last year and suddenly it's no Eugene or Jay Young as the reasons why it's not...???

Here's the FG shooting last year.

FDU 23 -63
Drexel 25- 59
St John's 28- 60
EMich. 15- 54
Boston U. 18-54
Miami. 22- 63
Mich State 27- 58
Wisconsin. 29- 54
Fordham. 25- 53
Seton Hall. 20- 49
Columbia. 27- 61
Maine. 20- 46
Maryland. 28-58
Ohio State. 23- 58
Minnesota. 29- 58
Purdue. 32- 64
Northwest. 21- 53
Nebraska 25- 60
Penn State. 20- 57
Indiana. 21- 60
Ohio State. 27- 51
Michigan. 26- 58
Illinois. 36- 73
NWestern. 20- 55
Iowa. 25- 54
Mich State. 22- 55
Minnesota. 23- 54
Iowa. 20- 56
Penn State. 26- 66
Indiana. 31- 58
Nebraska. 21- 52

Yesterday's game shooting was 29-59 by Bona....which looks like a good amount of the games last year....the games where RU allowed opponents to shoot over 45%.

St John's, Michigan State, Wisconsin Fordham, Columbia, Maryland, Minnesota, Purdue, Ohio State, Michigan, Illinois, Iowa and Indiana.

We played 31 games last 13 of the 31 games, teams shot over 45% from the field....5 of the 13 were at 50% or over 50%......the team won 1 of those 13 games.....Jay Young was here coaching defense...Eugene was also here playing defense (I think....)

13-31 games isn't half....but pretty close to half the games last year....BUT apparently it involved this defense that somehow either I'm missing or will be more than half the games this season.


But, of course, when someone says something about the defense missing Eugene or Jay Young and that's (supposedly) what happened last year, it absolutely must be true....even if there's no supporting evidence.....
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This the one take of yours I agree with. Having Eugene on the team doesn't make Baker, McConnell, Harper, and Young shoot better than 13-53 (24.5%) from 3 and that is by far our biggest problem on offense.

Defensively, the team just wasn't good last year. Throw out the Eastern Michigan and Boston U games... those are meaningless in evaluating a Big Ten defense. In the 20 conference games, Rutgers had the 3rd-worst defense. Only Iowa and Nebraska were worse.
This the one take of yours I agree with. Having Eugene on the team doesn't make Baker, McConnell, Harper, and Young shoot better than 13-53 (24.5%) from 3 and that is by far our biggest problem on offense.

Defensively, the team just wasn't good last year. Throw out the Eastern Michigan and Boston U games... those are meaningless in evaluating a Big Ten defense. In the 20 conference games, Rutgers had the 3rd-worst defense. Only Iowa and Nebraska were worse.

I don't think that group shoots sub 25% for the season, even with the new 3 point line.

I could argue that "the B1G is substantially down from last year".....or that Purdue shooting 50% from 3 was Carsen Edwards....or Wessom getting a career high 10-12 from the field didnt happen vs RU.....or Georgi from Illinois getting 35 vs RU wont happen again....

The trend could be they're mostly road games...Fordham, Wisconsin Minnesota, Indiana, Purdue Ohio State, Illinois....but some were at the RAC....Iowa, Michigan, Maryland and St Johns.

There were very good top end players in some cases....Fordhams Nick Honor parlayed his 30 point RU effort and freshman season, all the way to a transfer to much for a low to mid major torching RU, he apparently was better than originally advertised.....