The Official "Number the Persistent Thread" Thread

#100: I'm gonna stop coming to the forum because this new forum software sucks.
#101: Although Syracuse football is totally irrelevant, let's discuss Syracuse football.
#102: Latest evidence that James Franklin is a sh!tty coach.
103 threads on persistent threads
104 post in said threads about persistent threads.
#109. The students need to stop these F Penn State chants.
Pursuant to my last comment on the QB thread and borrowing from an old joke...

In This Thread, we assign numbers to our most beloved, most popular thread topics.

This way, whenever anyone wants to start yet another thread about the Same Old Thing, there's no unnecessary typing required! Just put the assigned number of the thread into the title, "nt" in the post body and off we go!

Feel free to add your favorites, but I'll get us started:

#1: Rettig got a raw deal, he should get / have gotten a chance to start.
#2: Tim Pernetti was an excellent AD and got us into the Big 10!
#3: Tim Pernetti blew chunks. Julie was way better.

#110: "I drive an Audi A3." :)
112. I'm canceling my season tickets
113. I'm cutting my donation
114. Warning... I'm about to write a really really long post saying absolutely nothing of any true substance while repeating comments made in about 5 other posts.
115 Boo/Don't boo the QB
116 Our defense is ranked 116th nationally, see #119
117 Our offense is ranked 117th nationally see #120
118 I'm booing the coach, not the QB
119 The DC sucks/Fire the DC
120 The OC sucks/Fire the OC
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#32 I went on vacation on the eastern seaboard and I met people wearing RU shirts/people approached me wearing my RU shirt

I cringe every single time I see a thread title as such. I mean okay if you're climbing Everest, fine, but guess what people: there ARE going to be people wearing Rutgers stuff throughout this state and the majority of the NE/Middle-Atlantic region!
122 things that Ash should get rid if
123 i want ash to get rid of
124 i wonder if ash will get rid of this
125 i hope ash gets rid of this
126. I hope they dont bring in a super model with jiggly boobs and pointy elbows thread.
Dump themed threads.

127 I hope the new regime dumps......
128 the bathrooms are too small, i cant take a dump there
129 why do we simply dump the ball off all game, is it lavianos weak arm?
130 why do people blame nj for dumps, that is Staten island......oh wait dont think I've seen this one
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Wow, we are up to #132 and no mention of RutgersAl, or Zappaa? Also no mention of prominent posters who were banned, and took their argument to twitter.:sunglasses: I guess I'll call these # 133,#134, and #135.
133 I've seen this one a lot.

Delete. there are just too many idiots on here. My intention was clear but you can't stop stupid

< Prev123
Stupid,really? Are you telling me a thread that asks to put a number next to prominent topics that doesn't include what I said doesn't belong? They are at any time,and at one time for sure, topics that dominated these boards.All in most cases well respected, well responded to,and discussed posters. You sir, are the stupid one in MHO.
Stupid,really? Are you telling me a thread that asks to put a number next to prominent topics that doesn't include what I said doesn't belong? They are at any time,and at one time for sure, topics that dominated these boards.All in most cases well respected, well responded to,and discussed posters. You sir, are the stupid one in MHO.
I think you might be missing his point, which I'm not positive, but don't think is intended to disagree with your earlier post at all and in fact was agreeing with you.

But I could be wrong.
Stupid,really? Are you telling me a thread that asks to put a number next to prominent topics that doesn't include what I said doesn't belong? They are at any time,and at one time for sure, topics that dominated these boards.All in most cases well respected, well responded to,and discussed posters. You sir, are the stupid one in MHO.

I took the title from the season baseball thread, white bus changed it to the title thread I pasted above....chill I was making fun of his thread title )object of this thread yes?). Not this thread Mine should have been put your numbers at the end I didn't see them.
I took the title from the season baseball thread, white bus changed it to the title thread I pasted above....chill I was making fun of his thread title )object of this thread yes?). Not this thread Mine should have been put your numbers at the end I didn't see them.
OK, sorry I get it now.
141. Why we should have beer in the stadium
142. Why we should not have beer in the stadium
146. Why don't our cornerbacks turn around and look for the ball instead of following the moves of the receiver?

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