The Red Shirt just came off ...

Not quite yet. If they come up w an injury they can still apply for a RS anytime before the 4th game.
Not quite yet. If they come up w an injury they can still apply for a RS anytime before the 4th game.

Why even you say something like that? Geeze man!

Anyway, GOOD, play them - A LOT - no reason not to IMHO!
Why even you say something like that? Geeze man!

Anyway, GOOD, play them - A LOT - no reason not to IMHO!

I'm not saying the injuries will be legit, They are usually bogus injuries when declared before the 4th game. The NCAA usually will rubber stampnthe hang nail or halitosis.
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OK AreYouNuts : we have some young talent in the system ... I realize it was Morgan State but this was very similar to Schiano year 3...which players are you most impressed by...I think our young linebackers will be the biggest lift going forward on the D...Blackshear is a talent....glad we pried him away from Temple and Lewis has the it factor...
OK AreYouNuts : we have some young talent in the system ... I realize it was Morgan State but this was very similar to Schiano year 3...which players are you most impressed by...I think our young linebackers will be the biggest lift going forward on the D...Blackshear is a talent....glad we pried him away from Temple and Lewis has the it factor...

Not Nuts...well, I am, but I am not AreYouNuts...

We pried Blackshear away from MSU. People tend to forget that. They wanted him badly.

He will be very good for us. Loved what I saw today...opposing talent aside, he is a very good running back. strong rb who always falls forward, runs with vision and patience, and man are his cuts sick.
OK AreYouNuts : we have some young talent in the system ... I realize it was Morgan State but this was very similar to Schiano year 3...which players are you most impressed by...I think our young linebackers will be the biggest lift going forward on the D...Blackshear is a talent....glad we pried him away from Temple and Lewis has the it factor...

I have likened this team, this season, and our HC, quite about to the 2002 season and Greg (see; undeniable stubbornness and insistence on doing "what we wanna do, until we get it right, then do it some more..." attitude LOL! ). Remember Greg went 2-9, then started the 2002 season with the "BuffaNova" disaster and went 1-11, then we started to see progress in Year 3 in terms of "victories." IMHO our schedule is NOT set up well for us this year, unfortunately, and 4 wins would be absolutely stunning AS OF TODAY and the what I've seen from the teams we still have to face.

That being said...I like what we have taking over on O, being slowly mixed in on D, and filling in the depth ranks slowly, but surely, so there IS "hope" with a QB such as Lewis running things the next, hopefully, 3.5 seasons!

** DISCLAIMER - I am NOT comparing what Greg inherited on and off the field (in every way imaginable), overall, to what Ash was left to deal with, however he DID inherit a roster that simply was not fit, top-to-bottom, for the Big Ten IMHO.
Unfortunately for Ash he will not have the luxury of manipulating the schedule to help steer us towards six wins and a bowl game like Schiano/Mulcahey did early in Greg's tenure.
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