The Video Board

Does anyone know if the 'Jersey' hype video in the fourth quarter is online anywhere?

I was about to put on pads and run on the field myself after that.

I can't find the video but I can provide you with the speech. It was the speech that Julian Pinnix-Odrick gave at the Student Athletes Awards dinner earlier this year. He was one of 2 seniors to speak and it was amazing. Me and the crowd of 500+ was on their feet by the end of it.

"This is who we are. We are not Indiana or Ohio or Michigan, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin or Minnesota. This is Jersey baby. We aren't defined by fancy campuses and elaborate things or an extraordinary history of sports. We're defined by doubt, by grinders, by underdogs, by a lot of kids that other people didn't want, by people who've got a chip on their shoulder. We have long, cold winters and scorching hot summers. We are working out in the RAC hallway, lifting underneath the stadium, training in the College Ave Gym, succeeding beyond our means and doing it with an ill grill on our face. Rutgers is not here for the glory. We're here for the respect. We are not Cinderella. We never had a glass slipper or a fairy-god mother and guess what? We never needed one. We weren't invited to the dance and still, we showed up, kicked the door in and turned the party up. We are the Grease Trucks and everything that makes us not everyone else. We are who we are.”
I can't find the video but I can provide you with the speech. It was the speech that Julian Pinnix-Odrick gave at the Student Athletes Awards dinner earlier this year. He was one of 2 seniors to speak and it was amazing. Me and the crowd of 500+ was on their feet by the end of it.

"This is who we are. We are not Indiana or Ohio or Michigan, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin or Minnesota. This is Jersey baby. We aren't defined by fancy campuses and elaborate things or an extraordinary history of sports. We're defined by doubt, by grinders, by underdogs, by a lot of kids that other people didn't want, by people who've got a chip on their shoulder. We have long, cold winters and scorching hot summers. We are working out in the RAC hallway, lifting underneath the stadium, training in the College Ave Gym, succeeding beyond our means and doing it with an ill grill on our face. Rutgers is not here for the glory. We're here for the respect. We are not Cinderella. We never had a glass slipper or a fairy-god mother and guess what? We never needed one. We weren't invited to the dance and still, we showed up, kicked the door in and turned the party up. We are the Grease Trucks and everything that makes us not everyone else. We are who we are.”

I've been saying, for quite some time, that we need to play up this angle, as a program. New Jersey has an unmistakeable, immediately recognizable, identity. JPO is right - we are who we are. We should embrace it.
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The video board music was over the top this week. The worst case was after the failed 2 point conversion and they played over the band which was playing the fight song. That's just wrong.
Again, if we all got a nickel for all your “I’s“, “me’s” and “my’s“...:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Have never quite understood your posts on this. At least half of my posts are written in the 3rd person and, of course, my opinion posts like those in this thread, are going to be written in the first person. But carry on if it gives you some odd satisfaction...
Have never quite understood your posts on this. At least half of my posts are written in the 3rd person and, of course, my opinion posts like those in this thread, are going to be written in the first person. But carry on if it gives you some odd satisfaction...
It’s only after wins or in good spirits when we do the annoying/teasing stuff like this to each other. ;)

If an outsider tried something like this I’d (and the rest of us I’m sure) be all over them like a spider monkey.
Magoo nails it! You DON'T play over the band playing the fight song. YOU DON'T! It is a college football game. It is not a meaningless Nets game in January. I buy tickets to watch COLLEGE football because I love it. I don't buy tickets to watch the NBA. I don't want an NBA game breaking out in the middle of my college football event. Know what you are. Stop desperately trying to sell yourself as a pseudo professional sports team. We are America's OLDEST college football team. As Belushi displayed his love for college in Animal House with his "COLLEGE" sweatshirt, that is what I am looking for. Everything that that sweatshirt means. Not the NFL and the NBA.
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Thunderstruck was so much better and pumped up the crowd. New intro completely blows. I've been complaining about the air guitar thing forever. It's fine to do but cut it much shorter. Allow the crowd noise to build before the QB is barking out the snap count or audible. Rutgers is not allowing the 12th man to effect the other team. The DJ is killing the natural atmosphere with his forced music. It's amateur hour, true professionals know when to help spark the crowd and when to let the crowd dictate the atmosphere. New guy is a joke and amateur.
Excellent observation!
I can't find the video but I can provide you with the speech. It was the speech that Julian Pinnix-Odrick gave at the Student Athletes Awards dinner earlier this year. He was one of 2 seniors to speak and it was amazing. Me and the crowd of 500+ was on their feet by the end of it.

"This is who we are. We are not Indiana or Ohio or Michigan, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin or Minnesota. This is Jersey baby. We aren't defined by fancy campuses and elaborate things or an extraordinary history of sports. We're defined by doubt, by grinders, by underdogs, by a lot of kids that other people didn't want, by people who've got a chip on their shoulder. We have long, cold winters and scorching hot summers. We are working out in the RAC hallway, lifting underneath the stadium, training in the College Ave Gym, succeeding beyond our means and doing it with an ill grill on our face. Rutgers is not here for the glory. We're here for the respect. We are not Cinderella. We never had a glass slipper or a fairy-god mother and guess what? We never needed one. We weren't invited to the dance and still, we showed up, kicked the door in and turned the party up. We are the Grease Trucks and everything that makes us not everyone else. We are who we are.”
That should be inscribed in the locker room. Oh, and in the President's office.
This is hilarious on multiple levels.

Well done, sir. ;)
I can't find the video but I can provide you with the speech. It was the speech that Julian Pinnix-Odrick gave at the Student Athletes Awards dinner earlier this year. He was one of 2 seniors to speak and it was amazing. Me and the crowd of 500+ was on their feet by the end of it.

"This is who we are. We are not Indiana or Ohio or Michigan, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin or Minnesota. This is Jersey baby. We aren't defined by fancy campuses and elaborate things or an extraordinary history of sports. We're defined by doubt, by grinders, by underdogs, by a lot of kids that other people didn't want, by people who've got a chip on their shoulder. We have long, cold winters and scorching hot summers. We are working out in the RAC hallway, lifting underneath the stadium, training in the College Ave Gym, succeeding beyond our means and doing it with an ill grill on our face. Rutgers is not here for the glory. We're here for the respect. We are not Cinderella. We never had a glass slipper or a fairy-god mother and guess what? We never needed one. We weren't invited to the dance and still, we showed up, kicked the door in and turned the party up. We are the Grease Trucks and everything that makes us not everyone else. We are who we are.”

Nice - great stuff. Didn't realize JPO made such a speech. Didn't think the video at the game and the speech were identical, though, but could be wrong.
Nice - great stuff. Didn't realize JPO made such a speech. Didn't think the video at the game and the speech were identical, though, but could be wrong.

No it seemed slightly different than the speech as the Mrs posted it.
I actually insert ear plugs during the game. The music is way too loud and sometimes they even play over the band which is rude.
Nice - great stuff. Didn't realize JPO made such a speech. Didn't think the video at the game and the speech were identical, though, but could be wrong.

It's the same speech, just edited a bit differently. Inspiring either way.
I have noted this more than once in the comments section of gameday surveys. Maybe if more would take the time to respond they'd listen.

More of us need to do this.

I mention it every single time and also make sure I deliver the message on social media.
I only wish they could blast even more dance music and louder! Also they should turn the speakers toward that fan with the Big Bird costume on.

All kidding aside, the band actually is good now, it would be nice if we could hear them.