I agree with everything you just said. No arguments from me on here. In fact I posed a question to Zappaa about how many teams won WS clean before steroids took over the sport. I said the 1969 Mets had to be clean then, and was told there was wide use of speed by many on that Mets team. I also asked how many managers didn't know that players were using, and his one word answer was ZERO.So, I also wish for the old time baseball to come back. I'm 61, I remember the itchy wool little league uniforms, the stirrups, and sanitary socks. Major league baggy pants and scheduled double headers. Remember in 69 going to a Houston-Mets double header as a kid, with Mets winning both games 1-0 and pitchers driving in both runs. Hitting 30 HR's was rare and was a superstar player. Then they lowered the mound, juiced both players and the ball. The Yankees were baseball when NYC had 3 teams. It was a different world, it was ancient history,with different rules, and baseball WAS as pure as the driven snow,well at least as a kid back then, I thought so.