The only way this team will be successful against B1G opponents is to really over achieve like against Iowa and or win a nail biter against Wisconsin .Both games were at the RAC.The way the team performs is a reflection of the talent level that can't be masked .Pressure to over achieve causes players/team to make the mistakes cited above.Bottom line fans are expecting too much from this team.Hopefully, next season there will be a couple players on the court at all times who are consistent shooters which will be a step in the right direction.
Sort of proves what we've been saying. The first poster says the games against Iowa and Wisconsin WERE at the RAC. First of all they haven't been played yet. We do play Iowa at the RAC but the Wisconsin game is in Madison. I believe he was talking about the upcoming games and simply got the verb wrong. But then our astute friend says "great insight" Facts are important people. Please don't post just to post!!