Here's the issue. You don't know what you have until you give them a shot.
Letting Oden go out there and just run, without being able to throw a pass, ANY PASS, is very telling. Are the coaches pretty much admitting that he couldn't hit a HB in the flat 3 yards away from him without the ball going into the stands or straight down to the turf because he's that inaccurate?
Yes I realize we're not on the coaching staff, we're not there in practice, etc. However, when your average Joe Schmo can see the same issues pop up in every game, and they aren't getting corrected it's a big issue.
I don't know if the one pass they let Allen attempt which was very poorly thrown pretty much took any other QB throwing off the table, but it's kind of disappointing.
The plays were there against Iowa, the players just didn't execute.