Top 15 Indoor Practice Facilities

Never going to happen. Look at the size of those structures for 13, 15, 20 million bucks. Would never happen in NJ with our cost of construction. FSU 92,000 sq ft for 13 million.......
Just look at what the cowboys got compared to the Giants andJets for similar money.
Never going to happen. Look at the size of those structures for 13, 15, 20 million bucks. Would never happen in NJ with our cost of construction. FSU 92,000 sq ft for 13 million.......
Just look at what the cowboys got compared to the Giants andJets for similar money.
That is a very good point, i wasn't considering the cost differential. Thanks for making me sad.
That is a very good point, i wasn't considering the cost differential. Thanks for making me sad.
I do what I can. Seriously though, the bubble isn't horrible and we don't lose recruits because of the bubble. I visted ASU this summer and they use a bubble....a bubble that is in worse shape than ours. They also use their indoor facility for about 80% of their practices as opposed to when it's raining or cold here.
I know a lot of you want a solid structure rather than the bubble, but Rutgers' bubble has more space (area) than 99% of the current structures on this list. Yes, the bubble is old, but schools like Texas and the NY Giant thought enough of it to copy it. I been to several of these indoor facilities and when I compared base functions, the bubble more than beat them. The bubble has more usable space to conduct football activities. The main reason I think the bubble has to be replaced is due to weather related problems like snow. Otherwise, the bubble is not bad.
The only issue with the Bubble is that it's not attached to the Hale Center. If it were somehow possible to have our training and practice facilities combined, it would make a huge difference in perception.
The only issue with the Bubble is that it's not attached to the Hale Center. If it were somehow possible to have our training and practice facilities combined, it would make a huge difference in perception.
I agree 100%. I don't see why Rutgers can't make that happen. I understand parking would have to be moved and that may be an issue, but Colorado who didn't have parking anywhere near their old football facilities/locker room took care of that. When Colorado built their new indoor facility attached to the east side of the stadium they built a 300 space garage under the facility. Btw, Colorado's old indoor facility/outdoor practice fields were further away from their stadium/locker room than Rutgers' current buble. Try walking several blocks up an hill over a creek (Boulder) after practice.
Otherwise, the bubble is not bad.

the NY Giant thought enough of it to copy it.

Yes, but they also have this now...




Which is very much like what all our competitors also have.

Yes, but they also have this now...




Which is very much like what all our competitors also have.
REALLY!!! I guess nothing else matters.[winking] Btw, the new facility for the Giants is only 80 yards in length. It's not even a full size field and like 5 additional yards from the sideline to the wall. It makes for some tough situations when trying to run certain drills with a full team.
REALLY!!! I guess nothing else matters.[winking] Btw, the new facility for the Giants is only 80 yards in length. It's not even a full size field and like 5 additional yards from the sideline to the wall. It makes for some tough situations when trying to run certain drills with a full team.
I say let's keep the bubble and add a building with a full sized field. Dream big dreams!:sunglasses:
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You can't build one of these in NJ for the cost that the SEC pays; too true. That being said, this slide show serves as a good example of why we need to constantly improve facilities. The bubble was once a unique and innovative facility. Now it is just old. We may not be able to build an SEC size indoor practice facility, but we at least need to keep stride with suckacuse and ucheat. And that means that a replacement for the bubble has to be on check list.
Never going to happen. Look at the size of those structures for 13, 15, 20 million bucks. Would never happen in NJ with our cost of construction. FSU 92,000 sq ft for 13 million.......
Just look at what the cowboys got compared to the Giants andJets for similar money.
Yup. You only need to use one word to explain why this would never happen. UNIONS
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Take those prices and times them by 5, that is what it would cost to build them in NJ.

Rutgers already has a $25 million dollar tax credit for the multi-sport basketball building, and we need to raise about $75 million more. I am not sure what it is down to now.

But for $25 million alone, you could build something that would put almost everything on that list to shame in SEC country. But, in New Jersey, that is just a down payment.
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Take those prices and times them by 5, that is what it would cost to build them in NJ.

Rutgers already has a $25 million dollar tax credit for the multi-sport basketball building, and we need to raise about $75 million more. I am not sure what it is down to now.

But for $25 million alone, you could build something that would put almost everything on that list to shame in SEC country. But, in New Jersey, that is just a down payment.
Sad, but so true.:(
From a cost perspective, it will be interesting to see BCs recently announced facility. It was announced as part of a larger master plan for athletics. Not sure if Rutgers has similar space constraints, but it is probably the closest comparison re. construction costs. Curious to see how the price tag and amenities compare to something like VT. BC did also announce that it will continue using bubble after indoor facility is built.
I would love to see Rutgers use the parking lot next to the Hale Center as the new location for the indoor facility. Just like Colorado, Rutgers could build an underground parking garage below the new indoor facility to get maximum use of the space. Also, have the new indoor facility connect to the Hale Center. Open up the front side of the Hale Center and have the weightroom and offices look into the new facility. Meanwhile, the bubble remains in use for other sports.
I would love to see Rutgers use the parking lot next to the Hale Center as the new location for the indoor facility. Just like Colorado, Rutgers could build an underground parking garage below the new indoor facility to get maximum use of the space. Also, have the new indoor facility connect to the Hale Center. Open up the front side of the Hale Center and have the weightroom and offices look into the new facility. Meanwhile, the bubble remains in use for other sports.
correct me if I'm wrong. You want to move the new facility away from the RAC and put it by the Hale? thereby becoming more football centric? No way we do major construction to the Hale center, it's simply a waste of money. Although I agree the Bubble would be much better if it were attached to the Hale.
correct me if I'm wrong. You want to move the new facility away from the RAC and put it by the Hale? thereby becoming more football centric? No way we do major construction to the Hale center, it's simply a waste of money. Although I agree the Bubble would be much better if it were attached to the Hale.
No, I'm talking about building a new indoor football facility attached to the Hale Center. Basketball practice facility stays next to the RAC as planned. Turn the bubble over to other sports so they can use it.
The bubble is a joke compared to these facilities. If you can't see that then you need to step out of your cave and realize the environment we are in. If we decide that the bubble is good enough we might as well throw some Astro Turf in there while we are at it and go full retro.
Anyone who thinks the Bubble does not work as a practice facility has never been inside it. Once you're through the doors, it's as nice as anything else out there. The only thing I might ask for is improved lighting. Otherwise...ceiling is very high, width is phenomenal compared to other indoor fields, everything is pretty much ideal aside from location.
No, I'm talking about building a new indoor football facility attached to the Hale Center. Basketball practice facility stays next to the RAC as planned. Turn the bubble over to other sports so they can use it.
ok. I would agree but that's very far down the list
Anyone who thinks the Bubble does not work as a practice facility has never been inside it. Once you're through the doors, it's as nice as anything else out there. The only thing I might ask for is improved lighting. Otherwise...ceiling is very high, width is phenomenal compared to other indoor fields, everything is pretty much ideal aside from location.
So are there adjoining video rooms in the bubble where they can video and replay the play in near real time to LCD screens for the team to see what happened or what the coach is instructing? Training facilities that keep the injured or players needed to see trainers in other adjoining rooms? Lockers, coaches offices, etc... in the bubble today?
The only issue with the Bubble is that it's not attached to the Hale Center. If it were somehow possible to have our training and practice facilities combined, it would make a huge difference in perception.

I agree 100%. I don't see why Rutgers can't make that happen.
When they build the monorail, they could add stops at the Hale Center and the Bubble.
So are there adjoining video rooms in the bubble where they can video and replay the play in near real time to LCD screens for the team to see what happened or what the coach is instructing? Training facilities that keep the injured or players needed to see trainers in other adjoining rooms? Lockers, coaches offices, etc... in the bubble today?

The bubble is a practice facility. As I said several posts ago, if it was attached to the Hale Center (where such things exist), it would be perfectly acceptable. The Bubble itself works very well, as well as (or better than) most solid structures.
So are there adjoining video rooms in the bubble where they can video and replay the play in near real time to LCD screens for the team to see what happened or what the coach is instructing? Training facilities that keep the injured or players needed to see trainers in other adjoining rooms? Lockers, coaches offices, etc... in the bubble today?
I don't know your connect to Rutgers, but when I played due to the size of the bubble the trainers and all related equipment were placed inside of the bubble on of the track. There was plenty of room for all to function. There were able to move weight equipment inside too. Besides, if there were any major injuries you were carted to the Hale Center. It just like they would do if you were on the outside practice fields.
The bubble is a practice facility. As I said several posts ago, if it was attached to the Hale Center (where such things exist), it would be perfectly acceptable. The Bubble itself works very well, as well as (or better than) most solid structures.

Some people are set in his or her way. I think NYCFootballFan just wants the newest thing available just to say he's keeping up with the Joneses.
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So are there adjoining video rooms in the bubble where they can video and replay the play in near real time to LCD screens for the team to see what happened or what the coach is instructing? Training facilities that keep the injured or players needed to see trainers in other adjoining rooms? Lockers, coaches offices, etc... in the bubble today?
While all Those things are great they are unnecessary luxuries. Do they have those film options outside? Full training facilities on their outdoor fields? No they don't. We also don't need cherry wood pool tables or hand sewn leather chairs from Italy. As I said, I toured ASU this summer. Their bubble which they use all the time is so far from their locker room that we took a golf cart. I'd be happy with ASU type success here.
I know a lot of you want a solid structure rather than the bubble, but Rutgers' bubble has more space (area) than 99% of the current structures on this list. Yes, the bubble is old, but schools like Texas and the NY Giant thought enough of it to copy it. I been to several of these indoor facilities and when I compared base functions, the bubble more than beat them. The bubble has more usable space to conduct football activities. The main reason I think the bubble has to be replaced is due to weather related problems like snow. Otherwise, the bubble is not bad.
Giants replaced it with a permanent facility. Texas is also looking to replace their bubble.
Yup. You only need to use one word to explain why this would never happen. UNIONS

Well if the choice is a super cool practice facility or unions which lift tens of thousands of people into the middle class and allow them to provide more revenue for our states economy to fund the nations best public schools I know which one I would pick!
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Why? Given all of the many many needs of RU athletics - getting a somewhat fancier indoor practice facility is low on the list. Its not why we dont get recruits in the past or the future.

This is incorrect, which is why Schiano wanted a new hale center, to be able to compete with the Ohio States and the Michigans. This was 9 years ago. It was originally included in the original stadium expansion plans, but then removed, to get the project approved, for cost reasons.

Having the bubble screams second rate, and factors into recruits decision making. The bubble to me, says Rutgers is not committed to being the best. I asked an asst coach of a top 10 NJ recruit, who went elsewhere in '15, what Rutgers needed to do to better compete, and facilities came up. I understand the bubble provides tremendous functionality, but it was fine for the Big East, not the Big Ten. Michigan has two indoor practice facilities.

If Syracuse and UConn can finance integrated facilities via donations, there is no reason why Rutgers fans cannot. While it's true that things are more expensive here, what is also true is that salaries are also higher. Our biggest problem is that we have so few people who donate, a little over 9K, which is why all our sports are struggling.

Ash is on record saying he wants Hale Center improved, otherwise he's walking at the end of his contract. I am particularly happy about this, as I've been saying hale center needed to be improved for two years.

The scope obviously will be determined by the amount of donations, we provide. I hope we'll be able to raise enough to add a practice field to Hale center. It doesn't have to be full field length. Georgia for instance has like 40 yards. Which is why I was wondering if we could build on top of hale center.

While basketball has the highest priority for now, football isn't far behind.
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I don't know your connect to Rutgers, but when I played due to the size of the bubble the trainers and all related equipment were placed inside of the bubble on of the track. There was plenty of room for all to function. There were able to move weight equipment inside too. Besides, if there were any major injuries you were carted to the Hale Center. It just like they would do if you were on the outside practice fields.


Some people are set in his or her way. I think NYCFootballFan just wants the newest thing available just to say he's keeping up with the Joneses.
The whole point in the recruiting game is keeping up with the Joneses. I agree this is lower on the list of needs but if you think other teams build bubbles now because they are super practical and roomy then you are mistaken. Mentioning that the Giants used to agree kind of proves the point some people are trying to make. I guarantee if you asked Ash candidly about this topic we all know what he would say. Thats the point.
Well if the choice is a super cool practice facility or unions which lift tens of thousands of people into the middle class and allow them to provide more revenue for our states economy to fund the nations best public schools I know which one I would pick!
I would Still get rid of unions lol
This is incorrect, which is why Schiano wanted a new hale center, to be able to compete with the Ohio States and the Michigans. This was 9 years ago. It was originally included in the original stadium expansion plans, but then removed, to get the project approved, for cost reasons.

Having the bubble screams second rate, and factors into recruits decision making. The bubble to me, says Rutgers is not committed to being the best. I asked an asst coach of a top 10 NJ recruit, who went elsewhere in '15, what Rutgers needed to do to better compete, and facilities came up. I understand the bubble provides tremendous functionality, but it was fine for the Big East, not the Big Ten. Michigan has two indoor practice facilities.

If Syracuse and UConn can finance integrated facilities via donations, there is no reason why Rutgers fans cannot. While it's true that things are more expensive here, what is also true is that salaries are also higher. Our biggest problem is that we have so few people who donate, a little over 9K, which is why all our sports are struggling.

Ash is on record saying he wants Hale Center improved, otherwise he's walking at the end of his contract. I am particularly happy about this, as I've been saying hale center needed to be improved for two years.

The scope obviously will be determined by the amount of donations, we provide. I hope we'll be able to raise enough to add a practice field to Hale center. It doesn't have to be full field length. Georgia for instance has like 40 yards. Which is why I was wondering if we could build on top of hale center.

While basketball has the highest priority for now, football isn't far behind.
He is also on record saying the bubble is fine. RU is looking to raise 75 million for the multi purpose facility. We as a base suck at donations. You really think they can break ground and then say now we'd like another 25 for a new practice facility? It's a nice thing to shoot for but I'd rather spend big time money on assistants.
Never going to happen. Look at the size of those structures for 13, 15, 20 million bucks. Would never happen in NJ with our cost of construction. FSU 92,000 sq ft for 13 million.......
Just look at what the cowboys got compared to the Giants andJets for similar money.
So many folks don't get this difference. From talking with people who have priced thing out (and built facilities) around the country, the cost of land, labor, materials, insurance, and everything else associated with construction is in the neighborhood of three times more expensive here than in many places in the south and midwest. A $5mm facility at Louisville would cost abut $15mm here. We'll get it done eventually, but it takes so much more money and time here in NJ.
Haha just looked at the article and they dont even bother showing pictures of any of the facilities. What a joke of journalistic effort even for a bleacher report article.
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He is also on record saying the bubble is fine. RU is looking to raise 75 million for the multi purpose facility. We as a base suck at donations. You really think they can break ground and then say now we'd like another 25 for a new practice facility? It's a nice thing to shoot for but I'd rather spend big time money on assistants.

For utility, the bubble is adequate. However, any recruit visiting, PSU, UM, and OSUs indoor facility, then visiting the bubble, isn't going to have a favorable impression of Rutgers. That's part of the reason they've been cleaning our clock in recruiting.

What else is Ash going to say about the bubble. He has to recruit. We have to do the best we can to keep up, otherwise we'll fall behind. So yes, we have to raise 25M plus on top of the $75M were already trying to raise. 1,000 people giving 10K over 5 years gets it done.

With only 9K donors, and Ash and Pikiell now onboard, there is a huge opportunity to significantly expand our donor base.