Like I mentioned in a post the other day, John O. has said in the past that many times, fans can often go into the fetal position after a bad loss much more than a lot of recruits.
You can be sure the new staff has told these young guys the straight skinny about the fact that this season won't be pretty at times, and what's happened the last 2 weeks are prime examples of that. -But these prospects also appear to have the ability to see the big picture and know that the key element here really comes down to the talent you're putting out on the field, and realize that right now, we don't have the level needed to be competitive against the top teams in our division, (teams which also happen to be among the very best in the country).
Thing is, they seem to fully understand that they're the ones who can really get the ball rolling to right this ship. -And just as importantly, they seem eager to begin doing that.