US News World Report College Rankings by Conference

Do the research. Most of the top law and med schools aren’t participating in surveys anymore for the reasons Shelby says.

Sure, people eat up rankings. Top 10 guitarists, top beaches, etc. kids use rankings to decide where to apply. I get it.

But it’s all subjective. College rankings are bs.
I'm an attorney and I work with many physicians because I'm in the life sciences industry. People make hiring decisions based on the tier of law school or medical school you graduated from. It's a fact.
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I'm an attorney and I work with many physicians because I'm in the life sciences industry. People make hiring decisions based on the tier of law school or medical school you graduated from. It's a fact.
Good for you and thanks for that thrilling fact. And yet you don’t know that top law and med schools aren’t participating in these surveys anymore for exactly why I say. Better for someone doesn’t mean better for someone else.

Of course these data are used in decision-making. But the rankings are incredibly flawed.

“Better” is almost always a subjective assessment no matter what hard data are used in that determination. Fact.
Good for you and thanks for that thrilling fact. And yet you don’t know that top law and med schools aren’t participating in these surveys anymore for exactly why I say. Better for someone doesn’t mean better for someone else.

Of course these data are used in decision-making. But the rankings are incredibly flawed.

“Better” is almost always a subjective assessment no matter what hard data are used in that determination. Fact.
Why are they flawed? Your only response is DEI or Diversity and yet you have not provided a single piece of evidence to show that those are used in the new formula that USNWR deployed in their ranking process. Its flawed because you don't like ranking systems is the crux of your argument.
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Why are they flawed? Your only response is DEI or Diversity and yet you have not provided a single piece of evidence that those are used in the new formula that USNWR used in their ranking process. Its flawed because you don't like ranking systems is the crux of your argument.
heckuva sharp lawyer you must be. it cant be clearer. Arbitrary weighting of component categories makes rankings subjective.

Let me guess. In your impeccable undergrad and law education you’ve never taken a math or stats class, never. Am I right or am I right ? Don’t bother answering. It’s clear.
Just because you don't agree with criteria used in the ranking system doesn't make it arbitrary.

Crickets on the DEI and Diversity it because you just made that up and have no facts to support such a statement.
Oh yes it does make it arbitrary and subjective. You’re embarrassing yourself. As stated, it’s clear you’ve never taken college or grad math or stats. Give it up.
Is there a correct way to judge?
Considering kids are going there for an education, I would say by the academic levels of the professors and students, professors by the number of PhD's from other high ranking institutions, and students by their average SAT scores. SAT scores have taken a bad rap the last number of years, mostly by those who have succeeded without having high scores, but they are still the best predictor of a student's potential.
I would think the best schools are those at which the students learn and grow the most. Thus, measurement of SAT (valuing the highs) ) and post-college income (largely related to distribution of majors, established contacts, or self-regenerating prestige) measure something but I wouldn’t call it “the best school.”
heckuva sharp lawyer you must be. it cant be clearer. Arbitrary weighting of component categories makes rankings subjective.

Let me guess. In your impeccable undergrad and law education you’ve never taken a math or stats class, never. Am I right or am I right ? Don’t bother answering. It’s clear.

If you actually went to RU you would know math is required. Epic fail.
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