That doesn't matter right now, it's the long run that counts and if RU gets it together it's future will be brighter than the Hall'sAccording to the Sports Book here, RU is playing 1 OOC team with odds posted to win the NCAA 2018 Championship: Seton Hall at 80/1.
My apologies - Book here also had Fla. State listed at 80/1 and corrected my post above. I won't touch that "if" & "future" part of your post since that "argument" has been ongoing for over 25+ years.That doesn't matter right now, it's the long run that counts and if RU gets it together it's future will be brighter than the Hall's
Rutgers is scheduled to play FSU (40-1)and their odds are better than SHU's
Hall's 60-1 here