Segment 1 up 23-6 9:15 left (10:45 elapsed)
Segment 2 down 50-53 10:48 left 2nd half (18:57 elapsed lost 27-47)
Segment 3 up 82-73 (10:48 elapsed won 32-20)
Almost a carbon copy of St John's scrimmage.
Also in all 5 of our wins we won with very high offensive efficiency.
MY TAKEAWAY...Vey happy with the W, but would really like to see us step on Illinois when they were down. We can't have stretched where we are outscored by 20 and expect to win. A blowout win would have made me feel a little better about our longshot chances. The thought of grinding another 6+ wins is going to be tough. We could use some easy ones.
Segment 2 down 50-53 10:48 left 2nd half (18:57 elapsed lost 27-47)
Segment 3 up 82-73 (10:48 elapsed won 32-20)
Almost a carbon copy of St John's scrimmage.
Also in all 5 of our wins we won with very high offensive efficiency.
MY TAKEAWAY...Vey happy with the W, but would really like to see us step on Illinois when they were down. We can't have stretched where we are outscored by 20 and expect to win. A blowout win would have made me feel a little better about our longshot chances. The thought of grinding another 6+ wins is going to be tough. We could use some easy ones.