Will the RAC host big high school wrestling matches by next Winter ?


Hall of Famer
Sep 21, 2004
I saw somewhere that Blair and Bergen Catholic will go up against each other at Lehigh University soon. Once the practice center is done this Summer and the RAC has more availability, do you think we will see big high school wrestling matches on the Rutgers campus (maybe HS basketball as well) ? I have already been told by someone who works at RU (not in athletics) that they will be bringing in more concerts.
I think it has been very rare for one of our basketball/wrestling to have a date/time changed since we joined the Big Ten. Even the few times there has been a change it was way before the day,unlike football which is just crazy for people making plans.
Rac used to host big high school matches. I remember high point long branch about 7 yrs ago
There has been two High School matches this season(pretty sure two...I know Raritan vs. Council Rock) and a few last year. Problem is most RU matches are Friday night and Sunday. So you would have to start the High School match on Friday at 4pm for a 7pm college match....not ideal at all. Same on Sunday noon start, would have to start at 9.
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No reason they would have to be on the same day as RU. We have had some ( not near as many as I would like) high school regular season football games on days Rutgers wasn't playing.
Would be nice to have the State Group dual Championships at Rutgers. They now do it over a Saturday-Sunday in March at Toms River.

I doubt Rutgers ever has a sat-Sunday available though, in March.
No reason they would have to be on the same day as RU. We have had some ( not near as many as I would like) high school regular season football games on days Rutgers wasn't playing.

I agree, but is RU going to let them wrestle at no charge, when nothing else is going on in the building? If it is just a big high school match, there will only be a few hundred in attendance(unless at a time when other High School matches are not going on). $$$$
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To keep the costs down, I would go with double or triple headers. I have been saying this for years--Rutgers has to find ways to get New Jerseyans more familiar with their own university, at as young an age is possible. Anything--concerts,business expos,youth and high school tournaments,all star games, and playoffs, heck flea markets in the stadium parking lots,tractor pulls,etc. It is amazing how many state residents have never set foot on campus and no NOTHING about it.
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