It turned-out he was a pro boxer (Renaldo Snipes) who had fought Larry Holmes for heavyweight title.
He had scarred hand and I asked what it was.
He said that was where Holmes had stabbed him with scissors after the fight.
Larry is my neighbor. Really nice guy. Don’t see him around much any more, though he still owns the home. I think he spends most of his time in Florida. Saw him in December. He is aging really well. Still looks great.
1991, my fiancé now wife was Christmas shopping in Lord and Taylor at the Bridgewater Commons. At some point in the evening I was done. I was leaning against the landscape wall outside of the lower entrance to the store. Some other dude came along, obviously as exasperated as me. I glanced over as he leaned against the same wall next to me. It was Tom Brokaw. We exchanged hellos and that was it.
Wife and I bumped into Elliott Spitzer in Central Park a few years ago. Didn’t say anything.
Took a leak next to the guy that played the principal in Saved by the Bell (Dennis Haskins) in Planet Hollywood in Downtown Disney. Wife thought I was nuts until he got up on stage and led the whole restaurant singing the theme song.
Daughter and I bumped into Mario Andretti in a mall in the Lehigh Valley. He was not nice.
Had a beer with the guys from Blue Oyster Cult at a bar in Allentown, PA. They were quiet. Nobody bothered them. It was after a bar show. The place emptied out and only a handful of people were left.
Darryl Dawkins used to coach a semi pro basketball team in Allentown. Used to bump into him often at the local Wegmans. Another nice guy. Always said hello. His daughter was in my daughters lacrosse league.
Finally Ice T sat at the table next to me at the Liberty House last summer. I was too scared to say anything. Actually recognized his wife first.