Baseball GAME THREAD: Rutgers versus Grand Canyon — Game One
- By HRodriguez
- The Round Table
- 117 Replies
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Well, I don’t think he is bunting to move a guy over…but if he isn’t the tying or winning run at the plate, if he bunted to get on, I would love it…Lol.
If I ever see Soto bunt in the next decade though...
After 40 go for it.
I think we all want to stay out of a political argument, so I'll confine myself to remarking that urban development patterns have historically been different in Europe than here. In Paris and London, for instance, many of the bad neighborhoods are the outlying ones. Instead, prosperous people want to live closer to the city center, and that makes mass transit a more effective measure than here.Like what countries?
If we’re looking at Europe for example, they underfund their military severely compared to where they need to be without an American security blanket. Like the 2% obligation under NATO isn’t enough if you no longer have a US security blanket to paper up any holes. You should be at the US level (3.4%) or honestly even higher since Europe is going to face more immediate threats than the United States will.
The ones who do spend - Ukraine & Poland, do have healthcare spending issues relative to the rest of Europe.
If you’re going to have to drastically up your military spending you will need to make cuts elsewhere. I mean you could cut other parts of the social safety net such as the cheap cost of education.
But this is a zero sum game and having to increase your defense spending is going to lead to some pain that renders the society painted in this thread at large, as well, largely moot.