“I Got Rutgers Into The Big 10…. 90 Days Later They Fired Me.”

100% as remembered it.

I have no real opinion about Pernetti (no opinion on whether he was a "good AD" or not as I just dont know/ remember enough)

... but he got screwed.

totally thrown under the bus in such an obvious and cowardly way.

then they bring in Herrman. the process by which they hired her rubbed me the wrong way (didnt hire the most qualifed/ got bullied into taking her).

THEN, she displayed a total lack of backbone (eg, apologizing to Penn State).

IMHO that was a pretty dark period - just GUTLESS leadership from all angles of RU "leadership"

I was so disgusted I tuned away (as much as I could LOL) from RU sports for a few years (including this Board).
What's better? The gutless, inept leadership then or the non-existent leadership we have now?
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Like I said even if you give Tim a pass on flood …and another pass on rice …and another pass on Murdock ...and another pass on fundraising…damn that’s a lot of passes.
Now you get to Fred hill jr …
No pass given here.

Just some observation on 2012.

Headsets did enough in the Louisville game. Helmets did not.
As I remember it at the time, Barchi told Tim he could fire Rice, but he couldn't have any additional money to hire a replacement. And he also said Tim should coordinate with the legal team (who said Rice couldn't be fired for cause, which meant he was going to get his salary and, therefore, that money could not be used on a replacement). So Barchi essentially gave him the choice of Rice (who legal said hadn't done anything that would give Tim the right to fire him for cause) or one of the assistants as a replacement (for the remainder of Rice's contract).
Nice to see that you involved in those discussions.
Nice to see that you involved in those discussions.
If I remember correctly, we had "insider" information (Pernetti-friendly rumors and second hand stories) discussed on this message board. And then ESPN reporters had multiple sources confirming that Barchi's primary concern was Rice's $1.7 million left on his contract that Rutgers would have to eat if they fired him without cause. That said, it was 12 years ago, I could be wrong. You're welcome to read through the contemporaneous news articles and message board posts.