30 Finalists for USA Basketball who....


All American
Gold Member
Jul 9, 2002
Do you cut from the team?
1. L. Aldridge. 16. D. Green
2. C.Anthony. 17. B. Griffin
3. H. Barnes. 18. J. Harden
4. B. Beal. 19. G. Hayward
5. J. Butler. 20. D. Howard
6. M. Conley. 21. A. Iguodala
7. D. Cousins 22. K. Irving
8. S. Curry. 23. L. James
9. A. Davis. 24. D. Jordan
10. D. Derozen. 25. K. Leonard
11. A. Drummond. 26. K. Love
12. K. Durant. 27. C. Paul
13. K. Faried. 28. K. Thompson
14. R. Gay. 29. J. Wall
15. P. George. 30. R. Westbrook
This list was a bit easy to cut at first then it started to become difficult.
My 18 that I would cut would be: Aldridge, Barnes, Beal, Conley, Cousins, DeRozen, Faried, Gay, Hayward, Howard, Iguodala, Love, Wall, Irving, Anthony, Drummond, Butler, and Thompson. Those last two was very difficult. Let's have fun with it!
I keep Butler and Drummond and drop Green and Jordan

17. B. Griffin
18. J. Harden
27. C. Paul
5. J. Butler
23. L. James
8. S. Curry
9. A. Davis
25. K. Leonard
11. A. Drummond
12. K. Durant
15. P. George
30. R. Westbrook