Cursing on the radio and violating FCC rules !!Negligent in roster assembly?
Failure to bring in a big man?
Did you fall off the short bus?Negligent in roster assembly?
Failure to bring in a big man?
Negligent in roster assembly?
Failure to bring in a big man?
I’ve always found it funny that losing too much is not a “cause” for firing a coach, although I do understand that’s how the contract works
I am aware of the difference between getting fired for cause and without cause. I do wonder though why schools don’t put some minimum performance requirements in coaches’ contracts, but I guess that has just never been common practice and so any school that tried it wouldn’t be able to make a decent hire.It certainly is a cause - obviously it’s the reason why most coaches are fired - they don’t win enough
But you are confusing that with the situation when someone with a contract like pike is fired for “cause” and the employer is trying to get out of paying them - in that situation the employee needs to have done something that put them in breach of their contract - some type of misconduct for example or let’s say pike just stopped going to practices or failed to show up for games. Clearly in breach.
I am aware of the difference between getting fired for cause and without cause. I do wonder though why schools don’t put some minimum performance requirements in coaches’ contracts, but I guess that has just never been common practice and so any school that tried it wouldn’t be able to make a decent hire.
I think it's pretty clear that you don't need to ask in question you fall off the short bus?