Anyone watch "Fear of the Walking Dead"?

A healthy human can survive without food for about 21 days. Season 1 at the CDC we learned that the zombies are "starving to death", but they starve at a slower rate than humans do.
They should just close all the Subway restaurants and this would be over relatively quickly.
I think they made a classic error.. will anyone care about this family? Sure characters are more interesting and more real if they have flaws.. but come on.. they need to make them likable before they reveal the warts. Unlike a show like "Ray Donovan", the writers won't be able to flesh out the zombies "characters" to make them more hated and thus elevate the human characters.

Amazing how "Ray Donovan" was able to do that this season. Terry and Bunchie you could always root for.. buy Mickey and Ray? Bad guys both.. and this season they have introduced corrupt rich guys, eastern European mob and the Aryan Nation as foils for these guys. So you have Bad vs Worse.

So, I don't know what FTWD can do to turn this around. They had 90 minutes in that first episode to grab us, make us care... about the family, the city itself.. the residents in-general.... ourselves.. if we were put in that position. Do you see yourself in these characters? Plenty of shows and movies don't fully deliver on characters you care about.. but they have to entertain you instead... are you entertained?

Is the family unlikable? We can like them more as the characters develop. I think the classic error is they've started off too slowly. A lot of failed TV shows don't really get started until several episodes in because they spent too much time developing the characters instead of getting to the story. Your Ray Donovan example could be a show which did the opposite. We were hooked by the pilot's high energy chaos. The series then slowed down considerably (I thought too much) to begin character development. I think they started off too slowly because this is the story that was not told in The Walking Dead and the more episodes they feature before the collapse of society the longer they delay the comparisons to TWD, which I don't think this series will compare favorably to.
They're trying to go with the "openly dysfunctional family drawn together" thing... which is a risk. Haven't found a really likable protagonist yet.
What I had hoped was they were going to cover how the virus began but it doesn't appear that is the direction they are moving in. They have mentioned flu shots a number of times which kind of led me to believe they were going to use this show to politicize vaccinations. I hope that is not the case.

I'm still trying to figure out what happened to the girl in the church. Given that it is LA, maybe she just returned home and her parents didn't notice anything different.
Lets see what happens when the characters turn to survivor mode, maybe they will be more likable.
Oh have to disagree...they sat on the farm for 13 episodes.

The real pain was sitting in Woodbury for how long ??

The highs of Season 2 have been better than other seasons for me. Though the first episode with Terminus was pretty damn good with Glenn in the lineup ready to get knocked out.
Why don't the zombies just starve to death after a week?
My wife asks questions like that when we are watching a movie...... I tell her if this or that was so, there would be no movie..... Zombies have to stay upright and multiply in numbers... Can't have them die off Naturally
Interesting factoid: The druggie son who looks like Johnny Depp is actually English, and he's the son of the actor who plays Stannis Baratheon in Game of Thrones.

I agree that the first show was slow, but it definitely is building up to a lot more action/anarchy, and I'm definitely in for the season. Besides, not many other new shows on right now anyway...
Am I missing something? Aren't zombies dead already? Isn't that the point of the title of the show?

Yes, I watched the episode in Atlanta where they showed the effects on the body and how it stimulates the brain. I just don't see where needing to eat would kill an already dead zombie.
but they have a desire and need to eat...they need food to survive...IMO the zombies should be getting weaker and easier to deal with in the future
It looks like as time goes on, the zombies are looking a bit less "together". Looks like they are falling apart, rotting, flesh-wise.... At some point won't they just decompose into bones as if they were rotting in a coffin (and therefore no longer be "walking")?
It looks like as time goes on, the zombies are looking a bit less "together". Looks like they are falling apart, rotting, flesh-wise.... At some point won't they just decompose into bones as if they were rotting in a coffin (and therefore no longer be "walking")?
But as people die, you have new zombies
The zombies are going to decay and wilt away slowly, but it has absolutely nothing to do with eating because I don't think their digestive systems actually work. I'm pretty sure the energy comes from eating through the zombie body.
But as people die, you have new zombies

True, but not that many people left, and if the remaining ones die, if they are shot in the head, they won't become new zombies..... So eventually all the zombies would/could theoretically be gone.....
Interesting factoid: The druggie son who looks like Johnny Depp is actually English, and he's the son of the actor who plays Stannis Baratheon in Game of Thrones.

That kid goes back and forth for me between Johnny Depp and James Franco... with maybe a little bit of Stuart Townsend.
I just finished season 2 of the walking dead. I just found out they are all infected. How is it "now" they are infected. Prior, people died and didn't turn. I.e. The two dead guys in the bar didn't come back "dead." But a day later Shane comes back dead? WTF.

From the start everyone should have been trying to go north. F'n zombies wouldn't make it though a Vermont winter.
If the stars are the only ones alive doesn't that mean we are all dead and are zombies. If so, shouldn't we want the zombies to eat the stars?
Thought episode 2 was a little better, they are starting to go into survival mode.
Another slow episode. And would it kill them to show what was going on in the street while the characters were barricaded in the storefront?
True, but not that many people left, and if the remaining ones die, if they are shot in the head, they won't become new zombies..... So eventually all the zombies would/could theoretically be gone.....
As someone above mentioned, when Shane died in walking dead he became a zombie without being bitten..... I seem to recall that the scientist at the CDC whispered to Rick that everybody was carrying the virus, maybe the virus is then activated upon natural death.... So everyone becomes one eventually
I give this one more episode to pick up a little. Dragging right now. A few direct camera shots of the fire extinguisher to the head would have helped.
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As someone above mentioned, when Shane died in walking dead he became a zombie without being bitten..... I seem to recall that the scientist at the CDC whispered to Rick that everybody was carrying the virus, maybe the virus is then activated upon natural death.... So everyone becomes one eventually

True, but if when you die you get shot in the head, you won't be walking around.....
True, but if when you die you get shot in the head, you won't be walking around.....
Sorry, I looked past the shooting in the head part of your post...

Anyway, since this show follows the comic book, and I believe the story line continues there, I think there is plenty of story to come without the zombies dying off.....

The comic can end it anytime they want .... Due to its great following I doubt they want to finish it.....

Right now we don't have any idea of a ratio of live people vs the zombie population...... For every zombie we see getting shot in the head, there could be several people getting bitten elsewhere we do not see , at the current point of time in the show...

. We mostly see the main cast being successful.....
I thought last night was an excellent episode overall. I felt the suspense in Madison's situation at the school and with Travis trying to get his son away from the demonstration-turned-riot. I don't understand why Madison and the student (Tobias?) did not bring any of the food with them once the principal was taken out.

They did not show what was happening outside the barber shop because we are seeing what the main characters see. It looks like it's a riot for now with little to no walker activity, but who knows how long it might be before that changes?
I'm ok with the show premise - although some of the elements are just way off.

My take is that it's basically the Walking Dead story in a totally Urban setting combined with showing how society falls apart - things that were not shown in the Original show. The family elements (Drugs, Divorce, High School/Boyfriend) are just there for character development as well as to build on how it causes obstacles for not being able to get out of LA and for getting separated. My big problem is that the start of the panic is just really off from a timing perspective. Between the 24 hour news cycle with endless Cable channels looking for content and widespread internet news choices.....panic would have started much earlier than the show portrayed. Just think about the endless coverage that took place for just one Ebola case in this country.

The writing is just ok and I really don't care at this point if the main characters get killed or not. The issue is that it is likely difficult to develop the characters/plot for this show. It takes some time to develop characters to care about and at the same time there are too many fans who cry if a Zombie show takes too long to get to the gore/action.
Good show so far. The mom is the best character by far.
The show took a step back for me. Far too many "pensive looks" from the lead actress and nonsensical plot twists.
Stilted dialogue, poor pacing, decisions by characters that strain credulity, characters I could not care less about?Yes, a worthy prequel to the Walking Dead.
Totally agree. Way too many "pensive stares" from the mom as she lingers around the school.
The lack of exterior shots during the barber shop sequence and the lack of POV shots during the principal-bashing sequence lead me to believe that this show is, more than anything else, purposefully low-budget.

It is what it is - it's a property that got thrown together and green-lighted by AMC for the sole purpose of keeping the regular TWD audience engaged during the off-season and maintaining a little bit of a buzz around the marquis property.

Frankly, they could have done the same thing simply by re-running TWD from S1E1 - and saved some money in the process.
It is what it is - it's a property that got thrown together and green-lighted by AMC for the sole purpose of keeping the regular TWD audience engaged during the off-season and maintaining a little bit of a buzz around the marquis property.

Can't blame them. I was just hoping that this series, because it started with a fresh concept and didn't have to follow the comic book's lead, would do a better job of story telling. Both series suffer from the same fate: the potential based on the premise is better than the actual show.

As for the cross-engagement, I just read that one of the season two characters on FTWD will be introduced in an online series that takes place during an outbreak on a plane that will also be shown in short segments throughout the season on TWD. So that goes both ways.