I think they made a classic error.. will anyone care about this family? Sure characters are more interesting and more real if they have flaws.. but come on.. they need to make them likable before they reveal the warts. Unlike a show like "Ray Donovan", the writers won't be able to flesh out the zombies "characters" to make them more hated and thus elevate the human characters.
Amazing how "Ray Donovan" was able to do that this season. Terry and Bunchie you could always root for.. buy Mickey and Ray? Bad guys both.. and this season they have introduced corrupt rich guys, eastern European mob and the Aryan Nation as foils for these guys. So you have Bad vs Worse.
So, I don't know what FTWD can do to turn this around. They had 90 minutes in that first episode to grab us, make us care... about the family, the city itself.. the residents in-general.... ourselves.. if we were put in that position. Do you see yourself in these characters? Plenty of shows and movies don't fully deliver on characters you care about.. but they have to entertain you instead... are you entertained?