At least we're not Texas a&m

well with this new story I guess Rutgers and its trumped up dumpster fire is now about to be erased from the circle jerk world of media wannabees, so called analyst and such on the twitterverse
Except it is not an A&M problem since he has been at school since your faulty logic Ray Rice's issues where RU issues 2 seasons ago...

Some of you really suffer from Battered Rutgers Syndrome! ( is a real thing!)

Except it is not an A&M problem since he has been at school since your faulty logic Ray Rice's issues where RU issues 2 seasons ago...

Some of you really suffer from Battered Rutgers Syndrome! ( is a real thing!)

The guy spent 1/2 of a semester at A&M. Started as a freshman, had a good game against Alabama, and then disappeared. He was found 3 days later in Dallas. Big mental problems!
I don't get why you'd post this - as stated above, the guy hasn't been at Texas A&M for almost 3 years. Geeze, at least do a little research.