Austin Williams Visiting RU

I agree the numbers from the weak OOC in the beginning of the season are near meaningless

All those numbers were Big 10 numbers from - link below
Hyatt in Big 10 = 48% from 2, 30% from 3
Caleb in Big 10 = 44% from 2, 18.8% from 3

It's a bad comparison in a way because they're not playing the same position - Hyatt is a 4 and Caleb is a 2/3.

Hyatt shot 35% on corner 3's (20/57) - which is just below NCAA average and 28% outside of corners (25/90)
My hope for Hyatt is that with the addition of Griffiths and Fernandes he gets more space and time to take corner 3's and being less contested gives him a bump in percentage and even a little in 3P attempts (and fewer non-corner attempts). If that happens he'll be contributing far more to the offense than Caleb did.

I’m not questioning Hyatt vs. Caleb. I’m sure Hyatt scored more per possession in conference play just by making more 3s. Simpson I don’t get though. Highly inefficient and terrible in conference play from 3. Not seeing how his numbers result in more per possession.

For the reasons you describe - I simply do not see Hyatt being a high volume, efficient halfcourt shooter. He can’t dribble which limits his opportunities to penetrate to create his own shot. To be efficient, he’d have to score the way he did at LSU - mostly put backs and corner 3s which likely occurs on lower usage. I hope your right, but I just don’t share your optimism that we’re destined for vastly improved halfcourt perimeter ball distribution that gets Hyatt a ton of wide open looks from the corner. For starters, Simpson just doesn’t seem like that type of player. He thrives on an iso style and is more of a penetrator than distributor type. In best case GG replaces Cam’s shooting - Noah may be a higher volume shooter that Paul but I doubt he’ll be a better ball distributor at the next level. We still have 2 others on the floor (Cliff and Simpson and Mag) who aren’t reliable outside shooters. It’s not like everyone who touches the ball is going to be lights out setting us up for a Gonzaga style offense.
I’m not questioning Hyatt vs. Caleb. I’m sure Hyatt scored more per possession in conference play just by making more 3s. Simpson I don’t get though. Highly inefficient and terrible in conference play from 3. Not seeing how his numbers result in more per possession.

For the reasons you describe - I simply do not see Hyatt being a high volume, efficient halfcourt shooter. He can’t dribble which limits his opportunities to penetrate to create his own shot. To be efficient, he’d have to score the way he did at LSU - mostly put backs and corner 3s which likely occurs on lower usage. I hope your right, but I just don’t share your optimism that we’re destined for vastly improved halfcourt perimeter ball distribution that gets Hyatt a ton of wide open looks from the corner. For starters, Simpson just doesn’t seem like that type of player. He thrives on an iso style and is more of a penetrator than distributor type. In best case GG replaces Cam’s shooting - Noah may be a higher volume shooter that Paul but I doubt he’ll be a better ball distributor at the next level. We still have 2 others on the floor (Cliff and Simpson and Mag) who aren’t reliable outside shooters. It’s not like everyone who touches the ball is going to be lights out setting us up for a Gonzaga style offense.
Mag became a very good outside shooter & I believe Simpson will improve.
Mag became a very good outside shooter & I believe Simpson will improve.
Mag was 30% from 3 last season. That’s the Mendoza line for treys IMO no matter what Charles Barkley thinks. Charles took like 2,000 of ‘em while hitting at under a 27% clip.
Mag became a very good outside shooter & I believe Simpson will improve.

Mag has made 14 career 3s. That doesn’t quite meet the requirements for “become a very good shooter” - at least not in my book.

Actually, the trend with Mag and Hyatt on shooting is somewhat similar. Mag went the first 10 of so games with such absismal shooting the scouting report said don’t bother to guard him. Then he made a few teams pay for it before he got hurt. The stats say not to worry too much about Hyatt burning you. Then early season he came out scorching hot. The scouting report changed and when teams focused on him more he started forcing. The problem, honestly, has been misguided. I used to think he was selfish but it’s probably more that he’s just not that good at things like dribbling and ball distribution so when he’s stuck he favors going iso and then his efficiency takes a nose dive. At least that’s been the trend in past years. Sometimes kids pull it all together their final year. Let’s hope…
30% from 3 = 90 points over 100 shots
which is the same as 45% from 2
You have to look at what the player and his team shoot from 2 to set the line

The kid has made exactly 14 threes over his whole college career. He’s a career 71% FT shooter which is decent but not off the charts. This resume should not meet anyone’s definition of a “very good” shooter. There’s simply no spin out there that’s reasonable to justify it based on past information.
30% from 3 = 90 points over 100 shots
which is the same as 45% from 2
You have to look at what the player and his team shoot from 2 to set the line
I hear what you’re saying. That’s why I consider point guards who hit 30% from 3 as OK shooters since usually they are late in the shot clock off-the-dribble pull ups. If you’re standing in the corner waiting for a pass then 30% is the Mendoza line. Cliff was 53% from “2” last season.
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Anybody who plays defense on Pike's team has the green light from three. Freeman showed that.
Hopefully, as the top offensive players get better - Pike will revise the "equal opportunity offense" philosophy.
It is suboptimal.

I’m not saying he’s a good shooter I’m saying it wasn’t a high bar last year
30% got you the green light on that team
Green light? Dude - 7 games prior to his injury he was sitting at 4 / 23 from 3. Did he have the green light when he was 17% from 3 too? Come on. He averaged only one 3 a game over those last 7 and happened to have the only perimeter shooting streak of his career going 5-7. That doesn’t make him a “very good shooter” though. Not even close.
There are no replies about how the visit went because there is no info on how it went. Not complicated.
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I’m not saying he’s a good shooter I’m saying it wasn’t a high bar last year
30% got you the green light on that team

You are replying to me writing “I’m not saying he’s a good shooter”

Nah - Sorry - I didn’t mean it that way.

I was replying to your comment that he had the “green light” as a 30% shooter. He hasn’t checked into a game as a career 30%+ since some point in 2021 (he made 4 of his first 10 career threes before going on a cold 1-21 stretch from deep spanning over 2 seasons). He’s only attempted 50 3s for his career likely because he doesn’t have the green light. He’s been wildly inconsistent throughout. Before going 5-7 (leading to the game he got hurt) he had an 0-7 stretch.

Back to the point of this thread - we’re going to need to be pretty good on defense to be competitive next season - and right now Mag and Cliff are the only plus defenders on our team. That’s a concern so I’m all for adding Williams or any other plus defender regardless of their mid major shooting stats. Oskar will be a good mid major shooter. He wouldn’t help us. We need defense.

Expecting Hyatt to get a ton of easy looks because we will have much better shooters is probably fools gold. Mag isn’t a massive shooting upgrade over Caleb. He finishes way better in transition so his overall efficiency numbers are better but he’s not helping get Hyatt open looks in the half court sets any more than Caleb did.

If Williams or whoever else we are looking at plays defense I’m all for it and don’t care about their shooting stats. We need D - D will help get Mag transition opportunities too.
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Williams is the player in a secretive agreement Pike made with Griffiths' father, Larry, who made it clear to Pike that his son, Gavin, would not attend RU unless he brought in a portal player from Hartford, which is Larry's alma mater.

(This is an entirely tongue-in-cheek post. If you actually believed this you are more gullible than I could have ever imagined.)
Is he getting the medical redshirt and able to play next year?
I’m guessing nobody thinks it will be an issue. He’s played four seasons, one of which was the COVID season which doesn’t count. He took one redshirt season as well.
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Agreed on a huge key being perimeter ball distribution. Good point on having not reliable shooters on the floor - was looking forward to the synergy between Cam and Griffiths and Noah in that respect, there is a multiplier effect when you have several shooters for sure and in a negative when you have several poor shooters.

I think replacing Caleb will have a big impact, it wasn't just his shooting, he did so many things poorly on offense.

Agree on Simpson last season - seemed like an iso guy and the worst sort - he settles for bad mid-range shots - I don't see the upside with him like many here do, but I trust Pike's confidence in him (could be a whole thread on that). He did receive sporadic playing time and shot attempts most of the season, hopefully with consistent minutes, shot attempts and different teammates it brings out the best in him.

I think Noah/Griffiths can combine to distribute quicker/more effectively than Paul/Cam did. We need a third player who can make it Noah/Griffiths/X over Paul/Cam/Caleb. And then Simpson has to improve so that the first guard off the bench is much better this season - even though it's the same player.
Forget what Simpson shot from three last year. RHJ shot 27% as a freshmen and look where he is now. And while Simpson didn't hit many of his mid-range shots, I don't remember him taking any bad ones. He's a better player than Williams IMO. How many would Simpson score per game for Hartford?
Have you similarly broken down the stats of other shooters to compare their 3-Pt percentages against low level opponents versus their 3-Pt percentages against P6 opponents? I suspect you’d see a similar breakdown as with Cam, i.e., higher % against non-P6 teams, lower % against P-6 teams.

And even playing on your ballfield, I would take 38% on 3-pointers against P-6 competition any day if the week. Are we supposed to agree with you that 38% is not good?

For comparison’s sake — something you don’t like to do — 38% as a team was top 15 in the country in 3-Pt. shooting percentage. NCAA statistics for individuals only rank the top 50 players, and #50 was 38.77%. Number 49 was Jordan Hawkins of UConn at 38.79%. Is that “bad”? And these are overall numbers that include non-P6 opponents.

Let’s not ignore real statistics in order to squeeze things into your narrative.
You have identified one of Hawk’s bad habits of excluding the data that doesn’t fit his narrative. It is disingenuous at best. Hawk, if you are looking to be credible, you should not mess with the data. Period.
I don’t really know anything about Williams but I’d be surprised if he was starting over simpson. Rutgers basically made simpson the face of the team this off-season and he showed his potential at the end of last year. Williams resume looks more like a depth piece.
I don’t really know anything about Williams but I’d be surprised if he was starting over simpson. Rutgers basically made simpson the face of the team this off-season and he showed his potential at the end of last year. Williams resume looks more like a depth piece.
Simpson will play at least15 mpg until he’s better than Williams.
Zero shot simpson only plays 15 minutes a game. If Williams was that good he’d have more schools looking at him other than Manhattan and duquense
Simpson played 13 minutes in the loss to Minnesota. He was invisible that game. And he’s not yet as polished as Williams.