B1G Players Defensive Ratings

Does that defensive chart mean if we had Kris Murray he wouldn't get off the bench? Is that pace adjusted?

How about Cam Spencer?
Offense - we should work on getting our usage and rating to correlate better - our highest rated guy is barely 4th in usage, with 5-6-7 right behind. That's low hanging fruit to get much better offensively.
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Not sure how these stats are calculated, but I assume Caleb's rating is the most impressive, as he usually guards the other teams leading scorer. I wonder if the calculation takes that into account.
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Sunday's game made it very apparent how important Caleb is to our Defense. We had no answer for Pickett when Caleb went out of the game with 3 fouls. Paul, Mag, Aundre, none of them could stop him.
I know everyone is raving about Mag's defense and it has been key especially in our full court defense but in the half court there are times when he just loses his man. He's either cheating down too much or just loses him and the shooter has a wide open shot. Am I the only one noticing that? He's got a motor that won't quit and does a great job rebounding but I feel like he has these lapses a few times in the game.
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