You’re acting like they lost at MSG. It was 100% a pro Rutgers crowd and was a good environment for Rutgers

It was away from the Rac...even Coach said it in referencing to being good to get bac2therac after 3 games away

It was just a game against a conference foe...nothing more...ncaa success is the goal
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Some people are passionately interested in things you’re only mildly interested in. And because you prioritize your interests over the authors’ as being more important (ie better), you get to rank them below yourself within your hierarchy of values. Your statement was made for the purpose of boosting your own self esteem, which means you’re insecure. It’s like venting, it feels better as you’re saying it but immediately afterwards you go back to being angry. So in the end, you’re still the same insecure person you were before. Maybe you can’t get laid, or maybe it’s because you feel unappreciated by your coworkers, I don’t know what it is, nor do I care. The only thing I do know for sure—due to your post—is that you’re an insecure bitch. Now go back to whatever it is you do, because apparently it’s sure as shit superior to those of us enjoying this thread.
You're a horrible psychologist. 1) I never said or even thought my interests were better than another' s 2) I do get laid often 3) I don't have co workers but am retired from a highly successful career 4) insecure ? boy are you stupid 5) you"re a dumb asshole 5) if you don't care why write your dribble? By the way , I'm interested in my family, Rutgers, gambling ,my homes , politics and maintaining my money so my kids and grandchildren can inherit some wealth to make their lives easier. Want a date? Nah, I'm not fond of dumb people and my wife will get pissed.
Sir, may I suggest not clicking on the bracketology thread if it upsets you this much
Another amateur psychologist--where did I say it upsets me so much?? I said --does anyone work any more? Who has spare time to write a novel ? But then it was explained , some have seasonal employment-- lol, And my emphasis was about the next 4 games
Another amateur psychologist--where did I say it upsets me so much?? I said --does anyone work any more? Who has spare time to write a novel ? But then it was explained , some have seasonal employment-- lol, And my emphasis was about the next 4 games

I wrote an actual novel while working full time.

That being said, I do agree about our next 4 games with these injuries. We are in a tough spot.
Can we not go full Kevin Willard with the schedule complaints? More road games late means more home games early. It balances out. Yes Wisconsin has a three game home streak but they played 5 of 7 on the road before that.
Can we not go full Kevin Willard with the schedule complaints? More road games late means more home games early. It balances out. Yes Wisconsin has a three game home streak but they played 5 of 7 on the road before that.
Don't you know it's done purposely? That everyone and their mothers are out to get us?
Another amateur psychologist--where did I say it upsets me so much?? I said --does anyone work any more? Who has spare time to write a novel ? But then it was explained , some have seasonal employment-- lol, And my emphasis was about the next 4 games
I dunno you seem a little cranky
Can we not go full Kevin Willard with the schedule complaints? More road games late means more home games early. It balances out. Yes Wisconsin has a three game home streak but they played 5 of 7 on the road before that.

more home games early means its in a distracting part of the season where 100 different sports clash amidst the holidays. Also
Don't you know it's done purposely? That everyone and their mothers are out to get us?

Msg scheduling fix yes
MSG counting as a neutral is dumb and we should never do it again but other other schedule stuff is all fine.
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and you guys worrying about seeding when we haven't even made the tournament need preejaculation meds
Sincerest apologies for discussing RU tourney implications on an RU basketball messageboard

Can we not go full Kevin Willard with the schedule complaints? More road games late means more home games early. It balances out. Yes Wisconsin has a three game home streak but they played 5 of 7 on the road before that.
Ok. You found another team that had 5 of 7 on the road . How many were 3 in a row away from their home court ? I don’t believe any. Now although MSU was at MSG because of the turnout you can consider it a home game . Regardless , Wisconsin got 3 straight home games as did Iowa and NW and surprisingly Maryland as well and apparently Ohio State upcoming . But Rutgers did not. Iowa, NW and Maryland swept all 3 of their home games in a row which is propping them up now.
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and you guys worrying about seeding when we haven't even made the tournament need preejaculation meds
For someone who gets laid as much as you do, is not remotely insecure, focuses on gambling a lot, and isn’t cranky, you’re extremely defensive. Like a dog showing his teeth with the meds comment. Do yourself a favor, just ignore me. Do you have it in you? Are you secure enough to just laugh me off?

To the people who care about this thread, I’m with this guy in that I cannot think too much about seeding just yet. I’m worried about these next two games. Win one of them, then Minny, then I’ll prioritize seeding. That said, I enjoy reading about all the stuff going on. Thank you to bac and others for their insights.
For someone who gets laid as much as you do, is not remotely insecure, focuses on gambling a lot, and isn’t cranky, you’re extremely defensive. Like a dog showing his teeth with the meds comment. Do yourself a favor, just ignore me. Do you have it in you? Are you secure enough to just laugh me off?

To the people who care about this thread, I’m with this guy in that I cannot think too much about seeding just yet. I’m worried about these next two games. Win one of them, then Minny, then I’ll prioritize seeding. That said, I enjoy reading about all the stuff going on. Thank you to bac and others for their insights.

I hope his wife doesn't find out how much he gets laid
Clemson will stay alive, I guess.

Vanderbilt trailing by 5 at LSU.
Virginia loss to BC is gonna cost them a seedline. At least.
Kentucky picks up a cheapie Q1 win at a beat-up Florida team. The Wildcats are going to the NCAA tournament.
You're underestimating Virginia's drop, they dropped 9 places in Ken Pom 23 to 32 in one game. They were an almost double digit favorite on the road lost by 15 is a double whammy of -24.