Can someone tell me what's wrong with wearing khakis?

Haha. Good one, originalkhakiKnight. You caught me.

In all seriousness, I value your knowledge on Khakis, and being that you obviously own several pair, in different colors, no less, based on your earlier posts, I can't think of a better person to ask.

As the resident khaki aficionado, what color khakis will you be wearing this spring? What colors should we stay away from?

Thanks in advance, OriginalkhakiKnight!
Ok so if you're going out on a date, or with your gf or your wife...oh wait....this wouldn't apply to you.

When you and Nuts go to your weekly dart game, or when you're sitting in a bar on a beautiful 75 degree spring afternoon, just go with khaki color. Don't bother washing or ironing them. It won't matter for you.
Ok so if you're going out on a date, or with your gf or your wife...oh wait....this wouldn't apply to you.

When you and Nuts go to your weekly dart game, or when you're sitting in a bar on a beautiful 75 degree spring afternoon, just go with khaki color. Don't bother washing or ironing them. It won't matter for you.

thanks for the good time-saving tip, KhakiKnight. I didn't think about that.

Your familiarity with how to best wear khakis speaks strongly to your experience.

I invite the rest of the board to bring their questions regarding how and when to best wear khakis to OriginalKhakiKnight, as he is a veritable thesaurus of khaki knowledge.

Don't be shy. KhakiKnight WILL NOT BE STUMPED on this subject.
It's funny watching you and Nuts seethe. You khaki loving schnooks are probably tossing all your pants out as I type.

I wear khakis maybe twice a week. What's "funny" listening to you act as if you actually have a clue as to what you're talking about.
I wear khakis maybe twice a week. What's "funny" listening to you act as if you actually have a clue as to what you're talking about.

He does, when it comes to khakis fashion. Go ahead. Ask him a question. Bet you can't stump him!